Telelaryngoscopic Findings in the Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis with Diplophonia.
- Author:
Ki Hwan HONG
Sang Heon LEE
Bum Kyu KIM
Hyun Sil LIM
Seung Chul CHOI
Youn Woo KIM
Hee Suk CHON
Author Information
1. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, Korea.
- Publication Type:Original Article
- Keywords:
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis;
- MeSH:
Retrospective Studies;
Vocal Cord Paralysis;
Vocal Cords*;
- From:Korean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:Korean
OBJECTIVES: Diplophonia is the voice of two separate tones through quasi-periodic variations in the vocal cord vibration when an imbalance in the tension and the level applied to the vocal cords. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of the diplophonia and the endoscopic findings in the unilateral vocal cord paralysis. MATERIALS AND METHOD: A retrospective review was employed using video recorded images of larynx with unilateral vocal cord paralysis. A total 104 patients selected for this study complained of voice change due to unilaterally paralyzed vocal cord. Video-recordings were obtained using a laryngeal telescope. The paralyzed positions, bowing, shapes of the paralyzed arytenoids and level differences between two vocal folds were evaluated according to whether diplophonia. existed or not. RESULTS: A large number of patients of paramedian paralysis showed diplophonia when the bowing of paralyzed vocal fold was shown. However, diplophonia was shown in a small number of patients with median and intermediate paralysis. Diplophonia also seems to occur when the vertical mismatch was shown. CONCLUSION: Occurene of diplophonia depends largely on the paralyzed position, adequate glottal gap such as paramedian position, with the presence of bowing of paralyzed vocal cord.