A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Metastasis Developed in Acne Conglobata.
- Author:
Gyung Deog SEOL
Chull Wan IHM
- Publication Type:Case Report
- Keywords:
Acne conglobata;
Squamous cell carcinoma
- MeSH:
Acne Vulgaris*;
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell*;
Lymph Nodes;
Neoplasm Metastasis*;
- From:Korean Journal of Dermatology
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:Korean
Squamous cell carcinoma developed from the lesion of acne conglobata is very rare and none of the cases reported hitherto showed metastasis. A 42 year-old male with widespread lesions of acne conglobata complicated by giant ulcerative. squamous cell carcinoma on the sacral area is reported. It metastasized to both inguinal lymph nodes. Radiation therapy was tried but the patient died 3.5 years after the development of the carcinoma.