1.Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Down Syndrom.
Kun Soo LEE ; Ja Hoon KOO ; Kun Young SOHN
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(4):13-19
No abstract available.
Superoxide Dismutase*
2.A clinical, epidemiologic and laboratory investigation of aseptic menigitis in Taejeon area on 1993.
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society 1993;1(2):48-55
No abstract available.
3.A clinical anaysis of nonunion of the long bones in lower extremity.
Young Key LEE ; Young Jin CHUNG ; Kun Yung LEE ; Hong Kun LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1993;28(7):2570-2580
No abstract available.
Lower Extremity*
4.A clinical study of segmental tibial fracture.
Kun Yung LEE ; Young Jin CHUNG ; Young Key LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1993;28(1):264-275
No abstract available.
Tibial Fractures*
5.A Case Report of Enchondroma on Right Ischjum
Kyu Young PARK ; Young Soon LEE ; Hong Kun LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1973;8(4):404-406
The Enchondroma is a benign cartilage forming harmartoma arising chiefly from short tubular bones on hands and feet. If on a long tubular bone or flat bone such as femur or ilium, it is most likely to be a true neoplasm such as chondrosarcoma, not a harmartoma. A case of enchondroma was reported. It occurred over right ischium of 19 years old male and was found incidentally by roentgenogram. The lesion was biopsied and diagnos's was confirmed by histologic examination. It was treated by curretage with filling of cavity with bone chips. Post operative-course was uneventful.
6.Total Hip Replacement of Pathologic Fracture in Fibrous Dysplasia involving Proximal Part of the Femur
Sang Won PARK ; Young Soo BYUN ; Hong Kun LEE ; Jung Kun SONG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1978;13(3):473-478
The fibrous dysplasia, divided into 3 categories of the monostotic, polyostotic and extraskeletal forms, is a relatively rare disease which was first reported by Well in 1922 and shows a characteristic findings replacing the medullary cavity of noe or more bones by the pathologically proliferating fibrous connective tissues. In a consequence, the structural integrity of the diseased bone becomes weakened and suffers frequent episodes of pathologic fracture and deformities of the bone, which are most common around the hip. Various operative methods and instruments have been tried to manage the pathologic fracture around the hip recently. The authors report a satisfactory resnlt of total hip replacement for the pathologic fracture in a patient of the fibrous dysplasia involving the proximal half of the right femur.
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip
Congenital Abnormalities
Connective Tissue
Fractures, Spontaneous
Rare Diseases
7.Assessment of the Difference of Left Ventricular Mass by Echocardiography between Korean and Whites.
Young Soo LEE ; Byung Ok KIM ; Kun Joo RHEE
Korean Circulation Journal 1994;24(5):690-694
No abstract available.
8.Congenital Syphilis: Hematologic Findings of Early Congenital Syphilis.
Jung Bock LEE ; Dong Kun KIM ; Young Jin KOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(6):759-763
A retrospective study was made of the previous medical records of 47 infants with congenital syphilis born from mothers with untreated syphilis at Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine during the years 1972 through 1983 The VDRL titer of these infants was higher than 1: 8 with reactive FT.A-ABS test. They were subjectd to hematologic examinations and the results were as follow s, 1. Of 46 infants with congenital syphilis, anemia was observed in thirty-one (68%) Reticulocytosis occurred in seventeen(89%) of nineteen infants with congenital syphilis having the mean value of 6. 0%. 3, Of 4.7 infants with congenital syphilis, leucocytosis was noted in seveenteen 4, Thrombocytopenia was observed in twenty (64%) of thirty-one infants with congenital syphilis.
Medical Records
Retrospective Studies
Syphilis, Congenital*
9.Femur neck fracture during open intramedullary nailing of femur shaft fracture: a report of one case.
Kun Yung LEE ; Young Jin CHUNG ; Yong Woo JANG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1991;26(6):1931-1933
No abstract available.
Femoral Neck Fractures*
Femur Neck*
Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary*
10.Two Case Report of Surgical Treatment for Vertebra Plana due to Gosinophilic Granuloma
Kun Young PARK ; Keun Woo KIM ; Han Koo LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1971;6(3):259-264
Two cases of vertebra plana due to eosinophilic granuloma were experienced and successfully treated by anterior fusion of the involved spines at the department of Orthopedic Surgery in Seoul National University Hospital. Literature on the subject was reviewed.
Eosinophilic Granuloma