1.Self-care and Influencing Factors in Patients with Hypertension.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1997;9(3):438-452
In chronic illness patients, promotion and self-care are important strategies for maintaining and improving health. Self-care behavior of hypertensive patient are affected by various variables. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between three cognitive-perceptual resources-self efficacy, hardiness and perceived barriers and self-care in hypertensive patients. The subjects for the study were 102 patients who admitted to K medical center or visited to out-patient ward. The instruments used for this study included a survey of general characteristic. self-care, self efficacy, health related hardiness and perceived barriers. Analysis of data was done by use of mean, t-test, ANOVA, Person correlation coefficient and multiple regression The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1)The average score for the self-care was 56.18, for the hardiness was 120.90, for the self efficacy was 59.46 and for the perceived barriers was 34.60. 2)The relationships between the variables of self-care and cognitive-perceptual resource-self efficacy, hardiness, perceived barriers were significant. Self-care was significantly related to hardiness(r=.47, p<.001), suggesting that the person with high hardiness got higher self care scores. Self-care was significantly related to perceived barriers(r=-.41, p<.001), suggesting that the person with high perceived barriers got higher self care scores. A slight but significant correlation was also found between self-care and self efficacy(r=.26, p<.01). 3)In the relationships between general characteristics variables and self-care there were significant differences in gender(t=2.46, p<.05), job(t=3.72, p<.05), duration of illness(t=4.92, p<.05). 4)Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between self-care and independent variables(self-efficacy, hardiness, perceived barriers) and selected general characteristics variables-job, duration of illness. These variables accounted for 36% of the variance in self-care score(F=13.34, p<.000). The hardiness was the most predictive factor(R2=19%) followed by job and perceived barriers. The finding of this study have implications for education of hypertensive patients and health care providers. For chronically ill patients adhere to self-care, we should focus on determining their personal resources such as hardiness and perceived barriers.
Chronic Disease
Health Personnel
Self Care*
Self Efficacy
2.The Effects of Rhythmic Walking Exercise on Physical Strength, Fatigue, and Functional Status of Breast Cancer Patients in Adjutant Chemotherapy.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1997;9(3):422-437
Fatigue is regarded as a universal and unavoidable side effects of chemotherapy. Most of patients in chemotherapy prefer resting and reducing their level of activity, but reduced physical activity can actually decrease physical strength and functional status to produce secondary fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of rhythmic walking exercise on physical strength, fatigue, and functional status of breast cancer patients in adjutant chemotherapy. A matched control group pretest-pottiest design was used. Seventeen subjects of the experimental group were taught the rhythmic walking exercise(Winningham etal, 1990) on their first visiting day and encouraged to practice it at home throughout that treatment cycle(four weeks). Participants kept an everyday exercise diary that included pulse rates, exercise time and subjective data. The rhythmic walking exercise consists of approximately 30-minute walking, everyday if possible for 4 weeks. Outcomes were measured by each instrument :1) physical strength by the treadmill test estimated the walking ability. The subject is instructed to walk as long as possible to the level of their tolerance ;2)functional status by the Inventory of Functional Status-Cancer(Tollman et al, 1991) ; and 3)fatigue was measured by the Piper Fatigue Scale in both groups at five different times-before beginning chemotherapy(pretest) and one time per week for 4 weeks. Data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation, X2-test, t-test, repeated measure MANOVA using SPSSWIN program. Results were obtained as follows :1)The physical strength of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group following the rhythmic walking exercise(t=3.92, p<.001). 2)The fatigue scores of the experimental group measured at the end of each week were significantly lower than those of the control group following the rhythmic walking exercise (1st week ; F=6.51, p<.016, after 1st week ; 863, p<.0001, after 2nd week ; F=46.754, p<.0001, after 3rd week ; F=60. 183, p<.0001, after 4th week). 3)The functional status of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group following the rhythmic walking exercise (t=13.20, p<.0001). The results suggest that the appropriate rhythmic walking exercise for the breast cancer patients in adjutant chemotherapy can improve physical strength and functional status, and ultimately decrease the secondary fatigue.
Breast Neoplasms*
Drug Therapy*
Exercise Test
Heart Rate
Motor Activity
3.Expression of Tumor Metastasis Related Genes in Korean Colorectal Cancers and Cell lines.
Ok Suk BAE ; Seong Il SUH ; So Young CHUN
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 1998;14(1):11-19
We studied the expressions of E-cadherin, MMP-7 and CD44V in colorectal cancer and their corresponding normal mucosa using RT-PCR. From the 26 patients whom a com parative study of clinical and histopathological data is available, MMP-7 and CD44V were significantly enhanced in cancer and their metastatic tissues, compared with their normal mucosa. E-cadherin did not reveal any difference between cancer and normal mucosa. The relashionship between these genes and colorectal cancer development can not be confirmed by this study, however CD44v and MMP-7 may be associated with metastasis of colorectal cancer.
Cell Line*
Colorectal Neoplasms*
Mucous Membrane
Neoplasm Metastasis*
4.A case of asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy.
Young Joo SUH ; Seung Ki KIM ; Soon Ok BYUN ; Ji Sub OH ; Ok Ji PAIK
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(2):177-181
No abstract available.
5.A Case of Incontinetia Pigmenti Associated with Convulsions.
Young Ok SUH ; Gyun Woo LEE ; Un Ki YOON ; Ki Sub OH ; Kee Suck SUH ; Sang Tae KIM
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1988;31(5):641-647
No abstract available.
6.Radiotherapy in Hodgkin's disease.
Young Hwan PARK ; Chang Ok SUH ; Gwi Eon KIM ; John Kyu LOH JUHN
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1992;24(2):277-287
No abstract available.
Hodgkin Disease*
7.Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor of Hemangiopericytoma Pattern: A case report.
Hye Jin LEE ; Young im HAN ; Hyeon Ok KIM ; Kang Suek SUH ; Sun Kyung LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1995;29(6):815-818
The Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor is a gonadal tumor of sex-cord stromal type, similar to that seen in of the various phases of testicular development in the male. This tumor is exceedingly rare, accounting for only 0.1% to 0.5% of all primary ovarian neoplasms. It occurs predominantly in the second and third decades(mean age about 25 years), less than 10% after menopause. We investigated a case of poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of right ovary, occured in a 76-year-old woman. Grossly, the tumor measured 2, 100 gm in weight and 25 x 19 x 8 cm in dimensions. The outer surface was smooth and glistening without rupture of the capsule. Cut sections revealed a multilobulated brown solid mass with multiple cystic change. Microscopically, it showed the typical findings o a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. The characteristic feature is hemangiopericytoma paftem of sarcomatoid spindle cells. Therefore, we present it with a brief review of the literature.
8.Mediastinal Hemangioma: Report of a case.
Jong Ok KIM ; Bum Kyeong KIM ; Kyoung Hee KIM ; Dae Young KANG ; Kwang Sun SUH
Korean Journal of Pathology 1997;31(9):891-894
Benign hemangioma of the mediastinum is rare. This slowly growing tumor is described as well circumscribed, cystic, hemorrhagic tumor. Histologically it can be differentiated into capillary or cavernous form. We present a case of mediastinal hemangioma. A 20-year-old-man was presented with a slowly growing posterior mediastinal mass of 6 years duration, 8x6 cm in size. The mass was relatively well defined but focally invasive. Microscopically, it was differentiated into vessels of capillary, cavernous, and venous patterns. A solid cellular proliferation with inconspicuous capillary lumens was focally seen. The stroma between variable-sized vessels showed marked myxoid change associated with some smooth muscle bundles and adipose tissue. Ultrastructurally, areas of solid cellular proliferation showed formation of lumens. These lumens were lined by active endothelial cells showing plasmalemmal vesicles and Weibel-Palade bodies on the abluminal surface.
Adipose Tissue
Cell Proliferation
Endothelial Cells
Muscle, Smooth
Weibel-Palade Bodies
9.Splenectomy in Hereditary Spherocytosis in Childhood.
Young Soo HEO ; Chang Sig KIM ; Byung Soo DO ; Bo Yang SUH ; Jeong Ok HAH
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1994;11(1):42-48
Among the erythrocyte membrane defects, hereditary spherocytosis is the most common. The erythrocyte membrane defect results from a deficiency of spectrin, the most important structural protein in red cell. Hereditary spherocytosis often presents with hemolytic anemia, jaundice, moderate splenomegaly. Diagnosis is established by the presence of spherocytes in the peripheral blood, reticulocytosis, an increased osmotic fragility, and a negative Coombs test. In children, splenectomy is usually performed after age 6 years but can be done at a younger age if warranted by the severity of the anemia and the need for frequent transfusions. In the period December 1987 to Agust 1993, 9 patients with hereditrary spherocytosis underwent splenectomy and the following results were obtained. 1. Nine patients were comprised of five males and four females. 2. Five patients(55.6%) had been admitted to our hospital during age 6-10 years. 3. Four of the nine patients had autosomal dominant inheritance with variable expression. The other five patients had no known inheritance. 4. The diagnosis of the spherocytosis was based on the increased osmotic fragility and increased autohemolysis of the erythrocytes, as well as on the appearance of spherocytes in the peripheral blood smear. 5. In all cases splenectomy was performed. Two patients had concomitant gall stones and choledocholithiasis, respectively. One patient with concomitant gall stones underwent simultaneous cholecystectomy and splenectomy. The other patients associated with choledocholithiasis underwent splenectomy, cholecystectomy, choledocholithotomy, and T-tube drainage. 6. Complete hematologic recovery was obtained by the splenectomy in all cases. 7. Postoperative complication was not occurred.
Anemia, Hemolytic
Coombs Test
Erythrocyte Membrane
Osmotic Fragility
Postoperative Complications
10.Psychometrics of Health-Related Hardiness Scale for Korean Elderly.
Yeon Ok SUH ; Kyung Ja JUNE ; Rhayun SONG ; Young Rhan UM
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1997;9(3):398-409
The purpose of this study was to test psychometric properties Health-Related Hardiness Scale(HRHS) for Korean elderly. HRHS has been developed by Pollock to measure the effect of hardiness in individuals with actual health problems. Items were generated to measure dimensions based on theoretical definitions of health-related control, commitment, and challenge. In 1990, Pollcok and Duffy revised HRHS to be 34 items. In this study, 34-item HRHS(Pollock & Duffy, 1990) was translated into Korean and administered to 193 elderly involving in 95 hospitalized patients and 98 outpatients or healthy people. The subjects were 80 women and 112 men with an age range of 65 to 95 years(M=71 years) in whom 82.6% classified themselves as moderate or pretty active. Most subjects(80.2%) had education of elementary school or less. The 34-item HRHS consists of three subscales: control, commitment, and challenge, and was measured with 1(strongly disagree) to 6(strongly agree) Likert scale. The higher the score is, the higher people's hardiness. Factor analysis was performed to confirm whether the scale represents three sub-areas as suggested in the literature. Two factors were isolated, using principle components analysis. Two factor solution was accepted for the study since Pollock described the possibility of classifying sub-areas into two divisions. These two factors, commitment/challenge and control accounted for 31.9% of variance of the scale. Factor loadings were string, ranging from .41 to .77. The moderate correlation with task self-efficacy scale also supported the validity(r=.35, p<.05). The scale was found to be internally consistent, showing Cronbanch;s alpha of .90 for the total items with the range of .82 and .90 for three subscales. The findings revealed the potential applicability of HRHS to nursing intervention studies for elderly.
Clinical Trial
Clinical Trial