Performance Comparison of Benchtop Next-generation Sequencing Systems.
- Author:
Hee Sam NA
Author Information
1. Department of Oral Microbiology, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan Korea.
- Publication Type:Letter
- Keywords:
Next generation sequencing;
454 GS Junior;
Ion torrent;
- MeSH:
Research Design;
Statistics as Topic
- From:Journal of Bacteriology and Virology
- CountryRepublic of Korea
- Language:Korean
With fast development and wide applications of next generation sequencing (NGS), genomic sequence information is within reach to various research fields. Three benchtop NGS instruments are now available. The 454 GS Junior (Roche), Ion PGM (Life Technologies) and MiSeq (Illumina) are laser-printer sized and offer modest set-up and running costs. By reviewing 2 studies that compared the performance of these instruments, the major characteristics of each benchtop platforms are compared to enable direct comparisons. The 454 GS Junior generated the longest reads and most contiguous assemblies but had the lowest throughput. The Ion Torrent PGM had the highest throughput and fastest run time. The MiSeq had the highest throughput per run and lowest error rates. The Ion Torrent PGM and 454 GS Junior both produced homopolymer-associated indel errors. Although all the platforms allow multiplexing of samples, details of experimental design, library preparation and data analysis may constrain the options. The features of the platforms provide opportunities both to conduct groundbreaking studies and to waste money. Thus, careful considerations should be made before purchasing or using any of them.