1.Guideline for Foundation of Medical School.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(2):156-157
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
2.Restoring force of medical school.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2014;26(2):81-82
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
3.Establishment of a New Medical School and Recruitment.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(7):802-804
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
4.Guideline and Strategy for Curricular Development in Medical School.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1996;8(1):71-82
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
5.Need for Medical School Assessment System.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1990;2(1):1-2
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
6.Survival Games at Medical Schools.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2012;24(3):185-187
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical
7.Status of non-fulltime professor of medical school.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1995;7(2):139-145
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
8.Teaching Professionalism in Korean Medical Schools.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2007;19(4):267-269
No abstract available.
Schools, Medical*
9.Introduction of Medical School: How Should We Re-design Our Medical Education System in 2010?.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2008;51(9):786-789
BACKGROUND AND CURRENT CONCEPTS: Conversion of 'all' medical colleges to medical schools had been tried by governmental force based on political, non-educational reasons and caused so many problems and conflicts. TEACHING POINTS AND CONCLUSION: Our medical education system should be re-designed in 2010 on the base of agreement among the various stakeholders in our society respecting public interest and autonomy of university.
Education, Medical
Schools, Medical
10.Analyst for Windows(r), Program for Item Analysis Useful in Medical Education.
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2000;12(2):369-375
This is made for teachers of medical schools not only to mark examination papers but also to do an item analysis easily. Functions of the program are marking examination result in text file, input of the result of descriptive examination, providing the result of item analysis according to the classical test theory(mean, standard deviation, reliability coefficient, answer response distribution, difficulty index, discriminating index, estimated number of examinee who select wrong answer), adding, saving and printing the results, providing, saving and printing record sheet, adding the results of equal or more than two separate examinations, sorting the record sheet by examinee's identification number and by record, input windows for item, and automatic inclusion of the result of item analysis in the item window. Much number of teachers of the medical schools may be encouraged to use this program to promote the quality of the evaluation.
Education, Medical*
Schools, Medical