1.Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1984;1(1):5-12
No abstract available.
Knee Joint*
2.Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Correction of Anterior Tibial Bowing): A case report.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1987;4(1):157-163
Osteogenesis imperfecta has been categorized as a heritable disorder of connective tissue affecting both bone and soft tissues and is characterized by fragility of bone, blue sclera, and deafness, less frequently by dentinogenesis imperfect and laxity of ligament. The goals of orthopedic management with osteogenesis imperfecta are the treatment of acute factures and long term rehabilitation in an effort to maintain ambulation. We report a case of osteogenesis imperfecta with anterior bowing of tibia which was successfully corrected by multiple osteotomies and intramedullary fixation by Sofield method and reviewed literatures.
Connective Tissue
Osteogenesis Imperfecta*
3.A Clinical Study on the Fractures of the Femoral Neck in Children.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1988;5(1):17-22
Fractures of the femoral neck in children are rare and usually the result of severe trauma. The femoral necks in children, in contrast to those of adults, have many anatomic and physiologic differences. Among the late complications encountered are avascular necrosis, coxa vara, premature closure of the proximal capital femoral epiphysis and nonunion. In spite of careful management, significant complication rate often results. Nine cases of fractures of the femoral neck in children which were treated at Yeungnam University Hospital from June 1984 to August 1987 were reviewed. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The main causes of fractures were traffic accidents (5 cases). 2. Among 9 patients, 6 were girls and 3 were boys. 3. According to the classification of Delbet and Colonna, the transcervical fracture (6 cases) was the commonest type. 4. 4 cases were treated by closed reduction and internal fixation, 3 cases were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. 2 cases were treated by skin traction and cast. 5. The results were analyzed according to Ratliff's assessment. 6 cases showed good results, and 3 cases showed poor results. 6. Early diagnosis and good fixation method seemed to be vital to prognosis.
Accidents, Traffic
Clinical Study*
Coxa Vara
Early Diagnosis
Femur Neck*
4.Ganglion Cyst on the Anterior Cruciate Ligament: A Case Report.
Journal of the Korean Knee Society 1997;9(1):113-115
Ganglion cysts on the anterior cruciate ligament should he suspected in any patient having pain and clicking sensation during terminal knee extension. Previous investigators have reported incidental findings of ganglion cysts on the anterior cruciate ligament. We report a symptomatic case of a ganglion cyst on the anterior cruciate ligment that was treated successfully with arthroscopic debridement.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament*
Ganglion Cysts*
Incidental Findings
Research Personnel
5.MRI Measurement of the Intercondylar Notch of Femur.
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1997;32(2):422-427
The purposes of this study were to document the dimensions of the intercandylar notch in the normal knee; to compare normal knee notches stenosis and femoral intercondylar roof angle to those knees with ACL tears; to compare sexual difference in normal knee to determine if there is a relationship between femoral intercondylar roof angle and notch stenosis and ACL tears. We analyzed 128 MRI of knees taken using the Signa 1.5T MR machine between the ages of 18 and 46 from Feb. 1995 to Feb. 1996. The Group 1 was ninty-one normal knees. The Group 1-F was the normal twenty-two knees of female. The Group 1-M was the normal sixty-nine knees of male. The Group 2 was thirty-seven knees with MRI and arthroscopically confirmed ACL tears within 2 months after injury. We measured the femoral intercondylar roof angle, open notch angle, ratio of notch width at two-thirds of the notch height to condylar width, and ratio of maximum notch width to condylar width from sigittal, transverse cut of MRI. The measurements of the two groups were compared for statistical significance using the student's t-test. Statistically significant differences were found between normal (Group 1) and ACL injured knees (Group 2) in regard to ratio of notch width at two-thirds of the notch height to condylar width, and ratio of maximum notch width to condylar width, but no significant differences were found in the femoral intercondylar roof angle, and open notch angle, suggesting a significant association between anterior outlet stenosis and ACL tears. And statistically significant difference was found only in the ratio of maximum notch width to condylar width between normal male (Group 1-M) and female (Group 1-F), suggesting more stenotic in male group. Although a stenotic femoral intercondylar notch may contribute to a torn ACL, the intercondylar roof angle and open notch angle does not correlate with an ACL tears.
Constriction, Pathologic
Magnetic Resonance Imaging*
6.Distribution of Synovial Cells in Rabbit Knee Joint
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1987;22(5):1064-1068
An ultrastructral study was carried out to investigate distributional character of various synovial cells in different aress of synovial membrane of rabbit knee joints. Synovial membranes were surgically obtained from both knee joints of 5 rabbits, and were observed by both light and electron micrescopies. Type A synovial cells were distributed msinly on the luminal surface of the synovial membrane but type B cells were mostly in deep stromal areas. B cells were more than A cells in over-all numbers. Cellular density was found different sccording to the areas observed. Generally mid-central areas of the synovial membrane were less cellular than peripheral areas (medisl, lateral, upper and lower aress). Differences of cellular populations and cellular densities in various areas of rabbit synovial membranes were considered to be closely related to underlying structures and function of individual cell types.
Knee Joint
Synovial Membrane
7.Gait analysis after total hip replacement.
Jong Chul AHN ; Ja Woong KOO ; Joo Chul IHN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1992;27(4):1194-1202
No abstract available.
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip*
8.A Case of Separation of the Symphysis Pubis in Association with Delivery.
Sae Dong KIM ; Joo Chul IHN ; Jae Chang LEE
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1988;5(2):201-203
Separation of the symphysis pubis in association with delivery is very rare. The Korean orthopedic and obstetrical literature pertaining to this syndrome is absent. The physiological widening is small and asymptomatic, but a separation of more than one centimeter may occur and in usually symptomatic. A twenty-six-year-old woman of separation of symphysis pubis associated with delivery was treated successfully with the treatment of reduction and pelvic band, with absolute bed rest in the lateral decubitus position.
Bed Rest
Pubic Bone*
9.A Clinical Analysis Femur Neck Fracture in Elderly Patients.
Joo Chul IHN ; Myun Hwan AHN ; Jae Sung SEO
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1985;2(1):11-22
Femur neck fracture is well known as one of the major death cause after trauma in elderly patients, and unsolved fracture due to its frequent association with complications such as avascular necrosis and nonunion. Through meticulous evaluation of the patient, hip and surgeon's experiences, reduction of mortality and morbidity as well as rapid recovery of the patient to the preinjury social and ambulatory status without local complications and revision after treatment is urgently needed. Many factors about this fracture in itself were noted, but we have analyzed 18 femur neck fracture of the patients older than 50 years preliminarily according to age, fracture pattern, osteoporosis, etiology and method of treatment with its delay in association with major complications especially avascular necrosis and nonunion. The results are as follows; 1. Of these 18 fractures, 11 were in females, 8 were caused by minor trauma such as slipdown accident and 4 were associated with definite osteoporosis according to the Sing's classification. 2. Fracture pattern of these 18 are undisplaced in 4, displaced subcapital in 11, displaced transcervical in 3. 11 fractures in the patients older than 60 year are composed of 3 undisplaced or impacted fractures and 8 displaced subcapital fractures. 3. These 18 fractures were treated by closed reduction and internal fixation with multiple pins in 13, and hemiarthroplasty in 4, but one was not treated to die after discharge from hospital. 4. Undisplaced or impacted fractures and 3 displaced transcervical fractures were not associated with any complications such as avascular necrosis or nonunion. But 4 of 6 displaced subcapital fractures were complicated by avascular necrosis, 3 of which were reduced in the varus position within 1 week, and the other was reduced in the good position on 1 week after trauma. There was no complication in 2 displaced subcapital fractures reduced in valgus position within 3 days after trauma. According to the above results, the prognosis of the femur neck fracture is dependent upon the fracture pattern and delay in its treatment. So it is inevitable to reduce the fracture in anatomical or valgus position as early as possible. But the arthroplasty may be needed in displaced subcapital fractures delayed for several days, with its reluction in extreme varus position or impossible and with preexisting disease in the same hip joint (total hip replacement).
Cause of Death
Femoral Neck Fractures*
Femur Neck*
Hip Joint
Preexisting Condition Coverage
10.Diagnostic Value of Computed Tomography in Acetabular Fracture.
Sun Yong KIM ; Bok Hwan PARK ; Joo Chul IHN
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1988;5(1):43-48
We retrospectively analyzed 22 patients pelvic CT, in whom the acetabular fracture were suspected in plain film. And compared and analyzed the computed tomogram findings and plain radiographic findings. The results were as follows. CT enables better evaluation of shape, extent, and degree of separation of fragment. CT was helpful in detecting the combined fracture and soft tissue injuries. CT showed intraarticular loose bodies, which were invisible on plain film. In patients with pelvic trauma, no necessary changing position during CT examination. CT was useful demonstrates the remnant of intraarticular osseous fragment and adequacy of reduction after surgery.
Retrospective Studies
Soft Tissue Injuries