Clinical characteristics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the elderly
- VernacularTitle:老年人肥厚型心肌病70例临床特点分析
- Author:
Xin QI
Fucheng SUN
Wenling ZHU
Qing HE
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic
- From:
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in the elderly. Methods The clinical characters of HCM in 70 elderly patients were retrospectively analysed. Results Among the 196 identified HCM patients, 70 were elders. Out of them, 7 patients(10.0%) were suspected as HCM according to the clinical symptoms, 29 patients (41.4%)were suspected as other cardiac diseases, 34 (48.3%) were diagnosed HCM due to other reasons. Among the 70 patients, 12 patients(17.1%) had history of cerebrovascular diseases, 54 (77.1%) manifested symptoms after 45 years of age and 4 (5.7%) showed no obvious symptoms. Among them, 18 patients were examined by UCG for two times and HCM was diagnosed at the second time. Conclusions HCM in the elderly is not an uncommon disease. The onset of cardiac symptoms is relatively late in the elderly HCM and frequently misdiagnosed; cerebrovascular diseases are commonly seen in elderly HCM patients.