Prevention of poor healing of uterine incision and cesarean scar diverticulum after cesarean section
- Author:
Huan XU
Xiao-tian LI
Author Information
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords: cesarean scar diverticulum; postopera tive complications; prevention
- From: Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics 2019;35(02):171-174
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
- Abstract: As a long-term complication of cesarean section,previous cesarean scar diverticulum(PCSD)has attracted more and more attention in recent 10 years.PCSD increases the risk of two major obstetrical complications:uterine rupture and placenta accreta.Moreover,long-term adverse outcomes include pain,abnormal uterine bleeding,intraperitoneal adhesions and infertility.This article discusses the preventive measures of PCSD from the following aspects:the choice of uterine incision,the technique of uterine suture,the choice of suture materials and the management of postoperative short-term complications.