1.Plantigrade Foot.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1991;8(1):1-11
No abstract available.
2.Classification and Treatment of Epiphyseal Growth Plate Injury.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1985;2(1):1-4
No abstract available.
Growth Plate*
3.Two cases of disc internal disruption syndrome.
Jong Hyeung LEE ; Myun Whan AHN ; Jong Chul AHN
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1991;8(1):238-245
The disc internal disruption syndrome is not well known to us, but the following hypothesis is widely accepted in clinical practice. The disc internal disruption syndrome may develop intractable back pain with aggravated of pain, loss of spinal motion with any physical exercise, leg pain, loss of energy, marked weight loss, and profound depression. The patient with this syndrome will be found to have normal plain roentgenograms, myelograms, CT scans, results of blood examination and neurologic findings. For these reasons, this syndrome was frequently diagnosed by abnormal discographic findings. We had experience with two cases of disc internal disruption syndrome with clinical, roentgenographic and discographic evaluations. Thus we present these case with a brief review of the concerned literature.
Back Pain
Neurologic Manifestations
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Weight Loss
4.The Role of Endorectal Ultrasonography in the Follow-up Evaluation of the Uterine Cervical Carcinomas in Intra-arterial Cisplatin Chemotherapy.
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1994;30(6):1135-1140
PURPOSE: lntra-arterial cisplatin infusion chemotherapy delivers higher concentration of this therapeutic agent to the limited area of cervical carcinoma. We evaluated the role of endorectal ultrasonography (ERUS) in the analysis of the tumor response to this chemotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ERUS was done in 20 patients of cervical carcinomas limited to the pelvis by rotating the 5 UHz linear arraytransducer along the reference sagittal plane in the middle of uterine cervix and vagina. We examined and compared the change of tumor size and morphology on ER US, before, during and after intra-arterial cisplatin (50 mg/m2) chemotherapy through internal lilac artery near uterine arterial branching. Colposcopy and radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy were performed in all patients, and ERUS findingswere compared with those findings. RESULTS: ERUS correlated well with surgery in the estimation of preoperative tumor size and morphology. Tumor reduction rate on ERUS (100-the largest area of the preoperative tumor/the largest area of the initial tumor) was as follows: more than 75% decrease of the original size in 3 patients, 75% -50% in 6 patients, 50%-25% in 8 patients, and less than 25% in 3 patients. Hyperechoic reflecting areas were noted in 4 patients, which corresponded to gaseous necrosis on postoperative pathology. CONCLUSION: ERUS is helpful to evaluate the morphologic change of cervical carcinoma limited tothe pelvis in intra-arterial cisplatin chemotherapy.
Cervix Uteri
Drug Therapy*
Follow-Up Studies*
Lymph Node Excision
5.Posterior Spinal Fusion using Autogenous Bone Graft Combined with Xenograft for the Treatment of Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures.
Myun Whan AHN ; Keon Ho KIM ; Jong Chul AHN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1999;34(2):273-279
PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical outcome and reliability of mixed bone in the process of posterior spinal fusion for the treatment of thoracolumbar spine fractures. In order to eliminate donor site morbidity which is linked to the use of autogenous bone graft, a new surgical procedure mixing autogenous bone chips that were obtained from local decortication of the posterior element of the spine with highly purified calf bone (Lubboc) is studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We followed up 9 patients who had undergone autogenous bone graft and 9 patients who had undergone mixed bone graft for more than 12 months out of 33 patients who underwent posterior spinal fusion for thoracolumbar spine fractures between July 1993 and July 1997. RESULTS: Radiographic results indicated solid bony union in 17 of 18 cases regardless of the graft materials. Based on each follow-up evaluation, it was found that the increase in kyphotic angle was related to elapsed time rather than to the type of graft materials. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that the new surgical method of bone graft with highly purified calf bone can be a reliable alternative for achieving stable posterior spinal fusion as long as bone chips large enough to fill the interlamina space can be obtained.
Follow-Up Studies
Spinal Fusion*
Tissue Donors
6.Gait analysis after total hip replacement.
Jong Chul AHN ; Ja Woong KOO ; Joo Chul IHN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1992;27(4):1194-1202
No abstract available.
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip*
7.Treatment of the Segmental Fractures of the Femoral Shaft by Intramedullary Nailing
Jong Chul AHN ; Dong Dhul LEE ; Jin Chul CHO
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1995;30(3):686-693
Segmental fractures of the femoral shaft result from high energy trauma such as a traffic accident or falls, and it is frequently accompanied by multiple fractures and severe injuries to other organs. Thus it is very difficult to treat these fractures satisfactorily and several complications can be caused. Early operative intervention and rigid fixation is important to mobilize the patient and to ensure early rehabilitation. Nineteen cases of segmental fractures of the femoral shaft were treated with operative intervention(intramedullary nailing) and followed up between May 1989 and Nov. 1993.; minimal follow-up period was more than one year. Results were obtained as follows: 1. The methods of treatment were interlocking intramedullary nailing in 16 cases(colsed nailing in 7 cases, open nailing in 9 cases) and Kiintscher nailing in 3 cases. Bone grafts were done in 11 cases among 19 cases(8 cases in the interlocking nail group). 2. The closed interlocking intramedullary nailing could be obtained in more shortened operation time than in the open method. 3. There was earlier bone union time in the closed intramedullary nailing than in the open method with bone graft, but there was no statistical significance(SPSS/pc+progam). 4. There was a tendency of earlier bone union time in the proximal fracture site than in the distal fracture site.
Accidental Falls
Accidents, Traffic
Follow-Up Studies
Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary
Fractures, Multiple
8.A Case of the Solitary Neurofibroma at the Median Nerve.
Joo Chul IHN ; Jong Chul AHN ; Sae Dong KIM ; Myun Whan AHN
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1984;1(1):199-206
With respect to the histogenesis of the neurofibroma, there are many controversies, since von Recklinghausen postulated that neurofibromas are mainly fibrous tumors arising from the connective tissue of the nerve sheaths. According to the recent studies through the electron microscope, the neoplastic perineurial cells are regarded as the main components of the tumor. So, the neurofibroma enucleated from the median nerve at the level of proximal arm without resulting neurologic sequale was examine through the light-and electron microscope. Ultrastructurally, this tumor is composed of the perineurial cells, fibroblasts, and collagen fibers. The predominant perineurial cells show distinct basal lamina, and contain abundant microfilaments.
Actin Cytoskeleton
Basement Membrane
Connective Tissue
Median Nerve*
9.The Effect of Tension Band Wiring in the Treatment of the Olecranon Fracture.
Joo Chul IHN ; Jong Chul AHN ; Sae Dong KIM ; Myun Whan AHN ; Jae Sung SEO
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1985;2(1):59-63
Treatment of the olecranon fractures by prolonged immobilization often results in limited elbow motion. With the use of tension band wiring, anatomical reduction was obtainable, and only a short period of immobilization was needed. We reviewed the cases of 17 patients who underwent surgical treatment of the olecranon fracture. All patients were treated by tension band wiring. In the overall series, we were able to obtain 53 percent excellent, 30 percent good, and 18 percent fair results.
Olecranon Process*
10.Three Cases of Unusual patterns of Pyogenic Spondylitis.
Myun Whan AHN ; Dae Jin SUH ; Jong Chul AHN ; Joo Chul IHN
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1990;7(2):189-195
Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis is rare. It most commonly occurs at the lumbar area and in the fifth to seventh decades of life. Most individuals present with back pain, abdominal pain, hip pain and meningeal syndrome. We experienced three cases of unusual patterns of pyogenic osteomyelitis. The first case developed after sepsis. The second case developed after open fracture and infection of other site. The third case was misdiagnosed as metastatic cancer. We present these cases with a brief review of literatures.
Abdominal Pain
Back Pain
Fractures, Open