Comparisons of Test-Retest Reliability of Strength Measurement of Gluteus Medius Strength between Break and Make Test in Subjects with Pelvic Drop
- Author:
In Cheol JEON
Author Information
1. Department of Physical Therapy, College of Life & Health Science, Hoseo University, Asan, Korea.
- Publication Type:Original Article
- Keywords:
Break test;
Hip abductor;
Make test;
Strength measurement
- MeSH:
Hip Joint;
Muscle Strength;
Reproducibility of Results
- From:
Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:English
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the reliability of unilateral hip abductor strength assessment in side-lying with break and make test in subjects with pelvic drop. Hip abduction muscles are very important in the hip joint structures. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate their strength in a reliable way. METHODS: Twenty-five subjects participated in this study. Unilateral isometric hip abductor muscle strength was measured in side-lying, with use of a specialized tensiometer using smart KEMA system for make test, of a hand held dynamometer for break test. Coefficients of variation, and intra class correlation coefficients were calculated to determine test-retest reliability of hip abductor strength. RESULTS: In make test, maximal hip abductor strength in the side-lying position was significantly higher compared with break test (p<0.05). Additionally, Test-retest reliability of hip abductor strength measurements in terms of coefficients of variation (3.7% for make test, 16.1% for break test) was better in the side-lying position with make test. All intraclass correlation coefficients with break test were lower than make test (0.90 for make test, 0.73 for break test). CONCLUSION: The side-lying body position with make test offers more reliable assessment of unilateral hip abductor strength than the same position with break test. Make test in side-lying can be recommended for reliable measurement of hip abductor strength in subjects with pelvic drop.