The Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM) is a project of the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office in collaboration with several institutions in its Member States. This is the Region's contribution to the Global Health Library (GHL) initiative which aims to extend to all the benefits of the knowledge that is essential to the fullest attainment of health. WPRIM contributes to the Global Index Medicus (GIM) which can be access at www.globalindexmedicus.net.
The creation of an online index of medical and health journals published in the Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region which can be accessed on the Internet thus ensuring global accessibility of medical and health research done in the Region.
1.To index selected medical/health journals published in Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region.
2.To create a bibliographic database containing records linked to their full text.
3.To raise the level of journal publishing in Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region through a peer-review system.
4.To build the capacity of participating health institutions.
How to be indexed in WPRIM
a) Journals indexed in WPRIM should be published in countries, territories and areas of the WHO Western Pacific Region. The list can be accessed at https://www.who.int/westernpacific
b) Journals for inclusion to WPRIM are screened and evaluated by the WPRIM country National Journal Selection Committee (NJSC) based on the selection criteria.
c) Journals should comply with the following journal selection criteria set and agreed by the representatives of the WPRIM National Journal Selection Committees (NJSCs) and its contributing countries.
1. cover health and biomedical subjects;
2. be peer-reviewed internally and externally;
3. have English abstracts (articles must have English abstracts for research articles but not necessarily for special sections such as editorials, commentaries, technical notes that don’t require abstracts);
4. be regularly published (at least 2 issues per year). However, if the journal is published only once a year, it will encourage to increase its frequency to at least two issues per year;
5. include "Instructions to Authors" reviewed and accepted by the National Journal Selection Committees; and
6. must have an electronic and/or print International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).
Note: National Journal Selection Committees may decide to add country-specific criteria to the minimum journal selection criteria stated above. For example, the registration of clinical trials as a scientific and ethical responsibility.
d) Email wprolib@who.ing for additional inquiries on how to be indexed in WPRIM.