Clinical characteristics of stercoral bowel obstruction and perforation of colon in elderly patients
- VernacularTitle:老年人粪性结肠梗阻与穿孔诊治的体会
- Author:
Feng GAO
Hailong WANG
Yong SHI
Yongjing CHEN
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
Intestinal obstruction;
Intestinal perforation;
Fecal impaction
- From:
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
ObjectiveTo study the clinical features of stercoral bowel obstruction and perforation of colon in elderly patients MethodsThe data of 22 cases of stercoral bowel obstruction and 6 cases of stercoral perforation of colon in elderly patients in our hosital from January 1994 to December 2003 were analyzed retrospectively ResultsIn the 22 cases with stercoral bowel obstruction, 6 cases were recovered after operation, 6 cases suffered from stercoral perforation in which all cases were misdiagnosed before operation,and 2 cases were dead.ConclusionsThe prevalence of stercoral bowel obstruction and perforation of colon in elderly patients are increasing with population being aged. The cases without perforation are often recovered by non-operative therapy. The perforation case of stercoral bowel obstruction is relatively rare, easy to be misdiagnosed, and in high mortality. The Hartmanns ostomy should be the choice for the perforation.