Volume: 16 Issue: 2

1. Survival after Cardiac Arrest due to Acute Methamphetamine Poisoning: A Case Report. Page:176—180
2. Classify the Acute Drug Intoxication Patients with Poisoning Severity Score(PSS) and Calculate the Optimal Cutoff Value of PSS, PSSsum to Predict Poor Prognosis. Page:75—85
3. Antidotes Stocking and Delivery for Acute Poisoning Patients at 20 Emergency Departments in Korea 2015–2017. Page:131—140
4. Evaluation of Cut-off Values in Acute Acetaminophen Intoxication Following the Revised Guideline of the United Kingdom. Page:68—74
5. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte Ratio as A Predictor of Aspiration Pneumonia in Drug Intoxication Patients. Page:61—67
6. Extracorporeal Life Support in Acute Poisoning. Page:86—92
7. Self-poisoning as a Target Group for Prevention of Suicide. Page:93—101
8. Association between Smoking and Delayed Neuropsychological Sequelae in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Page:102—107
9. The Effect of Glehnia Littoralis on Alpha-amanitin Induced Hepatotoxicity in a Murine Model. Page:108—115
10. Unintentional Pharmaceutical Poisoning in the Emergency Department. Page:116—123
11. Comparison of Clinical Characteristics and Severity of Glyphosate and Glufosinate Herbicide Poisoning Patients. Page:124—130
12. Pharmaceutical Drug Poisoning after Deregulation of Over the Counter Drug Sales: Emergency Department Based In-depth Injury Surveillance. Page:141—148
13. Usefulness of Predictors for Hepatotoxicity in Acetaminophen Poisoning Patient. Page:149—156
14. A Case of Cement Hardening Agent Intoxication with Acute Kidney Injury. Page:157—160
15. CT Findings of Perforation of the Stomach after Ingestion of Glacial Acetic Acid. Page:161—164
16. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Treatment of Calcium Channel Blockers, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, and Metformin Overdose. Page:165—171
17. A Case Report of Cardiac Arrest Following Intentional Ingestion of Liquid Nicotine for Electronic Cigarette. Page:172—175