1.Treatment of the Established Compartment Syndrome in the Forearm
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1987;22(1):85-91
The treatment of the established compartment syndrome in the forearm varies along the degree of the severity. We reviewed 17 cases of the established compartment syndrome in the forearm treated at Seoul National University Hospital from February 1979 to July 1985. Follow-up was performed more than one year in 14 cases. And the mean follow-up period was 30 months. Out of 17 cases operated on, mild involvement were found in 5 cases. Moderate and severe involvements were observed in 6 and 6 cases respectively. Tenolysis-tendon lengthening was done for 7 cases and proximal release (muscle-sliding operation) was performed in 8 cases. In two cases, living muscle and skin were transfered using microsurgical technique. In mildly to moderately affected, functional improvements can be obtained in most cases. The proximal release was superior to the tenolysis-tendon lengthening in this category of involvement. However, in severely involved group, the functional gain after the operation is slight in spite of the time consuming, difficult surgery including free muscle transfer. The neurological problems could be gradually improved without treatment in almost all cases.
Compartment Syndromes
Follow-Up Studies
2.The Use of the Longitudinal Traction and Anterior Spinal Fusion in A Patient with the Tuberculous Kyphosis
Moon Sang CHUNG ; Moon Sik HAHN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1978;13(3):479-482
The beneficial effect of the longitudinal traction-either halo-femoral or halo-pelvic and the anterior spinal fusion in some spinal disorders is well documented. This paper is a report of a patient who is suffering from spine tuberculosis with severe kyphosis and incomplete paraplegia. He was treated satisfactorily by applying a Crutchfield tong-femoral traction for four weeks followed by anterior spinal fusion. It is authors concept that the early cases of the active spine tuber-culosis with advancing kyphosis can be effectively treated by using the above mentioned method without introducing more complicated combination of the spinal osteotomy, halo-pelvic distraction and spinal fusion.
Spinal Fusion
3.A Clinical Evaluation of Flatfoot
Moon Sang CHUNG ; Moon Sik HAN ; Jong Koo CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1978;13(4):757-762
258 feet of patients with flatfoot were evaluated in this paper. The incidence of flatfoot is about 0.6% of the general population. The longitudinal arch was depressed in all of our cases of flatfoot, and there have been many patients suffering from pain after some kinds of heavy work. But there were no definite correlations found between the depression of the longitudinal arch and clinical symptom. The sag in the naviculo cuneiform joint is the most common X-ray finding in this series (93%), followed by the talo-navicular sagging (27%), Degenerative arthritis of the inter-tarsal joints was frequently found after the adolescent period. The talo-navicular joint was involved in arthritic changes in 60% of the cases, the subtalar joint 46% and the naviculo-cuneiform joint 42%. The prevalence of these changes was not increasing with the increasing age, so it is poatulated that the degenerative changes begin early in adolescent period. Accessory tarsal bones were more frequently seen in patients with flatfoot than in normal population. and the neck of the talus was usually deviated inferomedially. Now that the arthriric changes are very prevalent in the triple joints, there are many cases of flatfoot that should undergo the triple arth odesis inevitably if his conservative treatment was failed.
Subtalar Joint
Tarsal Bones
4.In-vivo Study of the Effects of Tenotomy on Biomechanical Properties of Triceps Surae in Rabbit.
Jin Soo PARK ; Moon Sang CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1999;34(1):135-145
PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to investigate the biomechanical and histological changes in the muscles after tendon injury that have been little studied previously. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Triceps insertion was tenotomized on the left hidlimbs of 60 rabbits. Mechanical extension testing with Instron (rate: 10 mm/min) was performed 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after tenotomy in vivo. A load deformation curve was obtained, and this was analyzed in terms of strength and deformation at the elastic limit and at the point of maximal load. Histologic changes were observed after H < E staining and Matson s trichrome staining to measure the percentage area of collagen fibers. RESULTS: Between weeks 1 and 4, the excursion range fell gradually, and after that period, this value showed little changes. After its initial period of disequilibrium, the muscle regained its elastic nature within its newly formed excursion range. The average amount of collagen fibers increased gradually after tenotomy until 8th week. CONCLUSIONS: unless tendon ruptures are repaired early, the accompanying muscle would be irreversibly damaged, both bimechanically and histologically.
Tendon Injuries
5.Ostogenesis Imperfecta: Report of 5 Cases
Chul Yong CHUNG ; Myung Sang MOON
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1970;5(2):59-63
Five cases of osteogenesis imperfecta are reported, and the available literatures concerning to its clinical pictures and treatments are reviewed.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
6.A Clinical Study on Trochanteric Fractures of the Femur
Myung Sang MOON ; In KIM ; Young Bok CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1977;12(2):147-153
Fifty seven consecutive trochanteric hip fracture treated with Smith-Petersen nail and Thornton plate who were treated at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, St. Marys Hospital Catholic Medical College, during the period of January 1969 to September 1975 were reviewed. This covered a period of six years and nine months. Of the fifty seven cases treated with this method, only thirty four cases were able to be analysed completely. Of these thirty four cases, in two cases the nail penetrated to the hip joint, four cases showed a loosening bolt of the S-P nail, one case involved a delayed union and three cases resulted in malunion, showing a total failure rate of 29.4%. In addition, four cases of intertrochanteric hip fractures of children were reviewed. 1) The sex ratio was 2.1:1 (male to female). Those in their fifth decade showed the highest incidence at 26.3%, next came those in their third decade. 2) The most common cause of the trochanteric hip fractures was traffic accidents (57.9%), other cause were slipping or falling down, direct trauma and pathological fractures. 3) The ratio of left trochanteric hip fractures to right was 7:6. 4) In the group which received external immobilization with Buck's extension skin traction and delayed weight bearing method, the results were better than that group to which external immobilization was not applied and early weight bearing was allowed. 5) The group which received the external immobilization and delayed weight bearing method showed a total failure rate of 21.8% 6) The group to which external immobilization was not applied and early weight bearing was allowed a total failure rate of 64%.
Accidental Falls
Accidents, Traffic
Clinical Study
Fractures, Spontaneous
Hip Fractures
Hip Joint
Sex Ratio
7.Treatment of the Chronic Osteomyelitis Involving the Ilium
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1979;14(2):221-224
In the chronic osteomyelitis of the ilium the infection is often so diffuse that removing all sequestra and small cavities are practically impossible. Either the partial or total resection of the ilium has been thought as a standard method of treatment in these situations. According to authors experience, the partial resection is not sufficient for removing such diffuse lesions, and all the patients that underwent the total resection of the ilium have been suffering from the instability with severe Trendelenburg gait because of the loss of the abductor origin. These results are far from a satisfactory one in modern orthopedic field in which many reconstructive surgeries have been done for the disabled patients. Removal of only one cortex followed with the closed suction irrigation technique are applied in three cases. The result of this operation is as good as that removing the total ilium in controlling the infection, and there are no patients who are suffering from the gait disturbance. The inner or outer cortex could be safely and widely removed without affecting the hip joint of the affected side.
Hip Joint
8.The Effects of the Spontaneous Angulatory Motion on Fracture Healing: An Experimental Study on Rabbits
Duk Yong LEE ; Moon Sang CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1981;16(1):20-27
In order to determine the beneficial or detrimental effects of motion on fracture healing, rabbits femora were fractured surgically and each fracture was immobilized with a apecially designed external skeletal flxation device, which permitted a controlled spontaneous angulatory motion. in the first control group no motion was permitted; in the second group 5 degrees, and in the third group 10 degrees of angulatory motion was permitted. At 7th post-operative week, the bony union rates were 79%, 93%, and 54% In the first, second and third groups, respectively. Radiographically, the fractures were united most sufficiently in the second group. The ultimate bending load was signlficantly greater In the second group than the control but no significant differences were observed between the other groups. The ultimate bending stress and the modulus of elasticity were significantly greater ln the second group than the control and the third group, but no signlficant dlfferences were observed between the control and the third group. Fracture healing was significantly enhanced in the second group as compared to the control and the third group. It is suggested that a certain amount of motion at the fracture site enhances fracture healing, while excessive motion hinders it. Such enhancement seems to be related with the motion itself, and not wlth the muscle or jolnt function, since the rabbits Included in this study permitted the spontaneous full weight bearing which also permitted near normal muscle and joint function.
Elastic Modulus
Fracture Healing
9.Reduction Method of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation: A New Method
Myung Sang MOON ; In Joo LEE ; In Seol CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1983;18(1):64-66
There have been many methods of manual reduction of shoulder dislocation. But each method has its unique complications such as fracture of'humeral neck or shaft as well as vascular and nerve injuries around the shoulder due to excessive pulling and rotation during the maneuver. The present authors devised a method in which the backrest of a chair is used as a fulcrum during manupulative reduction. The dislocated shoulder can be abducted by the backrest rim, when the armpit is placed over the top of the backrest. In this abducted position of the shoulder, minimal adduction force on distal humerus and gentle backward pressure on humeral head are very effective in reducing the anterioly disocated shoulder.
Humeral Head
Shoulder Dislocation
10.A Case Report of Living Transplantation for Post-traumatic Ankylosis of 2nd M-P Joint of the Hand
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1984;19(2):406-410
In general, arthroplasty in the hand is divided into three categories, namely fusion, soft tissue arthroplasty and interpositional arthroplasy, each of that having some problems and limited indications. Frequently orthopedic surgeons fall into difficulties in deciding the treatment for the ankylosed joints of the hand in young adults. We now report a case of living joint transplantation from the M-P joint of 2nd toe for post-traumatic ankylosis of that of index finger. The follow-up shows improved range of motion and good pain relief.
Follow-Up Studies
Range of Motion, Articular
Young Adult