Relationship between stress amounts and health habits about nurses in one hospital.
- Author:
Hong Su MOON
Cheol Ho PARK
Author Information
1. Department of Family Medicine, Hae Dong General Hospital, Pusan, Korea.
- Publication Type:Original Article
- Keywords:
health habits;
sleeping time;
Korean translated BEPSI;
Bae Jong Myun's 30 item SRRQ
- MeSH:
Body Mass Index;
Mental Disorders
- From:Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:Korean
BACKGROUND: Stress is found to have influence on physical and mental disorders, and also to healthy life habits related to physical health mental stress. Job holders are groups that have suffered from chronic stressful condition. Consider medical people of job holders to received exess stress. So, we tested this investigation to know the relationship between health habits and stress amounts about nurse. METHODS: This study was performed on nurses who worked on one hosptal in Pusan Metropolitan city for one months(from April, 1, to April, 30, 2000). We used 128 results. Health habits were investigated about 5 articles out of "Breslow's 7 health habits" and stress amounts were measured by Korean translated BEPSI(Brief Encounter Psychosocial Instrument) and Bae Jong Myun's 30 items SRRQ(Social Readjustment Rating Questionnaire). RESULTS: There were differences in amounts of stress of subjects according to marital state(P<0.05), job department(P<0.05), BMI(Body Mass Index)(P<0.05), sleeping time(P<0.05). CONCLUSION: This investigation has showed that having excess stress in nurses. Body Mass Index, sleeping time appeared to be health habits related to amounts of stress.