P-HIFU phased signal generator with highly precise timing function.
- Author:
Jingfeng BAI
Author Information
1. Biomedical Instrument Institute, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China.
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- MeSH:
Equipment Design;
Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted;
- From:
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
This article add mode control module to the phased-array using digital sampling technology which achieved a phase accuracy of 3.75 degrees, making phase, phased signal duration, interval for continuous signal and repeat times pre-configured before the out put of phased signal, to realize the precise timing of phased signal. Experiments indicate that the output of phased signal modulated by mode control can reach the timing precision of 0.48 micros and will not affect the original phase control function t. In addition it can realize intermittent therapy mode which can reduce the injury of non-focal areas caused by ultrasound energy.