Opinions of results of treatment for 30 cases who have ulcer in scar and unable healed at the National Institute of Burn from 1997 to 1998
- Author:
Vinh Quang Vu
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
- MeSH:
- From:Journal of Practical Medicine
- CountryViet Nam
- Language:Vietnamese
The patients have been deep dermal and large square of burn. They will suffer the scar after recovering from burn. Some of them appear ulcer in scar and not to be able heal. There were 16 men and 14 women, who had ulcer of scar. Their age arranges from 06 to 62. Those 30 patients were treated by removal of ulcer scar after those operations were conducted at Department of Plastic Surgery of the National Institute of Burn from January 1997 to December 1998. The follow up showed survival rate of the skin grafts is 100 per cent with ulcer scar and 84,42 per cent with ulcer scar, which were complicated cancers.