Clinical analysis of hospitalized patients with hemophilia A:single-hemophilia treatment center experience in Korea over 10 years
- Author:
Ju Young KIM
Chur Woo YOU
Author Information
- Publication Type:ORIGINAL ARTICLE
- From:Blood Research 2021;56(3):141-149
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:English
Background:There is lack of data on admitted hemophilia patients in Korea. For this reason, this study was intended to analyze the hospitalization data of hemophilia patients in a regional Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) for the first time in Korea.
Methods:In this retrospective study, we surveyed hospitalized patients with Hemophilia A (HA) in a HTC for 14 years. Medical records of these hemophiliacs were reviewed and data regarding demographic characteristics, cause of admissions and their outcomes in each patient were obtained. In addition, the data of admitted days, type and amount of Coagulation factor concentrate (CFC) used, treatments other than CFC infusion during the admission days were also obtained from the medical record of each patient.
Results:A total 107 patients with hemophilia A were admitted during 14 years. Annual rate of admission of patients with HA was 8%. Mean age on admission was 29.63±19.51 years old and mean admission days were 11.28±5.46 days. Most admissions were occurred in severe and moderate hemophilia patients. The most common cause of admission was bleed control followed by surgery and other reasons. With modified WFH CFC supplementation guideline, all the bleeds were successfully controlled and all surgeries were also successfully conducted with less total CFC consumption compared to the consumed dose of other reports.
Conclusion:These results suggest that it is necessary to develop more specified regimens different from WFH.