1.Initial Experiences of the Interpretative Report System in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Services.
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1997;17(5):711-717
BACKGROUND: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) has been shown to be effective in minimizing the risk for toxicity and maximizing the efficacy of the drugs. The application of pharmacokinetics principles to indiviualization and optimization of dosage is necessary. We evolved interpretative report system of digoxin determination in a view of individual's pharmacokinetics. The alto of the present study is to validate the effectiveness of the interpretative report system in digoxin therapeutic monitoring service. METHODS: We reviewed 125 inpatients of two groups. 4 group, before interpretative reporting, had 86 inpatients from February 1996 to March 1996. B group included 39 inpatients from September 1996 to October 1996 after the practice of the sytem. Digoxin concentrations were measured in serum by TDxFlex (Abbott Laboratories, U.S.A.). Each patient's digoxin pharmacokinetics was determined by using the Abbott-base Pharmacokinetics system (Abbott Laboratories, U.S.A.) . The interpretation for the assayed digoxin level, the recommendation of maintenance dosage and the simulation graph with predicted serum levels were included in the report. The effectiveness of the reporting system was evaluated by comparing the appropriateness of digoxin level measurement between both groups. RESULTS: It revealed that appropriate measurements of digoxin level were 59.5 % of the tests in A group and 77.1% of those in B group (p=0.006). Evaluation of serum digoxin concentrations stratified by digoxin concentration showed also significant difference among the percentage of tests in each concentration range between both groups (p=0.011). CONCLUSIONS: Interpretative report system for the assayed results caused to increase in the appropriateness of digoxin measurement. The report system with some improvement which is achieved through the active approach to physician helps us use TDM effectively. The system can be applied to the other TDM drugs.
Drug Monitoring*
2.Initial Experiences of the Interpretative Report System in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Services.
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1997;17(5):711-717
BACKGROUND: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) has been shown to be effective in minimizing the risk for toxicity and maximizing the efficacy of the drugs. The application of pharmacokinetics principles to indiviualization and optimization of dosage is necessary. We evolved interpretative report system of digoxin determination in a view of individual's pharmacokinetics. The alto of the present study is to validate the effectiveness of the interpretative report system in digoxin therapeutic monitoring service. METHODS: We reviewed 125 inpatients of two groups. 4 group, before interpretative reporting, had 86 inpatients from February 1996 to March 1996. B group included 39 inpatients from September 1996 to October 1996 after the practice of the sytem. Digoxin concentrations were measured in serum by TDxFlex (Abbott Laboratories, U.S.A.). Each patient's digoxin pharmacokinetics was determined by using the Abbott-base Pharmacokinetics system (Abbott Laboratories, U.S.A.) . The interpretation for the assayed digoxin level, the recommendation of maintenance dosage and the simulation graph with predicted serum levels were included in the report. The effectiveness of the reporting system was evaluated by comparing the appropriateness of digoxin level measurement between both groups. RESULTS: It revealed that appropriate measurements of digoxin level were 59.5 % of the tests in A group and 77.1% of those in B group (p=0.006). Evaluation of serum digoxin concentrations stratified by digoxin concentration showed also significant difference among the percentage of tests in each concentration range between both groups (p=0.011). CONCLUSIONS: Interpretative report system for the assayed results caused to increase in the appropriateness of digoxin measurement. The report system with some improvement which is achieved through the active approach to physician helps us use TDM effectively. The system can be applied to the other TDM drugs.
Drug Monitoring*
3.Quantitation of Methylmalonic Acid by Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry.
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 1997;17(6):1022-1028
BACKGROUND: Methylmalonic aciduria can be caused by inherited defects in the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase enzyme, Inherited defects in the metabolism of vitamin Bl2 and acquired or inherited vitamin Bl2 deficiency. Quantitation of urinary methylmalonic acid (MMA) is very useful In diagnosis of methylmalonic acidemia and cobalamin deficiency. We evaluated a quantitation method of urinary MMA and determined reference values. METHODS: The method involved stable isotope dilution gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS) with (methyl 2H3)-MMA as the internal standard. We determined the detection limit, linearity and periodic variations of the assay. Urinary MMA levels were measured in 70 individuals of ages newborn to 58 years with no metabolic disorders. RESULTS: The lower limit of detection calculated from blank runs (mean+/-3SD) was 2.62nmo1/m1. One control urine tramp)e analyzed 23 times within 3 weeks game results of 7.83+/-1.09 (mean+/-SD, CV=13.8%) nmol/mL. The linearity at four different concentrations of MMA was acceptable (R2=0.9992). The concentration of urinary MMA in 70 individuals was 2.33+/-2.19 mmol/mol creatinine (mean+/-SD). Age related reference values which decreased with age were also reported (p=1.23x10-9). CONCLUSIONS: The described method is sensitive, specific and noninvasive, which is considered the gold standard method for measuring MMA. The method could be used as a screening test for cobalamin deficiency and inherited methyl malonic acidemia. On the basis of the narrow range of normal concentration, it is expected that the method would readily detect mild cobalamin deficiency.
Chromatography, Gas*
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry*
Infant, Newborn
Limit of Detection
Mass Screening
Methylmalonic Acid*
Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase
Reference Values
Spectrum Analysis
Vitamin B 12
4.Accuracy of the sphygmomanometer for measuring of blood pressure.
Seok Whan LEE ; Soo Jee KIM ; Jong Uk HWANG
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1997;18(12):1500-1507
BACKGROUND: Recently, it is substituted automatic sphygmomanometer for mercury sphygmomanometer. But it seems to be insufficient for data of its accuracy. A sample accurate automatic sphygmomanometer could have an important role in the management of hypertension. The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of the automatic sphygmomanometer that is used common practice and at home. METHODS: We collected 247 patients who visited the department of Famiiy Practice of Taegu medical center from April to August 1996. BP was measured sequentially same arm by standard device(mercury. sphygmomanometer), test device A(A&D TM-2650), test device B(seine SE-2000). We assessed the automatic sphygmomanometer according to the standards set out by the British Hypertension Society(BHS) protocol and the American Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation(AAMI). These data were analysed using pearson' correlation and paired t-test. RESULTS: Test device A was highly correlated to mercury sphygmomanometer in systolic and diastolic BP(r=0.90, r=0.88). Also test device B was highly correlated to that(r=0.90, r=0.87). The mean difference between BP value obtained by the standard device and those obtained by the test device A were 0.59+/-7.66mmHg systole(mean+/-SD) and 3.83+/-6.43mmHg diast.ole, whereas the difference between the former and those obtained by the test device B were 1.70+/-7.99mmHg systole.and 5.58+/-6.38mmHg diastole. Comparing to standard device, there were a signifioant difference except systolic BP of test device A(P<0.05). According to the criteria of the AAMI, the diastolic BP of test device B was not enough and according to the criteria of the BHS, the diastolic BP of both test device were not enough. CONCLUSIONS: Both test device were highly correlated to mercury sphygmomanometer. But according to the criteria of the BHS and AAMI, there were not enough. Because the use of automatic sphygmomanometer was popularized, I think that further study will be required to assess of accuracy.
Blood Pressure*
5.The Prognostic Value of Fuhrman Nuclear Grade, 1997 TNM Classification and cell Type in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Uk LEE ; Kyu Rae KIM ; Han Jong AHN
Korean Journal of Urology 2001;42(1):32-39
PURPOSE: It is agreed that tumor stage is the definitive prognostic indicator for patients with renal cell carcinoma. We investigated pathologic grade and cell subtype as another prognostic in each tumor stage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 206 patients who underwent partial or radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma between January 1991 and June 1998. Renal cell carcinoma grade, stage and cell subtype (conventional [clear cell], papillary, chromophobe, sarcomatoid type) were evaluated using the 1997 Union International Contre Ie cancer (UICC) and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) grading, TNM staging criteria and renal cell carcinoma classification. Kaplan -Meier survival curves were used to determine 5-year survival for all patient groups. Univariate analysis using log rank test was performed to evaluate the prognostic significance of TNM stage, Fuhrman nuclear grade, cell subtype and tumor size. We investigated pathologic grade and cell subtype with log rank teat whether those were another significant prognostic factors in each tumor stage. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine which factors had an independent impact on survival of patients with renal cell carcinoma. RESULTS: Univariate analysis revealed that TNM stage (p<0.001), pathologic grad (p<0.001) were the important prognostic indicators for renal cell carcinoma. Survival was affected significantly by tumor size when cutoff diameter for localized T1 lesions was 7cm but not 2.5cm. Pathologic grade had a significant impact on patient survival (p<0.0001). In the cell subtype chromophobe type had the best survival and sarcomatoid type had the worst survival though cell subtype did not appear to affect survival significantly (p=0.0583). Multivariate analysis revealed that N classification (p=0.009) and M classification (p=0.018) were the most important prognostic indicators for cell subtype (p=0.841) were not shown to have any independent impact on patient survival. In the group of localized disease(TXN0M0 stage) at the diagnosis, cell subtype had a significant impact on survival in T1(p<0.001), T2(p=0.01) and T3(p=0.029) and grade in T1(p=0.0016) and T3(p=0.0054). CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic grade and cell subtype were significant predictors of survival in each T stage of localized disease though they didn't have independent impact on the patient survival.
Carcinoma, Renal Cell*
Medical Records
Multivariate Analysis
Neoplasm Staging
6.A comparison of the using of ender nails and plate fixation in humeral shaft fractures.
Chang Uk CHOI ; Jae Uk KWON ; Young Ho KIM ; Hee KWON ; Jong Suk PARK ; Dong Gu KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1993;28(3):1106-1113
No abstract available.
7.Complete remission of maxillary and infratemporal squamous cellcarcinoma after induction chemotherapy.
Jong Ryoul KIM ; One Ryong MOON ; Sang Jun PARK ; Uk Kyu KIM ; Dong Kyu YANG
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 1992;18(1):91-97
No abstract available.
Induction Chemotherapy*
8.The Significance of the Early Electroencephalographic Findings in Severely Asphyxiated Newborn Infants .
Jong Uk LEE ; Won Joung CHOI ; Chun Soo KIM ; Sang Lak LEE ; Jun Sik KIM
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(8):784-788
PURPOSE: Perinatal asphyxia occurring in newborn is one of the major causes of acute mortality and chronic neurological disability in survivors. We have studied the relationship between early electroencephalography(EEG) findings and clinical course and neurologic outcome in severe asphyxiated neonates. METHODS: Between the period of July 1999 and June 2002, 25 neonates who were diagnosed with severe perinatal asphyxia(1-minute Apgar score of < or =3 and initial pH is less than 7.2) at NICU in Dongsan Medical Center were enrolled. An EEG was recorded and analyzed within three days of life and divided into two groups - group 1(normal or focal change on EEG) and group 2(generalized abnormal EEG). Between the two groups, clinical courses and neurologic outcomes were compared. RESULTS: Fifteen infants(60%) were group 1 and ten infants(40%) were group 2(polyspikes, burst- suppression, generalized low voltage). Associated maternal disease, days of hospitalization, need for ventilator support, delay of oral feeding and convulsion duration are significantly higher and longer in group 2. Also, poor neurologic outcome(expire, developmental delay) was significantly higher in group 2(60%) than group 1(13.3%). CONCLUSION: Thus, the early neonatal EEG in asphyxiated newborn can be a predictable diagnostic tool in assessment of neurologic outcome.
Apgar Score
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Infant, Newborn*
Ventilators, Mechanical
9.Two Cases of Malignant Schwannoma in Association with Neurofibromatosis.
Seon Jong KIM ; Jung Uk YI ; Young Suck RO ; Chan Kum PARK ; Jae Hong KIM
Annals of Dermatology 1991;3(2):119-125
We report two cases of malignant schwannoma of skin in association with non-familial neurofibromatosis. Case 1, a 47 year old man, had a large subcutaneous tumor on the sacral area and case 2, a 62 year old woman, a painful, ulcerating tumor on the posterior aspect of the left arm. Both cases were histopathologically confirmed as malignant schwannomas and immunohistochemical studies showed 5-100 protein in the tumor cells. After surgical excision of the tumors, case 1 was lost to follow up, while case 2 remained without evidence of disease for more than one and half years.
Lost to Follow-Up
10.Intravenous Magnetic Resonance Arthrography of the Knee.
Seung Hee LEE ; Young Uk LEE ; Jong Dae SUH ; Jung Hyeon KIM ; Dong Joo KIM
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1995;33(4):627-632
PURPOSE: Knee IVIR images were repeatedly obtained after intravenous administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine to evaluate the arthrographic effect and to determine the optimal scan timing and technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sagittal Tl-weighted (650/15) sequences were repeated before and after intravenous gadolinium enhancement in 26 patients who were divided into exercise (14/26) and nonexercise (12/26) groups. Fourteen patients in exercise group were allowed to move the affected knee joint actively for 10 minutes immediately after the first post-enhancement scan and before repeating scans. The signal intensities in central and peripheral portions of the joint were measured and compared between these two groups. RESULTS: In all cases, enhancement of joint fluid began at peripheral portion and progressed toward central portion. The diffusion rate in exercise group was far faster than that in nonexercise group and homogeneous arthrographic image was revealed within 10 minutes after completion of joint movement. The arthrographic effect continued and the rate of signal decrease was quite slow. CONCLUSION: MR arthrographic image of knee joint can be obtained within 10 minutes after completion of a few minute exercise following intravenous injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine. Intravenous MR arthrography is expected to become an useful method as a convenient alternative to direct MR arthrography.
Administration, Intravenous
Gadolinium DTPA
Injections, Intravenous
Knee Joint