1.Summary of Global Knowledge on Breakfast.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1997;3(2):214-215
No Abstract Available.
2.Enhancing the School Foodservice Management through National School Breakfast Program.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1997;3(2):223-238
No Abstract Available.
3.Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1997;3(2):211-211
No Abstract Available.
4.Children's Growth and School Performance in Relation to Breakfast.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1999;5(2):215-224
No abstract available.
5.Trends in Breakfast Consumption Patterns of Korean Adults.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1997;3(2):216-222
No Abstract Available.
6.A Survey on Breakfast of Workers in Daegu Area.
Sung Hee CHO ; Jeong Hee JANG ; Tae Youl HA ; Kyeung Soon LEE ; Mi Kyoung KIM ; Jung Sook SEO
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2004;9(6):673-682
Breakfast is an important factor for health status of people. This study was carried out to investigate the dietary life related to breakfast of workers and to develope some nutritional convenient diets for the workers. The collected data were consisted of items about general characteristics of the subjects, breakfast pattern, factors affecting on breakfast and opinions on convenient foods. The subjects were classified into labor workers (n = 202) and office workers (n = 227) aged from twenties to fifties. The rate of skipping breakfast in workers was 31.5% and higher according to the increase of age. Their favorite style of breakfast was mostly Korean traditional diets, but only 38.1% of the subjects had cooked rice as breakfast. The main reason for skipping breakfast was that they had no time for it. But 65.4% of total workers had experiences of using convenience diets. They had these kinds of diets because of convenience. These results suggest that recipe development of convenient breakfast is very important for the good dietary life of the workers.
7.An experimental study of the effects of energy intake at breakfast on the test performance of 10-year-old children in school.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 1997;3(2):212-213
No Abstract Available.
Energy Intake*
8.Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Self-Efficacy and Eating Habits According to Student's Stage of Regular Breakfast or Exercise.
Mi Young CHOI ; Hye Young P KIM
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2008;13(5):653-662
This study has been performed to analyze nutrition knowledge, dietary self-efficacy and eating habits of the elementary- and middle- school students (n = 342) according to student's stage of regular breakfast or exercise. Middle school students had higher nutrition knowledge than primary school students. Total dietary self-efficacy and dietary habit scores were not different by school year and gender. Nutrition knowledge, dietary self-efficacy and dietary habit scores were positively correlated each other. By the stage of regular breakfast, the pre-contemplation stage comprised 13.6%, contemplation 2.1%, preparation 15.7%, action 11.5% and maintenance stage 59.1%. By the stage of regular exercise, the pre-contemplation stage comprised 20.9%, contemplation 7.3%, preparation 45.6%, action 9.8% and maintenance stage 16.4%. According to the stage of change, movement from the pre-contemplation and contemplation to upper stage increased the dietary self-efficacy score. Dietary habit score increased significantly across the five stages of changes. The results of this study indicate differences in stages of changes in breakfast intake and regular exercise and indicate the need for taking these phases of change into account in nutrition education.
Food Habits
9.Effect of a Diabetic Camp Program on the Fasting Blood Sugar Level in Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1999;11(3):477-483
This study was conducted to test the effect of a diabetic camp program on the fasting blood sugar in type 2 diabetic patients. The subjects of the study consisted of 33 diabetic patients who had participated with a diabetic camp program in the YangPung area from August 12 to August 15, 1998. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for the significance of the differences between values before and after the diabetic camp program. The fasting blood glucose level, before of the closing day at the diabetic camp, was lower than that of the opening day. When comparing the blood glucose levels before meals, between the early and later part of the diabetic camp, fasting blood glucose levels before breakfast by the 4th day in the later part of the diabetic camp were lower than those of the 2nd day in the early part. Blood glucose level before lunch by the 4th day, in the later part of the diabetic camp, were lower than those of the 2nd day in the early part. Blood glucose levels before dinner by the 3rd day, in the later part of the diabetic camp, were lower than those of the 1st day in the early part. Blood glucose levels before sleep by the 3rd day, in the later part of the diabetic camp, were lower than those of the 1st day in the early part.
Blood Glucose*
10.Development and Evaluation of an Elementary School Nutrition Education Program to Prevent Breakfast Skipping.
Hyeong Gyeong SON ; Yeon Kyung LEE
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2010;15(6):740-749
The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a nutrition education program to prevent breakfast skipping for elementary school children. Subjects were 102 5th grade students (51 boys, 51 girls) as the "education group" and 200 5th grade students (102 boys, 98 girls) as the "non-education group." The nutrition education program consisted of 4 lessons over an 8-week period. Teaching materials, including flash animation, panel, PowerPoint, and a bingo game, were developed for this education program. After education, there was significant increase in the percentage of students who had eaten breakfast every day, understood that breakfast has a great effect on health, and will eat breakfast every day in the education group compared to non-education group. Parents' positive behavior toward daily breakfast preparation and the percentage of parents who had their children eat breakfast every day increased significantly. The students of the education group responded positively to the questions of the benefit and importance of nutrition education. The flash animation received high marks, especially in terms of understanding of contents, content clarity, emphasis of the core content, delivery of necessary knowledge, and applicability of breakfast. This study shows the effectiveness of a 4-lesson nutrition education taught during an 8-week time period to induce changes in recognizing the importance of breakfast and in behavior toward breakfast consumption.
Teaching Materials