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1.Ophthalmic complication of diabetes in community

Tran Bich Dung

Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;439(1):7-9

2.Repeated Migration of a Fusion Cage after Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion.

Jun Gue LEE ; Sung Myung LEE ; Seok Won KIM ; Ho SHIN

Korean Journal of Spine 2013;10(1):25-27

3.Diabetes control- the legacy of a memory

Vijay AP ; Chan SP

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2009;12(2):47-56

9.Advances in surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurative.

Yiran WANG ; Chunmao HAN ; Xingang WANG

Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences 2023;52(6):795-801

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