The clinic features of respiratory tract in systemic amyloidosis
- VernacularTitle:系统性淀粉样变的呼吸系统表现
- Author:
Baiqiang CAI
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
Respiratory system;
Clinical fea trure
- From:
Chinese Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
ObjectiveTo comprehend the clinical presentation s of systemic amyloidosis in respiratory tract MethodsThe rec ords of all patients with biopsy-confirmed systemic amyloidosis admitted to our hospital between 1985 and 2003 were retrospectively reviewed All relevant info rmations of respiratory tract,such as clinical,image,and demographic,were an alyzed ResultsAmong 46 cases of systemic amyloidosis,respira tory amyloidosis was diagnosed in 37 patients (27 men and 10 men) clinically,in vovling upper respiratory tract,tracheobronchial,lung parenchyma,pleura,medi asteinal and hilar,with a mean age of 51 49 years 12 cases were confirmed by the characteristic Congo-red staining of respiratory biopsies The most common sites at presentation were lung parenchyma and pleura ConclusionsThe respiratory tract was involved in about 80 4% of patients with systemic amylodosis meaning a higher prevalence than previously reported It is necessar y to pay more attention to respiratory amyloidosis to diagnose and treat early