1.A Study on the Effect of Topical Indomethacin on Sunburn.
Jong Sung CHOI ; Won Suk KIM ; Yoo Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(3):181-189
It is generally recognized that several chemical mediators are involved in tbe pathogenesis of sunbum; however, the exact mechanism is still to he resolved. Recently, prostaglandin has been found to be one of the inflammatory mediators in sunbum, particularly in the delayed erythema response and several investigators have shown that the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs inhibit the in vivo synthesis of prostaglandin. On the assumption that the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs might exert a beneficial effect on the sunbum through the antiprostaglandin effect, several authors have reported the effect of indomethacin on sunbum. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of topical indomethacin on the delayed erythema response induced by artificial sunlamp and sunlight by clinical and histopathological examination. Indomethacin(2. 5% ointment, 2. 5% solution, 5% solution) was applied immediately after 3 MED irradiation of artificial sunlamp to the shaved back skin of 6 healthy albino guinea pigs weighing 550-850gm and 9 human volunteers and the delayed erythema response was observed at 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours after irradiation respectively. Punch biopsies of the skin were performed on 6 guinea pigs at 6, 12, 24 a.nd 48 hours after irradiation and the histologic changes were observed. Four human volunters were exposed t,o 3 MED of sunlight and indomethacin preparations were applied immediately after irradiation. The delayed erythema response was observed at 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours postirradiation and in one volunteer, the skin was biopsied at 24 hour for histologi.c evaluation. The results were as follows: 1. Topical indomethacin in ointment or solution forms delayed and decreased the appearance and degree of erythema induced by sunlight and artificial sunlamp in both human and animal subjects. 2. Histologically, the number of sunbum cells at 24 hour in the epidermis of one human volunteer was decreased on indomethacin applied sites. The dermis showe6 no difference in histologic changes between control and indomethacin sitea. In animal study, however, no detectable difference in epidermal or dermal changes was observed between control and indomethacin applied sites. The autors confirmed that topical indometha,cin was effective in delaying and blanching of the delayed erythema of sunbum in guinea pigs as well as in human volunteers, though there was no difference in histologic changes between indomethacin and control sites in guinea pigs. The mechanism involvel on this aspect is remained to be resolved.
Guinea Pigs
Healthy Volunteers
Research Personnel
2.Pancreatoduodenectomy for resectable periampullary tumor.
Jong Kuk KIM ; Won Hyun CHO ; Joong Shin KANG
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1991;23(2):323-330
No abstract available.
3.Heart Rate Variability in Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome.
Yung Woo SHIN ; Hyun Myung OAH ; Jong Won KIM ; Taek Jong HONG
Korean Circulation Journal 1998;28(12):1973-1980
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Studies in patients with mitral valve prolapse syndrome (MVPS) have shown the coexistence of various forms of autonomic dysfunction, and so this is an area that requires further investigation. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The study group consisted of 65 patients (36 men and 29 women), aged 16 to 43 years (mean+/-SD, 28+/-8) with symptomatic, echocardiographically proven mitral valve prolapse (MVPS) who were free of other organic heart diseases and arrhythmias. In a prospective study, heart rate variability (HRV) indexes were calculated from 24-hour Holter recordings obtained during normal daily activity and plasma norepinephine was measured, and then these data were compared among the study group according to clinic heart rate (HR). RESULTS: The study group was divided into below 60 bpm (group 1: n=13), 60 - 80 bpm (group 2: n=36) and over 80 bpm (group 3: n=16) on the basis of clinic HR. These patient groups were matched with respect to age and gender. There were significant difference in SDNNIDX, rMSSD and pNN50 between these groups (p=0.005, 0.009 and 0.002 respectively), and these HRV measures correlated inversely with clinic HR (p<0.01). As clinic HR increased, there was a tendency for plasma norepinephrine concentration to also rise (p<0.05), but there was no statistical significant difference between these groups. CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that MVPS may have subgroups of HRV, reflecting cardiac autonomic modulation, according to clinic HR.
Arrhythmias, Cardiac
Heart Diseases
Heart Rate*
Mitral Valve Prolapse*
Mitral Valve*
Prospective Studies
4.A Case of Impetigo Herpetiformis in Pregnancy.
Jin Wan PARK ; Won Ki LEE ; Eul Jong HUR ; Jong Soo KIM ; Yong Woo SHIN
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1999;10(1):61-64
Ovarian tumor in pregnancy is not rare and benign cystic teratoma is most common ovarian tumor in pregnancy. Most ovarian tumor in pregnancy is found at first and second trimester but sometimes found at third trimester and it is difficult to make a decision for management. Moreover physician should consider fetal age and mother's condition, and weigh outcome of operation for complicated ovarian tumor in pregnancy. Torsion of ovarian tumor is not an uncommon complication during first trimester of pregnancy and puerperium but rare occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. We have experienced a case of torsion of benign cystic teratoma of ovary which occurred at 37 weeks gestation in a 25 year-old woman. So we report this case with a brief review of literature.
Gestational Age
Postpartum Period
Pregnancy Trimester, First
Pregnancy Trimester, Second
Pregnancy Trimester, Third
5.Bone infection associated with pressure sores: a clinical study.
Hang Seok CHOI ; Gyeol YOO ; Jong Won RHIE ; Sung Shin WEE ; Poong LIM
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1998;25(4):679-685
Pressure sores are common complications in patients with spinal injuries or cerebrovascular accidents. The management of pressure sores requires prolonged hospitalization and repeated surgical interventions with a high recurrence rate. Particularly osteomyelitis following initial pressure sores persistently complicates wound healing and recovery. Furthermore, it may also ultimately result in serious sepsis; thus an early diagnosis of osteomyelitis in pressure sore patients is crucial along with appropriate surgical and antibiotic therapy. Although many diagnostic methods were reported, there is no single 'gold' standard for early diagnosis of pressure sore-associated osteomyelitis. Authors reviewed pre-operative CBC, plain X-ray, Tc-99m bone scan, and post-operative biopsy results in 37 patients who had received surgical treatment for pressure sores in a 5-year period from September 1991 to August 1996. Based on these reviews, authors compared and analyzed the sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing osteomyelitis.The results were as follows: 1. Of 37 patients studied, 25 cases were confirmed histologically as osteomyelitis. Ischial region revealed the highest incidence of pressure sore-related osteomyelitis(78%, 14 out of 18 cases) while the regional incidence was as following in descending order : ischial, sacral, and greater trochanteric area. 2. Tc-99m bone scan had superior sensitivity(100%) and specificity(83%) to other pre-operative studies in diagnosing osteomyelitis.In conclusion, authors suggest that Tc-99m bone scan is the best diagnostic method because of its high sensitivity and specificity if osteomyelitis is clinically suspected in pressure sore patients. And in case the test result is positive, agressive surgical bone resection and appropriate antibiotic therapy based on bacterial culture from deep bone specimen should be combined to prevent complications or recurrences.
Early Diagnosis
Pressure Ulcer*
Sensitivity and Specificity
Spinal Injuries
Wound Healing
6.Reconstruction of median sternotomy dehiscence.
Jong Pil PARK ; Ji Won JEONG ; Young Jin SHIN ; Jae Hyeon YOO ; Myeong Hoon NA
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1998;25(4):666-672
Complications after a median sternotomy incision, which is used currently in most open heart surgery, are serious, although it is infrequent. Reconstruction of the sternal defect resulting from dehiscence of median sternotomy is still big challenge to the most plastic surgeons. Since vascularized greater omentum was transposed to eliminate mediastinal wound problems, many vascularized regional muscle flaps became mainstay in reconstruction of median sternotomy wound. We treated 13 patients with median sternotomy dehiscence between October of 1993 and March of 1998. In two patients, the wound problems were so confined to superficial tissue that debrided and closed primarily. Eleven patients with deep wound infection were managed with vigorous debridement of all necrotic tissues and resultant defects were covered with regional muscle flaps: rectus myocutaneous flap(3) and bilateral pectoralis advancement flap(8). We used the pectoralis major advancement flaps without counter incision at humeral insertion site and the dissections were limited only medial to the anterior axillary line to preserve the axillary fold. In five patients with larger defects, we elevated muscle and cutaneous flaps separately to make these flaps more mobile. Large portion of two rectus abdominis flaps could not survive, whereas pectoralis advancement flaps had mo special wound problems. Only one patient developed fistula due to remained wire, regardless to flap surgery.
Rectus Abdominis
Thoracic Surgery
Wound Infection
Wounds and Injuries
7.Glucose Disappearance Rates in Neonates.
Won Mo YANG ; Wea Kyung SHIN ; Whang Kim KIM ; Back Keun LIM ; Jong Soo KIM
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(12):1637-1641
No abstract available.
Infant, Newborn*
8.Clinical Studies on 40 Cases of Postpartum Heart Failure.
Jong Seung KIM ; Won Jae CHO ; Young Ki SHIN ; Bang Hyun LIU
Korean Circulation Journal 1971;1(2):35-42
Fourty cases of postpartum heart failure occuring in Korean women in the Dept. of Int. Med., Pusan University Hospital are reported, with and analysis of clinical data including frequency, age, time of onset, clinical features, hemoglobin, liver function, electrocardiographic and chest X-ray findings. The following results were obtained. 1. The cases were mostly found in 20-29 years age group, 50% of the total cases. 2. Eighteen cases of fourty patients experienced the symptoms during the 2nd week after delivery and 12 cases complained the symptoms during 4th week. 3. Only six cases noted onset of heart disease following the 4th pregnancy, whereas sixteen patients experienced this phenomenon after the first gestation, eight patients after the 2nd gestation and ten patients after the 3rd pregnancy. 4. At the admission the patients were suffering from paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, exertional dyspnea and generalized edema. Physical findings revealed cardiomegaly, gallop rhythm, edema, pulmonary fine rales and systolic murmur in frequency. 5. Electrocardiograms were available at the time of presentation in thirty patients. Twenty four patients had left ventricular hypertrophy, 18 patients sinus tachycardia, 3 patients lower voltage. 6. The chest X-ray film showed the cardiomegaly in 15 cases, 83.3% of the obtained 18 cases, 12 cases pulmonary edema, 3 cases pericardial effusion. 7. The venous pressure was measured in 15 patients. In 5 cases the venous pressure was normal and in 10 increased above 150mmH2O. 8. With prompt treatment by rest, salt restriction, diuretics and digoxin the clinical symptoms improved in 31 cases but 9 patients died at the admission.
Heart Diseases
Heart Failure*
Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular
Pericardial Effusion
Postpartum Period*
Pulmonary Edema
Respiratory Sounds
Systolic Murmurs
Tachycardia, Sinus
Venous Pressure
X-Ray Film
9.The Study of Urinary Hydroxypyridinium Crosslinks Concentrations in Patients with RA or OA , and Its Clinical Significance.
Sung Kwang JUNG ; Yun Woo LEE ; Bo Moon SHIN ; Jong Won KIM
Korean Journal of Medicine 1997;53(2):232-237
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the urinary concentrations of hydroxyridinium crosslinks of collagen in patients with osteoarthritis(OA) or rheumatoid arthritis(RA), and to compare its clinical correlation with the classic indices of the disease activity of RA. METHODS: Concentrations of urinary pyridinoline (Pyd) and deoxypyridinoline(Dpd) were measured in urinary samples collected from 18 control patients, 35 patients with OA, 45 patients with RA by competitive enzyme immunoassay using microplate coated with monoclonal antibody. RESULTS: 1) Mean urinary concentrations of Pyd in OA patients were 33.5nmol/mmol creatinine, in RA patients were 50.0nmol/mmol creatinine which were higher than the values in controls (25.1 nmol/mmol creatinine). Also, mean concentrations of Dpd in OA patients were 9.2nmol/mmol creatinine, in RA patients were 10.1nmol/mmol creatinine which were higher than the values in controls(5.6nmol/mmol creatinine)(p<0.01). 2) Mean urinary concentration of Pyd was 50.0 nmol/mmol creatinine in RA patients, which was significantly higher than the values in OA(33.5 nnmol/mmol creatinine)(p<0.05), but the mean Dpd concentratians were not significantly different between the two groups. 3) The concentrations of urinary Pyd in RA patients was significantly correlated with the biologic markers indicating inflammatory activity such as ESR(r=0.68, p<0.001), CRP(r=0.72, p<0.001) and the number of tender joint(r=0.66, p<0.01) CONCLUSION: Urinary concentrations of Pyd and Dpd were significantly higher in OA and RA patients than in controls, Especially urinary Pyd concentrations were significantly increased in RA patients than in OA patients, and strongly correlated with disease activity index of rheumatoid arthritis. The mean Dpd concentration, bone specific analogue, in RA patients was not significantly different from that of OA patients and it was not correlated with disease activity index Thus measurement of urinary Pyd might provide a sensitive, noninvasive biochemical marker for studying activity of RA.
Arthritis, Rheumatoid
Immunoenzyme Techniques
10.Evaluation of Hematopoietic Abnormalities and Apoptosis in Myelodysplastic Syndromes Using Long Term Bone Marrow Culture System and In Situ Nick End Labeling Method.
Jong Ho WON ; Dae Sik HONG ; Hee Sook PARK ; Jung Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Medicine 1997;53(4):469-481
OBJECTIVES: The myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of acquired clonal hematopoietic disorders characterized by peripheral cytopenias and a hypercellular or normocellular dysplastic bone marrow. The mechanisms responsible for development of MDS are not known. We performed this study to evaluate the hematopoietic abnormalities and apoptosis in MDS. METHODS: Long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC) was performed for colony assays, cobblestone area assay, stromal morphologic changes from 7 patients with MDS and 7 normal controls. In situ nick end labeling (ISNEL) method was performed for detection of apoptosis from LTBMC in 7 patients with MDS and 7 normal controls. ISNEL method also performed in bone marrow cell bloc samples in 36 patients with MI3S. RESULTS: Viability of nonadherent cells from LTBMC of patients with MDS was not decreased compared with normal controls at 1 week, but significantly decreased at 2 and 3 weeks compared with normal controls (P<0.0001). Formation of the cobblestone areas from patients with MDS was slightly decreased compared with normal controls at 1st week, but significantly decreased at 2nd and 3rd weeks compared with normal controls (P<0.0001). Slightly decreased compared with normal controls at 1 week, but significantly decreased at 2 and 3 weeks compared with normal controls (P<0.0001). Stromal layers produced in LTBMC of normal controls and 1 patient with MDS were detected at 1 week and were formed confluent stroma from 3 weeks, but another patients with MDS who did not form a confluent stroma. Patients with MDS had significantly lower colony forming unit granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) compared with normal controls at 1 (P<0.01) and 2 weeks (P<0.001) of LTBMC. Two weeks of LTBMC resulted more profound inhibition of CFU-GM formation than 1 week (P<0.0001). Apoptotic cell death was absent in adherent and non adherent cells from normal controls at 1 and 2 weeks, but massive apoptotic cell death was found in adherent and non adherent cells from patients with MDS at 1 and 2 weeks and the degree of apoptosis was profound at 2 weeks compared with 1 week. Among the 36 patients, fifteen patients demonstrated varying degrees of apoptosis positive cells, 4 having low, 8 intermediates, and 3 high scores. Remaining 21 patients showed absent apoptosis or only occasional positive cells. CONCLUSION: Hematopoietic abnormalities such as a failure of differentiation are caused by the stromal defects and the biologic basis of the apparent paradox of peripheral cytopenias in the face of hypercellular (or normocellular) marrow is related by intramedullary apoptotic cell death of the stromal and hematopoietic cells.
Bone Marrow Cells
Bone Marrow*
Cell Death
Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cells
In Situ Nick-End Labeling*
Myelodysplastic Syndromes*
Stem Cells