WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Korean Journal of Medical History> 1994> 3

Volume: 3

1. A Study on Background of Doctrine for Seasonal Febrile Diseases in The Qing Dynasty. Page:232—251
2. Some tentative cases of the holistic approach to health care. Page:38—48
3. The Mode of Medical Inference in the History of Medicine. Page:30—37
4. Some tentative cases of the holistic approach to health care. Page:38—48
5. Textbooks of Western Medicine in the Early Modernization Period. Page:49—56
6. Analysis of Services of Medical Missionaries During the Late Yi-Dynasty and the Era of the Japanese Occupation in Korea. Page:57—71
7. Modernization Process of the Medical Education in Korea. Page:72—129
8. A Comparative Analysis of Two Historical Approaches to the Formation of the Modern Clinical Medicine. Page:193—207
9. A Historical Study on the Introduction and Development of Anatomy in Japan. Page:208—219
10. The Philosophy and Medicinal Thought of Dong Mu Lee Jae-Ma. Page:220—231
11. Reform of the Medical Education in the Early 20th Century America and the Flexner Report of 1910. Page:1—19
12. Reform of the Medical Education in the Early 20th Century America and the Flexner Report of 1910. Page:1—19
13. The Development of German Social Medicine in the Nineteenth Century. Page:20—29
14. The Mode of Medical Inference in the History of Medicine. Page:30—37
15. The Development of German Social Medicine in the Nineteenth Century. Page:20—29
16. The Korean Doctors Who Studied Medicine Abroad. Page:170—192
17. Government in Korea with the Special Reference to the Clinical Activities at the Colonial Governmental Hospital: 'Chosun-Chong-Dok-Bu Ui-Won' (1913-1927). Page:147—169