1.A clinical review of the 188 cases of peptic ulcer perforations.
Chang Beum CHO ; Byeong Eyong SEOL ; Mun Gyu PARK
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1992;43(3):344-353
No abstract available.
Peptic Ulcer Perforation*
Peptic Ulcer*
2.Adenomyomatosis of gall bladder.
IL Bong KIM ; Ki Man LEE ; Mun Gyu PARK
Korean Journal of Medicine 2002;63(4):436-437
No abstract available.
Urinary Bladder*
3.Clinical Analysis of Surgical Geriatric Patients over 65 Years of Age.
Seong Lae CHO ; Jae Won BAEK ; Eak Ryong LEE ; Mun Gyu PARK
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1999;56(2):285-293
BACKGROUND: Advanced age alone should not be a serious deterrent to surgery. Preoperative evaluation of concomitant illness, operation time, accurate and minimal, but adequate surgery will serve to minimize morbidity and mortality in elderly patients. METHODS: The total number of surgical patients admitted to Kwang Hye Hospital, Pusan, from March 1994 to August 1996 was 3211, and the number of surgical geriatric patients admitted during the same period was 214. Operations were performed on 139 patients. We recorded information about age, sex, anesthesia type, operation time, non malignancy vs malignancy, emergency vs elective "Surgery", coexisting disease, and APACHE II score, and we examined the patients for results affecting postoperative morbidity and mortality. RESULTS: Postoperative complications occured in 55 cases (39.6%), and the operative mortality was 2.2%. The significant factors affecting postoperative morbidity were emergency operation, malignancy and APACHE II score. The operation time and coexisting diseases were not significant. Age had little effect on the postoperative prognosis CONCLUSIONS: Performance of elective surgery and preoperative evaluation of the APACHE II score are important factors.
Postoperative Complications
4.Estimation of Disease Code Accuracy of National Medical Insurance Data and the Related Factors.
Euichul SHIN ; Yong Mun PARK ; Yong Gyu PARK ; Byung Sung KIM ; Ki Dong PARK ; Kwang Ho MENG
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1998;31(3):471-480
This study was undertaken in order to estimate the accuracy of disease code of the Korean National Medical Insurance Data and disease the characteristics related to the accuracy. To accomplish these objectives, 2,431 cases coded as notifiable acute communicable diseases (NACD) were randomly selected from 1994 National Medical Insurance data file and family medicine specialists reviewed the medical records to confirm the diagnostic accuracy and investigate the related factors. Major findings obtained from this study are as follows: 1. The accuracy rate of disease code of NACD in National Medical Insurance data was very low, 10.1% (95% C.I.: 8.8-11.4). 2. The reasons of inaccuracy in disease code were 1) claiming process related administrative error by physician and non-physician personnel in medical institutions (47.0%), 2) input error of claims data by key punchers of National Medical Insurer (31.3%) and 3) diagnostic error by physicians (21.7%). 3. Characteristics significantly related with lowering the accuracy of disease code were location and level of the medical institutions in multiple logistic regression analysis. Medical institutions in Seoul showed lower accuracy than those in Kyonngi, and so did general hospitals, hospitals and clinics than tertiary hospitals. Physician related characteristics significantly lowering disease code accuracy of insurance data were sex, age group and specialty. Male physicians showed significantly lower accuracy than female physicians; thirties and forties age group also showed significantly lower accuracy than twenties, and so did general physicians and other specialists than internal medicine/pediatric specialists. This study strongly suggests that a series of policies like 1) establishment of peer review organization of National Medical Insurance data, 2) prompt nation-wide expansion of computerized claiming network of National Medical Insurance and 3) establishment and distribution of objective diagnostic criteria to physicians are necessary to set up a national disease surveillance system utilizing National Medical Insurance claims data.
Information Storage and Retrieval
Communicable Diseases
Diagnostic Errors
Hospitals, General
Insurance Carriers
Logistic Models
Medical Records
Professional Review Organizations
Tertiary Care Centers
5.Serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor and neoptrin in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Jang Su SUH ; Mun Heum PARK ; Seong Hyung LEE ; Byung Heun CHOI ; Yeung Hun KWON ; Jong Sik KIM ; Jin Gyu PARK
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 1992;35(1):103-115
No abstract available.
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell*
6.Radiological analysis of the position of epidural catheters in the thoracic epidural space.
Mun Gyu KIM ; Si Young OK ; Se Kwang PARK ; Ho Bum CHO ; Sang Ho KIM
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2014;67(Suppl):S51-S52
No abstract available.
Epidural Space*
7.Radiological analysis of the position of epidural catheters in the thoracic epidural space.
Mun Gyu KIM ; Si Young OK ; Se Kwang PARK ; Ho Bum CHO ; Sang Ho KIM
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2014;67(Suppl):S51-S52
No abstract available.
Epidural Space*
8.A Case of Sudden Refractive Change with Intraocular Pressure Change Following Trauma.
Mun Hyun YOO ; Hye Young PARK ; Dong Gyu CHOI ; Ka Young YI
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2006;47(2):338-342
PURPOSE: To report a case of refractive change with intraocular pressure change following trauma. METHODS: Changes in intraocular pressure, refractive power, lens thickness, depth of anterior chamber, and axial length of an 8-year-old girl were measured. RESULTS: During the early period after trauma, the patient showed low intraocular pressure and shallow anterior chamber depth. The refractive power changed to transient high myopia. With temporary high intraocular pressure, the refractive power changed to hyperopia and the refractive power recovered toward emmetropia as the intraocular pressure fell to the normal level. Refractive alteration is a result of changes in intraocular pressure and depth of the anterior chamber by cyclodialysis cleft and its adhesion is induced by trauma to the eye. Herein, the authors show evidence for a relationship between refractive change and posttraumatic ocular change.
Anterior Chamber
Intraocular Pressure*
9.Comparison of Surgical Results Between Unilateral Recession-Resection and Bilateral Resections in Recurrent Exotropia.
Hye Young PARK ; Mun Hyun YOO ; Dong Gyu CHOI
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2006;47(1):148-153
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the surgical results between unilateral lateral rectus recession-medial rectus resection (R and R) and bilateral medial rectus resections in recurrent exotropia. METHODS: In this retrospective study, 22 patients with recurrent exotropia of the basic or pseudodivergence excess types were enrolled. In group A (14 patients), unilateral R and R was performed during the first operation, and R and R was performed in contralateral eyes during the second operation. In group B (8 patients), bilateral lateral rectus recessions were performed during the first operation and bilateral medial rectus resections during the second operation. RESULTS: The mean time interval between the first and second operations was 28.9 months (range, 5 to 64 months) in Group A and 59.9 months (range, 35 to 75 months) in Group B, which was a significant difference between the two groups (p=0.006). The success rates at last follow-up after the second operation were 85.7% in Group A and 87.5% in Group B, which was not statistically different between the two groups (p<1.000). CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in success rate after the second operation between the two groups. Therefore, the operation method for recurrent exotropia can be chosen according to the operator's preference.
Follow-Up Studies
Retrospective Studies
10.Antimicrobial effect of cefixime on 6 species of periodotopathogens.
Hyun Seon JANG ; Mun Gyu PARK ; Joong Ki KOOK ; Hwa Sook KIM ; Byung Ock KIM
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2005;35(2):401-411
The aim of this study was to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of cefi- xime, which is a 3rd generation of cefalosporin, against 6 species of putative periodon- topathogens; Fusobacterium nucleatum, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella inter- media, Prevotella nigrescens, Tannerella forsythia and Porphyromonas gingivalis. The efficacy of cefixime was examined by comparing it with that of several antibiotics(amoxicillin, Aug- mentin(R) ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and tetracycline), which were used as the control. The MIC was measured using a microdilution method. The MIC of cefixime against the putative periodotopathogens, as a single use regimen, was relatively lower than that of the other antibiotics. The MIC of cefixime/metronidazole against P. intermedia ChDC KB14, P. nigres- cens ChDC KB50, F. nucleatum ChDC PV-F37, F. nucleatum ChDC F130, and F. nucleatum ChDC F175, as a simultaneous regimen, was lower than that of the other antibiotics. The concentration of cefixime in the crevicular fluid of volunteers who received 250mg every 12 hours for 3 days was 9microgram/ml after 9 hours. In conclusion, cefixime showed good anti- microbial activity in a single treatment or as a combined therapy with amoxicillin, Aug- mentin(R) or metronidazole against 6 periodontopathogens.
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Prevotella nigrescens