1.Thoracoscopic treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax.
The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1991;24(3):261-264
No abstract available.
2.Heterotropic Ossification in Paraplegia: Report of of 4 Cases
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1969;4(2):39-44
Heterotropic ossifications have been known to occur around joints in many pathological conditions of the nervous system mostly in paraplegia and is affects most of the hip joint. Recently, 4 cases of heterotropic ossification in 18 cases of traumatic paraplegia have been reviewed at the orthopedic department of Kyungpook National University Hospital from April 1965 to July 1968 and the results obtained were as follows: 1. All cases were found in male of 3rd to 4th decade. 2. Heterotropic ossification affectected around the hip joint in 3 cases and in the other one case around the medial femoral condyle of knee joint. 3. Three cases affecting around hip joint expressed pressure sores on ipsilateral great trochanteric area, but the other one case affecting around medial femoral condyle had not any pressure sore. 4. In all cases, the heterotropic ossification was noted on X-ray film within 4 to 6 months after paraplegia.
Hip Joint
Knee Joint
Nervous System
Pressure Ulcer
X-Ray Film
3.The Effect of Relaxation Technique on Postoperatative Discomfort of the Patients with Lumbosacral back pain.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1997;9(1):22-32
One of the important activities nursing is the alleviating of discomfort including pain as providing comfort to patient. Postoperativediscom has been underestimated because it is only a part of postoperative physiological process and disappear in time. The study was designed to investigate the effect of relaxation technique on postoperative discomfort of patients with lumbosacral back pain. A total of 40 patients were selected as a subject from August 12th to October 10th 1995 who had been hospitalized at NS and OS nursing units in K medical center. Of them twenty were in the experimental group and the remaining twenty were in the control group in convenience sampling. The tools for study were Relaxation technique, designed to use postoperative setting adequately by Park, and Postoperative Discomfort Scale. The data were analyzed by use of t-test an x2 test. The study was concluded as follows : The main hypothesis, that "the experimental group who used relaxation technique will express a lesser score of postoperative discomfort than the control group who did not use relaxation technique" is divided into seven sub-hypotheses. Hypothesis 1, that "the experimental group will express less postoperative pain than the control group"was supported(t=-7.52, p=0.000). Hypothesis 2, that "the experimental group will express less postoperative feeling of unpleasantness than the control group"was supported(t=-7.04, p=0.000). Hypothesis 3, that "the experimental group will express less postoperative immobilization discomfort than the control group"was supported(t=-6.66, p=0.000). Hypothesis 4, that "the experimental group will show fewer nonverbal expressions of postoperative distress than the control group"was supported(t=-3.75, p=0.01). Hypothesis 5, that "the experimental group will use analgesic medication less frequently than the control group" was supported(t=-4.15, p=0.000). Hypothesis 6, that "the experimental group will have less change in vital sings between the pre and postoperative periods than control group"was supported only for respiratory rate(t=-4.06, p=0.000). Hypothesis 7. that "the experimental group will express less postoperative voiding difficulty than the control group"was not supported(t=0.06, p=0.951). As a result, this study showed that relaxation technique has the effect to postoperative discomfort of the patients with lumbosacral back pain, so the researcher thought it is enable for nurses to help patients undergoing postoperative discomfort.
Back Pain*
Pain, Postoperative
Physiological Processes
Postoperative Period
4.Use of Alternative Medicine by Patients with Psoriasis.
Sang Ho NAM ; Ho Gyun LEE ; Kwang Ho KIM ; Kwang Joong KIM ; Chong Ju LEE
Annals of Dermatology 2001;13(1):1-6
BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is a disabling and intractable disease influencing the psychosocial life of the patients. Patients who are frustrated with orthodox medicine may explore alternative therapies. OBJECTIVE: This study was done to research on the actual condition of the use of alternative medicine in the patients with psoriasis. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was constructed, and was given to the patients to answer our questions. RESULTS: Among 128 patients with psoriasis, 61 (47.7%) reported previous use of one or more forms of alternative medicine. The absence of satisfactory long-term effects of physician-provided therapy was the main reason for patients trying alternative medicine. Persons without skin s disease and the mass media were the main sources of information on alternative medicine. CONCLUSION: Alternative therapies were widely utilized by subjects participating in this study, and dermatologists need to be aware of alternative treatments employed by their patients.
Complementary Therapies*
Mass Media
5.Intralesional Bleomycin Therapy Using a Lancet in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Warts.
Won Ho KIM ; Chul Woo KIM ; Kwang Ho KIM ; Kwang Joong KIM
Annals of Dermatology 2005;17(2):53-57
No abstract available.
6.Chronological change of persecutors in schizophrenic delusion : Comparison between 1980-1982 and 1990-1992.
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1993;32(2):195-201
No abstract available.
7.Effects of Hantaan Virus and IFN-gammaon Induction of Surface ICAM-1 in Primary Cultured Buman Nasal Epithelial Cells and Human Lung Fibroblasts.
Journal of the Korean Society of Virology 1998;28(4):317-325
The primary culture of human nasal epithelial cells was performed using the inferior nasal turbinate tissues, and infected with Hantaan virus to examine the hypothesis of airborne transmission of Hantaan virus in humans. The primary culture cells were identified as epithelial cells by morphologic and immunologic analyses. The viral antigens were detected in the primary human nasal epithelial cells infected with Hantaan virus by immunofluorescence staining. The ICAM-1 induction by Hantaan virus or IFN-gammawas examined in the primary human nasal epithelial cells and human lung fibroblasts (WI-38). Hantaan virus induced the surface ICAM-1 in Wl-38 cells in a time-dependent manner, and IFN-gammainduced the surface ICAM-1 in a dose-dependent manner in HNEC and WI-38 cells. These results revealed that the human nasal epithelial cells are susceptible to Hantaan viral infection supporting the hypothesis of airborne transmission of Hantaan virus in humans. The human lung fibroblasts also might have an important role in the pathogenesis of Hantaan virus through the induction of ICAM-1.
Antigens, Viral
Epithelial Cells*
Fluorescent Antibody Technique
Hantaan virus*
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1*
8.Cytologic Features and Distribution of Primary site of Malignant Cells in Body Fluids.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1990;24(4):456-464
Many articles concerning the accuracy of diagnosis of malignant tumor cells in body fluids have appeared in the literature, but few authors have attempted to describe the characteristics of these cells to determine the site of the primary tumor as they relate to tumors of specific primary sites. This paper presents the results of a retrospective study on malignant body cavity effusions of which the primary site was established on the basis of either biopsy or surgical resection of the primary neoplasm during the period of 6 years beginning from January 1983 to December 1988. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) The 143 fluid specimens from 129 patients were composed of 51 cases of pleural, 69 of peritoneal, and 9 of pericardial origin. 2) Adenocarcinoma was the most frequent type of malignant effusions (78.3%). The most common primary site was the lung (50%) in pleural fluid and stomach (55.2%) in ascites. 3) The results of this study show that the primary site of tumor cells can be identified in the body fluid of accurate cytomorphologic criteria are used. Identification of the primary site of an effusion would be improved by the consideration of clinical information
9.Immunohistochemical Study on Expression of CD34 in Basal Cell Carcinomas and Trichoepitheliomas.
Kwang Ho KIM ; Ho Gyun LEE ; Jong Min KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(4):650-654
BACKGROUND: The differentiation between basal cell carcinoma(BCC) and trichoepithelioma(TE) is sometimes difficult clinically and histologically, and their differentiation is important since their treatment and prognosis are sometimes different. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to investigate whether there was a difference in CD34 staining patterns in the stromas (immediate and distant stromas from the tumor lobules) of BCC and TE, since the histopathologic characteristics of the stromas are one of the most important features to differentiate the two tumor. METHOD: We perfomed immunoperoxidase staining(modified ABC technique) by using a monoclonal anti CD34 antibody(QBEND10, IgG1) on the formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens of 11 BCC as and 10 TEs. RESULTS: 1. In the immediate strcimas, spindle-shaped cells were stained in 4 out of ll cases of BCC and in 9 out of 10 cases of TE. However, the staining patterns observed in the 4 cases of BCC were all loosely scattered, week staining, while those of the 9 cases of TE were all densely compact, strong staining. CD34 was not expressed in one case of TE. 2. In the distant stromas, all cases of BCC and TE showed staining of loosely scattered spindle-shaped cells, and there was no difference in staining patterns of the two tumors. 3. Papillary mesenchymed bodies were observed in 8 cases of TE and in none of BCC, and they expressed CD34 focally. CONCLUSION: CD34 sta ining patterns of the immediate peritumoral stromas of BCCs and TEs were different and could differentiate the two tumors.
Carcinoma, Basal Cell*
10.A Case of Cutaneous Horn Arising from Dermatofibroma.
Young Ju SEO ; Jung Ho RYU ; Kwang Ho KIM ; Kwang Joong KIM
Annals of Dermatology 2004;16(2):76-78
Cutaneous horn is a clinical diagnosis based upon the presence of a large protuberant mass of keratin. We report a case of cutaneous horn arising from dermatofibroma in a 31-year old woman. A silver whitish colored comical hyperkeratotic protruding lesion (1.0 0.7 cm size) from the red brown colored nodule was observed. Histopathologic findings showed characteristic findings of dermatofibroma and cutaneous horn. The lesion was removed by surgical excision.
Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous*