Comparison of Multifidus Muscle Activity and Pelvic Tilting Angle During Typing in Nonspecific Lower Back Pain Subjects with and without Visual Biofeedback
- Author:
In-Cheol JEON
Author Information
1. Department of Physical Therapy, College of Life and Health Science, Hoseo University, Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Hoseo University, Asan, Republic of Korea
- Publication Type:Original Article
- From:
Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:English
Purpose:Biofeedback using various ways has helped correct the sitting posture. This study compared the multifidus muscle activity, pelvic and 2nd sacrum tilting angle during typing in nonspecific lower back pain (NCLBP) subjects with and without visual biofeedback.
Methods:Thirty subjects with NCLBP were enrolled in this study. An electromyography device was used to measure the multifidus muscle activity. An electromagnetic tracking motion device was used to measure the pelvic and 2nd sacrum tilting angle. The multifidus muscle activity, pelvic, and 2nd sacrum tilting angle were measured before and after typing for 30 minutes in the sitting position. An independent t-test was used to compare the changing values for 30 minutes between the group with and without visual biofeedback.
Results:The changing values of the multifidus muscle activity, pelvic, and 2nd sacrum tilting angle were significantly smaller in the group with visual biofeedback than the group without visual biofeedback (p<0.05).
Conclusions:In subjects with NCLBP, the visual biofeedback can be recommended to maintain the multifidus muscle activity, pelvic, and 2nd sacrum tilting angle during typing for 30 minutes.