Spinal Burkitt's Lymphoma Mimicking Dumbbell Shape Neurogenic Tumor: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
- Author:
You Sub KIM
Jung Kil LEE
Ki Young CHOI
Jae Won JANG
Author Information
1. Department of Neurosurgery, Chonnam National University Medical School & Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Gwangju, Korea. leejk0261@hanmail.net
- Publication Type:Case Report
- Keywords:
Burkitt's lymphoma;
Dumbbell-shape tumor;
- MeSH:
Back Pain;
Burkitt Lymphoma*;
Diagnosis, Differential;
Low Back Pain;
Lymph Nodes;
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin;
Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
Spinal Nerve Roots;
- From:Korean Journal of Spine
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:English
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), a disease which may involve the spine, is frequently associated with advanced disease. Radiculopathy caused by spinal root compression as the initial presentation in patients with NHL is very rare and thought to occur in less than 5% of cases. A 69-year-old woman complained of a history of low back pain with right sciatica for 1 month prior to admission. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine showed a dumbbell-shape epidural mass lesion extending from L2 to L3, which was suggestive of a neurogenic tumor. After paraspinal approach and L2 lower half partial hemilaminectomy, total excision of the tumor was achieved, followed by rapid improvement of back pain and radiating pain. The lesion was confirmed to be Burkitt's lymphoma by histopathological examination. We then checked whole-body PET-CT, which showed multifocal malignant lesions in the intestine, liver, bone and left supraclavicular lymph node. Although a rare situation, Burkitt's lymphoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis for patients presenting with back and lumbar radicular pain without a prior history of malignancy. Burkitt's lymphoma could be the cause of dumbbell-shape spinal tumor.