Local lidocaine anesthesia for pain control during transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate
- VernacularTitle:利多卡因局部麻醉在经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术中的应用
- Author:
Xiaofeng GAO
Lili LAI
Yinghao SUN
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
Prostatic neoplasms;
Lidoc aine
- From:
Chinese Journal of Urology
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
Objective To assess the safety and effica cy of local lidocaine anesthesia for pain control during transrectal ultrasound-g uided 10-core biopsy of the prostate. Methods Transrect al ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy was performed for 150 consecutive men beca use of an abnormal digital rectal examination and(or) abnormal transrectal ult rasound scan and(or) elevated prostate specific antigen.100 paients were rando mly assigned to receive an injection of 2% lidocaine (group 1,50 cases)or norm al saline(group 2,50 cases)into the lateral and apical periprostatic region,3 ml in each point,the other 50 patients(group 3) served as controls.Immediate ly after biopsy the pain score was recorded independently by a nurse using 10-p oint visual analog scale(VAS). Results The pain score range was 0 to 7.5 in the group 1,0 to 9.1 in the group 2 and 0 to 7.4 in the co ntrol group,the mean pain scores being 2.0 in the group 1,4.0 in the group 2 a nd 3.7 in the control group.The diffrence between group 1 and group 2、3 was sig nificant( P