The study of medical supplies automation replenishment algorithm in hospital on medical supplies supplying chain.
- Author:
Author Information
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- MeSH: Algorithms; Automation; Equipment and Supplies, Hospital; supply & distribution; Materials Management, Hospital; Models, Theoretical
- From: Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation 2012;36(4):265-276
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
OBJECTIVEThe thesis aims to study the automation replenishment algorithm in hospital on medical supplies supplying chain.
METHODThe mathematical model and algorithm of medical supplies automation replenishment are designed through referring to practical data form hospital on the basis of applying inventory theory, greedy algorithm and partition algorithm.
RESULTThe automation replenishment algorithm is proved to realize automatic calculation of the medical supplies distribution amount and optimize medical supplies distribution scheme.
CONCLUSIONA conclusion could be arrived that the model and algorithm of inventory theory, if applied in medical supplies circulation field, could provide theoretical and technological support for realizing medical supplies automation replenishment of hospital on medical supplies supplying chain.