1.In vitro and in vivo assessment of five-day stored platelets.
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1991;2(2):161-168
No abstract available.
2.Development of Blood Bank Management Program with Personal Computer for Small to Medium Size Hospitals.
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1996;7(2):197-205
A recently increased need to a computerized program for correct management of grouping and dealing of bloods at small to mize hospitals made us develope the blood bank management program with a personal computer. Some hardwares(PC 486, bar code reader and printer) and softwares(Microsoft Foxpro version 2.5 for main development and Hanmac 2.5 for Korean BIOS) were used as materials, and frequent upgrades were performed during the develpment period. The program was consisted of eight main functions including grouping, input, output, reinput and expire of bloods, and autotransfusion, apheresis and directed transfusion. The program may be a good tool to reduce blood accidents and to enhance quality of blood banks at small to medium size hospitals.
Automatic Data Processing
Blood Banks*
Blood Component Removal
Blood Transfusion, Autologous
3.Clinical Experiences of Therapeutic Leukapheresis.
Kyou Sup HAN ; Young Kyung LEE
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1996;7(1):57-63
Therapeutic leukapheresis is a treatment modality which selectively remove abnormal leukocytes and relieve symptoms produced by abnormally high concentration of leukocytes in the blood stream. Authors report the experiences of therapeutic leukapheresis at Seoul National University Hospital during the past 7 years(1988 to 1995). A total of 48 procedures were done for 29 patients(24 males and 5 females). The age distribution was from 16 years to 60 years and mean age was 30 years. The most common diagnosis of patients were acute lymphoblastic leukemia(7/15, 46.7%) and major indications for therapeutic leukapheresis were dyspnea, headache, abdominal pain and mental alteration. The mean leukocyte count before and after leukapheresis were 277,300/micro liter and 220,700/micro liter, respectively(20% decrease, P<0.001). Hemoglobin concentration was also decreased from 7.7g/dL to 7.1g/dL after leukapheresis(P<0.01). The mean number of leukocytes removed per procedure was 3.1x1011. Adverse reactions such as abdominal pain and dizziness were observed in two cases. The leukocyte count was decreased in all patients and improvement of symptoms was observed in four patients. In conclusion, therapeutic leukapheresis is relatively safe and can be used to relieve leukostatic symptoms in leukemic patients.
Abdominal Pain
Age Distribution
Leukocyte Count
4.Frequency of Granulocyte-Spedfic Anhgens among Koreans.
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1996;7(1):1-9
Granulocyte-specific antigens, such as NA1, NA2, NBI, NB2, NC1, NDI, NE1, are a group of antigens specifically expresesed only on the granulocytes. Antibodies against these are involved in some clinical disorders such as alloimmune neonatal neutropenia(ANN), autoimmune neutropenia(AIN), and transfusion-related acute lung injury(TRALI). We investigated the frequencies of NA1, NA2, NB1, and Mart antigens among Koreans by the granulocyte indirect immunofluorescence test employing flow cytometry. The subjects were 105 Koreans(male 65, female 40), whose mean age was 31.7+/-8.2 years (range 16~57). The antigen and gene frequencies were as follows, NA1, 0.78, 0.53, NA2, 0.75, 0.50, NB1 0.86, 0.62, and Mart, 1.00, 1.00, respectively. The proportions of NB 1 -positive granulocytes among NB 1-positive individuals were variable(range, 27~100%). Through this study, the authors procured granunlocyte-specifiic antigen papnel, which is essential in the identification of causative antibody(-ies) in immune neutropenias.
Flow Cytometry
Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect
Gene Frequency
5.Genotype Analysis of Granulocyte-specific Antigens in Koreans.
Dong Hee SEO ; Sung Sup PARK ; Kyou Sup HAN
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1997;17(6):1144-1149
BACKGROUND: The granulocyte-specific antigen NA which exist specifically on neutrophils and eosinophils have its antigenic determinant on Fcgamma receptor III. The alloantibodies and autoantibodies against this antigen are responsible for neonatal alloimmune neutropenia, chronic benign autoimmune neutropenia of infancy and transfusion-related acute lung injury. After discovering of biallelic polymorphism of NA antigen, there have been attempts to replace technically cumbersome serotyping methods by DNA-typing. This study was performed to investigate the genotype frequency of NA antigen In Koreans by DNA typing. METHODS: Using genomic DNA extracted from venous blood of 200 Koreans, genotype of NA antigen system was determined through polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP), and the frequency was compared with previous studies. The NA genotypes of seven individuals were compared with their known phenotypes. RESULTS: The genotype frequencies of NA1+NA2-, NA1+NA2+, and NA1-NA2+ were 28.5%, 59.0%, and 12.5% respectively. The gene frequencies calculated from genotype frequencies were 0.58 and 0.42 for NA1 and NA2 respectively. The NA genotypes of seven individuals were correlated precisely with their phenotypes. CONCLUSION: The gene frequency of NA1 in Koreans was higher than that of Caucasian. The genotype frequencies of NA antigen in Koreans were similar to those of the Japanese and Chinese. This study will serve as a basic data for the study of the patients with diseases associated with granulocyte-specific antigens in Koreans.
Acute Lung Injury
Asian Continental Ancestry Group
DNA Fingerprinting
Gene Frequency
Polymerase Chain Reaction
6.Evaluation of Bedside-use Leukocyte Removal Filter.
Kyou Sup HAN ; Young Joon LEE ; Bok Yun HAN
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1994;5(1):25-30
Removal of leukocytes from blood components may prevent alloimmunization to leukocyte antigens, febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions, transmission of leukotropic viruses or bacteria, and graft-versus-host disease. New surface-modified fibrous polyester filters were evaluated; they require no special processing of blood components and can be used at the patient's bed-side. Pall RC100TM(Pall Co., USA) was used to filter 2 units of RBCs at a time for a total of 8 filtrations: mean red cell recovery rate was 88.7%, mean WBC removal rate 99. 99%, and mean residual WBC count after filtration 2.77x 10 5. Twelve units of apheresis platelets were filtered with Pall PL50TM(Pall Co., USA): mean platelet recovery rate was 90.7%, mean WBC removal rate 99.95%, and mean residual WBC count after filtration 6.99 x 10 5. This study indicates that these filters efficiently remove WBCs without significant loss of red cells or platelets and that this kind of filters can be easily used at the patient's bed side.
Blood Component Removal
Blood Group Incompatibility
Blood Platelets
Graft vs Host Disease
HLA Antigens
7.Treatment of refractory adult immune thrombocytopenic purpura with protein A-immunoadsorption.
Kyou Sup HAN ; Seon Yang PARK ; Byoung Kook KIM
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1993;4(2):173-180
No abstract available.
Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic*
8.Treatment of refractory adult immune thrombocytopenic purpura with protein A-immunoadsorption.
Kyou Sup HAN ; Seon Yang PARK ; Byoung Kook KIM
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1993;4(2):173-180
No abstract available.
Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic*
9.Comparison of platelet antibody detection methods.
Kyou Sup HAN ; Myoung Hee PARK ; Hyun Ok KIM
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1991;2(1):1-9
No abstract available.
Blood Platelets*
10.Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection with an Automated Blood Cell Separator.
Byoung Kook KIM ; Seon Yang PARK ; Kyou Sup HAN
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1994;5(1):1-8
Peripheral blood stem cells(PBSC) were collected for autologous transplantation for the first time in Korea wish Fenwal CS-3000 Plus blood cell separator. Twenty-nine procedures were performed for 7 patients without any incidents. GM-CSF(400ug) was administered daily for 5 days before PBSC collection and the collections were performed 3-6 successive days. A total of 3.5-11.4 x 109 mononuclear cells(MNCs) were collected from 7,000mL blood processed per procedure. The number of MNCs collected was mainly dependent on the concentration of MNCs in patient's blood(r = 0.68, p<0.01). We concluded that the PBSC trans plantation program could be set up without difficulty in Korea since the Fenwal CS-3000 Plus blood cell separator is already available in many institutions and the procedure used in this study is easy to follow.
Blood Cells*
Stem Cells*
Transplantation, Autologous