Identification of Proteins Induced at Hypoxic and Low pH Conditions in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv.
- Author:
Kil Soo LEE
Jeong Kyu PARK
Jae Hyun LIM
Su Young KIM
Chul Su YANG
Jae Hee OH
Chang Hwa SONG
Eun Kyeong JO
Hwa Jung KIM
Author Information
- Publication Type:Original Article
- Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Dormant state; Hypoxic response; PhoS1; ScoB
- MeSH: Anoxia; Bacteria; Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel; Granuloma; Hydrogen-Ion Concentration*; Lung; Mycobacterium tuberculosis*; Mycobacterium*; Necrosis; Oxygen; Physiology; Tuberculosis
- From:Journal of Bacteriology and Virology 2006;36(2):59-68
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:Korean
- Abstract: Mycobacterium tuberculosis likely reside within a granuloma as a dormant state. An area of necrosis forms at the center of lung granulomas. Within this area, the bacteria are deprived of nutrients and exposed to harsh conditions, including low pH and anoxia. The response of M. tuberculosis to low pH and low oxygen conditions was investigated in both cellular and extracellular proteins by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis and MALDITOF. Several proteins intensively expressed under low pH and/or hypoxic conditions were found. In the culture filtrate, PhoS1 (Rv0934) and ScoB (Rv2503c) were found in significant amounts under both the low oxygen and acidic stress conditions. These results indeed extend our understanding of acidic response as well as hypoxic in M. tuberculosis and provide an important insight into physiology of the latent bacilli.