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3.Real situation of environment in farmers' houses, raising domestic cattle and poultries in On Luong - Phu Luong - Thai Nguyen province

Nguyen Thi Quynh Hoa

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;10():15-17

4.DNA identification of Fasciola SPP.on human and cattle in central Vietnam

Dang Tat The

Journal of Medical Research 2003;23(3):120-126

5.Molecular and proteomic identification of Arthrobacter gandavensis isolated from cows with subclinical mastitis in a dairy farm

Martha Fabiola Rodriguez ; Arlen Patricia Gomez ; Claudia Marcela Parra

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2022;18(3):309-314

10.Suggested guidelines for vaccination of cattle in Korea.

Yong Il CHO ; Il Sun RYU ; Han Sang YOO

Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research 2015;4(2):200-201

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