1.A Case of the Giant Aneurysm in the Distal Portion of the Posterior Cerebral Artery: A Case Report.
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2000;29(7):963-967
No abstract available.
Posterior Cerebral Artery*
2.Surgical treatment of facial paralysis by using static ancillary procedures.
Seung Jae CHOI ; Seung Ha PARK
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1998;25(8):1531-1539
There is no method of single surgical treatment for facial paralysis, because of its variable condition and variable patient's demand. We usually have been performed the free vascularized gracilis muscle transfer to achieve facial reanimation in cases of the complete facial paralysis. However. most of the patients who visit outpatient room are incomplete facial paralysis. In these cases, we performed the several auxiliary operations for the correction of a drooping eyebrow, paralyzed eyelids, paralysis of the lower lip, and for similar paralytic deformities. To correct a drooping eyebrow, we performed simple eyebrow lifting and upper blepharoplasty. Gold plate implantations and Kuhnt-Szymanowski's method were performed for the lagophthalmos and ectropions individually. To correct a paralyzed lower lip, tensor fascia lata graft was performed with the face lifting. The authors also discuss their operative methods and results of various surgical methods for treating facial paralysis.
Congenital Abnormalities
Facial Paralysis*
Fascia Lata
3.Review of the healing mechanism of maxillary antrum after Caldwell-Luc operation and the case report of recurrent oroantral fistulaafter Caldwell-Luc operation with oroantral fistula closure.
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 1992;18(1):67-71
No abstract available.
Maxillary Sinus*
Oroantral Fistula*
4.A study on biliary stone diseases associated with clonorchiasis in west-Gyeongnam area.
Young Jae LEE ; Sang Kyung CHOI ; Woo Song HA
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1992;43(3):380-387
No abstract available.
5.Idiopathic type I mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis in children.
Jae Hong PARK ; Il Soo HA ; Yong CHOI
Korean Journal of Nephrology 1992;11(4):441-449
No abstract available.
Glomerulonephritis, Membranoproliferative*
6.Cervical necrotizing fasciitis:report of a case.
Jae Ha YOO ; Byung Ho CHOI ; Chang Ho SUH
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 1993;19(2):185-194
No abstract available.
7.Cervical necrotizing fasciitis:report of a case.
Jae Ha YOO ; Byung Ho CHOI ; Chang Ho SUH
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 1993;19(2):185-194
No abstract available.
8.Effects of Capsaicin on Production of Cytokines and Nitric Oxide, Salmonella Infection and NF-kappa B Activation.
Tai You HA ; Suhn Young IM ; Jae Seung PARK ; Hyun Ju HA ; Du Young CHOI
Korean Journal of Immunology 1998;20(3):349-363
"Capsaicin, the pungent principle of hot peppers, is a neurotoxin that depletes primary sensory neurons of neuropeptides like tachykinin. The objectives of these experiment was to examine the effects of capsaicin on Salmonel/a typhimurium-induced production of cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-1B, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 and on production of nitric oxide in peritoneal macrophages. In addition, the effects of capsaicin on survival rates of S. typhimurium-infected mice and on nuclear transcription factor (NF-kB) activation were also investigated. Mice were pretreated with a single s.c. injection of 100 ug of capsaicin and were infected i.v. with S. typhimurium (5xO5/mouse) in 0.2 ml volume after capsaicin pretreatment. The serum cytokine levels were measured 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 min after Salmonella infection, using ELISA kits. The activation of NF-B was also examined by gel shift assay in spleens, thymuses and brains of mice that had been pretreated with a single s.c. injection of 100 ug of capsaicin. It was found that Sa/mone/la infection induced the production of TNF-a, IL-1B, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12, but capsaicin pretreatment inhibited the production of TNF-a, IL-1B, IL-10 and IL-12, but enhanced IL-6 production 120 min after Salmonella infection. Interestingly, the capsaicin pretreatment inhibited the activation of NF-kB in spleens and thymuses. There were no differences in the numbers of bacteria in livers, brains, spleens, kidneys and lungs between capsaicin- pretreated mice and the control animals in applied experimental conditions. Suprisingly, however, capsaicin pretreatment increased both the survival rates of Sa/mone//a-infected mice and production of nitric oxide by peritoneal macrophages compared with capsaicin-untreated control mice. Taken together, these results indicate that the capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurons may play an important modulatory role in the production of cytokine, nitric oxide and NF-B activation and the pathogenesis of salmonellosis."
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Macrophages, Peritoneal
NF-kappa B*
Nitric Oxide*
Salmonella Infections*
Salmonella typhimurium
Sensory Receptor Cells
Survival Rate
Thymus Gland
Transcription Factors
9.Correction of deviated nose using reverse swinging door precedure.
Joon Yong CHOI ; Jae Seung LEE ; Jae Jung KIM ; Bom Joon HA ; Myoung Soo SHIN
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 1999;26(6):1107-1111
There have been so many methods described for the correction of the deviated noses but it is difficult to get satisfactory results and recurrence rate is high. There is no exact explanation why the recurrences are so high and no estabished guides for techniques according to the surgical pathology. We found the classical swinging door technique effective in cases where the caudal septum deviated from the midline. However, where the caudal septum and the tip stay in the midline, scoring or submucosal resection do not work well enough to cortet them. We used the reverse swinging door technique of our own. After elevation of mucoperichonodrium, we did sagittal section in the posterior septum and moved the septum to the midline on the pivot point of the caudal septum and. The gap created in the posterior portion of the septum were filed with bone grafts, cartilage grafts or Medopor, which were sutured to the septum, We did this technique with or without osteotmies in 56 deviated noses for last 5 years. The results were very satisfactory and there was no complication.
Pathology, Surgical
10.Surface ECG Findings of the Patients with Left Isomerism.
Jae Kon KO ; Seong Ho KIM ; Jong Woon CHOI ; Dug Ha KIM ; Heung Jae LEE
Korean Circulation Journal 1991;21(6):1237-1241
Surface ECG findings in 29 patients with left isomerism were reviewed. Among the total 46 wave axis distributions, 25(54%) were abnormal axis, not originated from sinus node. Congenital atrioventricular block was found in 2 children. 6 patients showed the bradycardia and junctional escape rhythm intermittently or persistently. 4 of them, not related with heart surgery, were much older than 2 patients who showed these ECG findings after heart surgery. These ECG findings suggested the possibility of occurrence of sinus node or subsidiary pacemaker dysfunction in the patients with left isomerism, especially in the older patients. So we thought that electrophysiologic evaluation is necessary in some patients with left isomerism.
Atrioventricular Block
Axis, Cervical Vertebra
Sinoatrial Node
Thoracic Surgery
United Nations