- Author:
Zhen-yu HUANG
Ying LIU
Author Information
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords: amniotic fluid embolism; caesarean section; multi-disciplinary team
- From: Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics 2019;35(02):174-177
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
- Abstract: Amniotic fluid embolism(AFE)is rare and the most catastrophic complication of pregnancy,and it is often life-threatening to pregnant women and fetus.AFE is not only a major cause of direct maternal mortality in developed countries,but also one of the top three main factors contributing to maternal mortality in China.Since caesarean section is one of the risk factors for AFE,we retrospectively reviewed articles and documents about AFE related to caesarean section in recent 10 years,and shared the opinions and experience in regard to diagnosis and prevention of AFE in caesarean section,especially the experience of multidisciplinary team work in the management of women with AFE,including the obsterics and anesthesia departments.