WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility> > 20

Volume: 20

1. Success rate of tubal sterilization reversal. Page:79—85
2. The usefulness of pre-operative infertility work-up in assessing the reversal feasibility. Page:71—78
3. Effect of pH and osmolarity on the sperm motility. Page:65—70
4. Comparison between a swim up after sperm washing and a percoll gradient technique for intrauterine insemination outcome. Page:57—63
5. A study on growth of human testicular tissue in 3-dimensional collagen gel tissue culture. Page:53—56
6. Clinical results of partial zona dissection for infertility. Page:45—51
7. GnRH analogue in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for gonadotropin poor responder. Page:37—43
8. Effects of the age of pronucleate ova on survival and development in cryopreservation of mouse embryos. Page:31—36
9. Effect of serine protease inhibitor on follicular development in the rat ovary. Page:19—29
10. Mouse embryo culture used in quality control of water for human in vitro fertilization: the one-cell stage versus the two-cell stage model. Page:9—17
11. Study on the clinical validity of sperm penetration assay. Page:1—7
12. Clinical value of salpingoscopy in infertility. Page:95—98
13. Clinical usefulness of circulating antiendometrial antibodies in endometriosis. Page:87—94
14. Studies on quality control by frozen-thaw 2-cell mouse embryos. Page:165—176
15. Effect of cell stage on development of mice embryo after cryopresservation and thawing. Page:161—164
16. The effect of E.G.F. and human follicular fluid on the maturation of mouse oocytes in in vitro culture. Page:157—160
17. The effect of human immunoglobulin and chorionic gonadotropin on the production of maternal blocking antibody. Page:149—156
18. Circulating antibodies directed toward ovarian proteins in women with premature ovarian failure. Page:137—147
19. Consecutive scanning of ovulation via transvaginal sonography. Page:131—135
20. Induction of ovulation by intermittent subcutaneous injection of pure follicle-stimulating hormone in polycystic ovarian syndrome. Page:125—130
21. The value of ultrasonographic endometrial measurement inthe prediction of pregnancy outcome in in vitro fertilization. Page:117—123
22. Comparison among the sperm preparation methods on the human spermatozoa. Page:107—115
23. Improvement of pregnancy rate by micromanipulation in human in vitro fertilization: embryo transfer program. Page:101—105
24. A case of pelvic actinomycosis superimposed in IUD carrier. Page:183—186
25. Extrapelvic endometriosis. Page:177—181
26. Delayed puberty in a patient with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Page:307—311
27. Transcervical myomectomy with resectoscopy. Page:301—305
28. Prenatal sex determination using male-specific DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) amplification in maternal peripheral blood. Page:295—300
29. A case of pregnancy by a new method for retrieval of epididymal sperms: in vitro retrieval of epididymal sperms. Page:291—294
30. U-U shape 1-layer microsurgical vasovasostomy: 343 cases. Page:285—290
31. Mouse oviduct induces the changes of egg structure. Page:277—284
32. Studies on the lectin binding patterns of the oviduct luminal epithelium and oocytes in mouse. Page:267—276
33. Expression of exogenous gene(SV40 early/LacZ) during preimplantation development after microinjection into mouse fertilized eggs. Page:253—266
34. Isolation of mouse inner cell mass and its further development in vitro. Page:243—252
35. In vitro fertilization and development of partial zona dissection and zona drilled mouse oocytes. Page:237—242
36. Leukocyte infusion therapy in patients with alloimmune recurrent spontaneous abortion. Page:225—236
37. A clinical study on pregnancy rate following tubal reversal. Page:217—224
38. correlation between the concentrations of follicular fluid epidermal growth factor and estradiol in IVF program. Page:209—216
39. Correlation between fertilization rate and human follicular fluid prostaglandin E2, prostaglandin F2a, prostaglandin E2: prostaglandin F2a ratio. Page:201—208
40. Detection of early pregnancy factor in sera of pregnant women, GIFT(gamete intrafallopian transfer) patients and in human embryo culture media. Page:191—199