Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins/Dibenzofurans, Dioxin Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Brominated Flame Retardants and Polybrominated Dibenzo-p-dioxins/Dibenzofurans in Flue Gas from Stationary Source
- VernacularTitle:固定源废气中二噁英及多氯联苯、溴代阻燃剂和溴代二噁英的分析
- Author:
Pengjun XU
Nan LI
Shuang FAN
Zhiguang ZHOU
Jiping CHEN
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
Flue gas;
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans and dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls;
Brominated flame retardants;
Polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans;
Active carbon-dispersed silica gel;
Reversal elution
- From:
Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
A method for simultaneous determination of PCDDs, dl-PCBs, BFRs and PBDD/Fs in flue gas from stationary source was developed. The sample was extracted by Soxhlet apparatus with toluene, and followed by purification through sulfuric acid partition and multi-layer silica gel column separation. The target compounds were then all separated by passing through the active carbon-dispersed silica gel column and reversal eluting. Gas chromatography coupled with a thermostable capillary column ( short length, thin stationary phase film) was operated at pulse injection mode. High resolution mass spectrometry set at low-electron-energy ionization was used for quantification. The high- and low-brominated compounds were determined simultaneously. The detection limits of this method were 0. 081-1. 2 pg for PCDD/Fs, 0. 10-0. 32 pg for dl-PCBs, 0. 14-12 pg for PBDEs, 0. 26-16 pg for new BFRs, 0. 44-3. 6 pg for tetra- to hepta-BDD/Fs and 8. 2-12 pg for OBDD/F. Recoveries ( RSDs) in spiked flue gas samples were 88%-115%(2. 9%-6. 1%) for PCDD/Fs, 84%-118% (3. 2%-10%) for dl-PCBs, 71%-135% (2. 1%-18%) for PBDEs, 71%-114% (2. 9%-7. 4%) for new BFRs, 83%-127% (5. 2%-10%) for tetra-to hepta-BDD/Fs and 52%-149% ( 23%-24%) for OBDD/F. All quality control data fell within the acceptable range specified in analysis standards for flue gas.