1.The real situation of private health care provision at Ha Noi and Da Nang
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2005;0(2):1-6
The cross - sectional survey on 500 private medical units at Ha Noi (300) and Da Nang (200) in 2003 showed that the average amount of times providing with health care by unit is 1095; the private medical installation having greatest times providing with heath care have realized 11.650 times/year. Each unit has in average 1139 times for medical consult, the case of emergency is 5.023 times, in average is 61 times by unit; each gyneco–obstetrical clinic has in average consult with pregnant women in 361 cases, the ultrasonic service is 1.118-1.200 times by unit and in average 855 times for biological examine by unit
Delivery of Health Care
2.Health for all and all for health
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;(1):5-7
The humanitarian nature of campaign of 'Health for all and all for health' is to mobilized everybody in the community to participate the health care activity. This is a multifunctional key to implement the socialization of the health activity and important social basis to implement the orientation of equity and efficacy in the health care.
Delivery of Health Care
3.Summary of the health activity in 2001 and plan of health activity in 2002
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;(11):43-7
There were many events and achievement of the health sector. The strengthening and cosisodilation of the health network and primary health care contributed importantly to the people health protection and care. The year of 2002 play an very important role in strategy of health activity during 2001-2010. It should develop the obtained achievement, concurrently find the basic lesion and propose solutions for the health activity.
Delivery of Health Care
4.Establishment of the model of health care at the local level in the delta areas in Vietnam.
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;(11):32-37
Performing a direct investigation in 16 villages of four provinces and an indirect investigation in 100 villages of 15 provinces, authors have proposed a schema of structure of the health care system at basic level.
Delivery of Health Care
5.Strengthen the people health protection and care activity in the first years of new millenium
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;(1):1-4
During 1996-2000, the health sector setup and developed 5 major groups of solution to strengthen the people health protection and care and obtained many achievements. This paper introduced some major achievement, difficulties and shortcomings as well as challenges currently. From which, the health sector developed an uniform policies and solutions including investment and distribution of human resource, enhancement of the preventive medicine, strengthening of the people health and consultation, implementation of decree No 90 of Vietnam government on the orientation and solution for socialization of education, cultural and health activities
Delivery of Health Care
6.Equity in the health care - Background and details
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;(1):1-44
This paper summarized the term 'equity' in the health care, concurrently introduced the detailed aspects of this in people health care and protection today
Delivery of Health Care
7.The health care activities of communal health stations (CHS) of Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2001;395(3):30-32
This study introduced the human resource of communal health stations, 95% of which were Muong minority; female health staffs were 66.7%. The cultural level of health staffs in CHS was relatively high. They left high schools, their professional level: assistance doctor. The study introduced the high birth rate and high home delivery (75.8%). The rate of patients come to CHS was low (48.2%). The rate of self-medication was high (30.8%).
Delivery of Health Care
8.The Korean Health Care Delivery System Early in the 21st Century.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1994;27(2):186-193
This paper is an attempt to identify major challenges to be faced by the Korean health care delivery system for about 30 year in the future and to deliberate over possible policy responses to them. It is not intended to make a precise prediction of the future profile of the system, but the focus is given to understanding what we have to do from now on in order to develop health care in Korea toward a desirable direction. Although the discussion has been made in a rather fragmented manner, it would hopefully provide stepping stones for a systematic study of the Korean health care system from a long range perspective.
Delivery of Health Care*
9.Book Review: The creative destruction of medicine: how the digital revolution will create better healthcare.
Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2013;24(1):98-99
No abstract available.
Delivery of Health Care
10.Health Care Delivery Systems of North & South Korea.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2001;44(3):251-257
No abstract available.
Delivery of Health Care*