1.A clinical analysis of residual and recurrent bile duct stone.
Tae Gul LEE ; Jung Hyo LEE ; Hyun Muck LIM
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1993;45(1):83-90
No abstract available.
Bile Ducts*
2.A clinical analysis of breast cancer.
Kyung Soo YU ; Jung Hyo LEE ; Hyun Muck LIM
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1993;45(1):23-31
No abstract available.
Breast Neoplasms*
3.Adrenocortical Oncocytoma: A case report.
Hee Joung CHA ; Yeon Lim SUH ; Jung Hyun YANG
Korean Journal of Pathology 1999;33(6):463-466
Adrenal gland is a rare location for an oncocytic neoplasm. In English literature less than 10 cases of adrenocortical oncocytoma have been reported. We have experienced a case of adrenocortical oncocytoma in a 35-year-old man which was detected incidentally during the ultra-sonographic evaluation of the abdomen for a routine physical examination. This case did not demonstrate any clinical evidence of adrenocortical abnomalities, such as virilization or hypertension. Grossly, the tumor was light to dark tan on cut surface. Light-microscopic examination revealed tumor cells with abundant lipid- sparse eosinophilic cytoplasm and occasional pleomorphic nuclei. Mitotic figures were less than 5/50 HPFs. Tumor cells were positive for vimentin but negative for pancytokeratin, CAM 5.2, chromogranin and synaptophysin. Ultrastructural examination demonstrated abundant mitochondria containing occasional intramitochondrial dense bodies or inclusions.
Adenoma, Oxyphilic*
Adrenal Glands
Physical Examination
4.Erratum: Impact of Meconium Obstruction-Related Risk Factors on Surgical Intervention in Very Low Birth Weight Infants.
Hyun Sop KWON ; Ji Mi JUNG ; Yun Jung LIM ; So Hyun NAM ; Gina LIM ; Mi Lim CHUNG
Neonatal Medicine 2015;22(3):182-182
We found an error in this article.
5.A Pilot Survey of Difficult Intubation and Cannot Intubate, Cannot Ventilate Situations in Korea.
Jung Soo KIM ; Hyun Kyoung LIM ; Jeong Yun SONG ; Hyun Keun LIM ; Kyungchul SONG ; Jae Hwa CHO
Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine 2016;31(3):202-207
BACKGROUND: There have been no studies of airway management strategies for difficult intubation and cannot intubate, cannot ventilate (CICV) situations in Korea. This study was intended to survey devices or methods that Korean anesthesiologists and intensivists prefer in difficult intubation and CICV situations. METHODS: A face-to-face questionnaire that consisted of a doctor's preference, experience and comfort level for alternative airway management devices was presented to anesthesiologists and intensivists at study meetings and conferences from October 2014 to December 2014. RESULTS: We received 218 completed questionnaires. In regards to difficult intubation, the order of preferred alternative airway devices was a videolaryngoscope (51.8%), an optical stylet (22.9%), an intubating laryngeal mask airway (11.5%), and a fiber-optic bronchoscope (10.6%). One hundred forty-two (65.1%) respondents had encountered CICV situations, and most of the cases were identified during elective surgery. In CICV situations, the order of preferred methods of infraglottic airway management was cricothyroidotomy (CT) by intravenous (IV) catheter (57.3%), tracheostomy by a surgeon (18.8%), wire-guided CT (18.8%), CT using a bougie (2.8%), and open surgery CT using a scalpel (2.3%). Ninety-eight (45%) of the 218 respondents were familiar with the American Society of Anesthesiologists' difficult airway algorithm or Difficult Airway Society algorithm, and only 43 (19.7%) had participated in airway workshops within the past five years. CONCLUSION: The videolaryngoscope was the most preferred device for difficult airways. In CICV situations, the method of CT via an IV catheter was the most frequently used, followed by wire-guided CT method and tracheostomy by the attending surgeon.
Airway Management
Congresses as Topic
Intubation, Intratracheal
Laryngeal Masks
Surveys and Questionnaires
6.Secretory Carcinoma of the Breast: A case report.
Kyu Rae KIM ; Jung Hyun YANG ; Yeon Lim SEO ; Howe Jung REE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(4):347-350
We report a case of secretory carcinoma with axillary lymph node metastasis in a 21-year old woman. She was aware of a mass in her breast for 10 years and noticed a rapid growth of the preexisting mass during the last years. Histologically, the tumor was composed of micropapillary and microcystic or cribriform glandular structures which contained eosinophilic, mucinous, intraluminal secretions. The center had a dense hyalinized strama with a solid infiltrative growth of tumor cells with intracytoplasmic secretory vacuoles at the periphery. In addition, marked intraductal papillary epithelial proliferations were present at the superficial portions of the tumor near the nipple. Prognostic factors and their relationship to juvenile papillomatosis are discussed with a review of the literature.
Neoplasm Metastasis
Breast Neoplasms
7.Granulomatous(Lobular) Mastitis in a Pregnant Woman: A case report.
Kyu Rae KIM ; Hee Sung KIM ; Yeon Lim SUH ; Jung Hyun YANG ; Howe Jung REE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(3):261-265
Granulomatous(lobular) mastitis is a distinct disease entity of unknown etiology which is characterized by noncaseating granulomatous lobulocentric inflammation. We describe a rare case of granulomatous(lobular) mastitis of a 36 year-old pregnant woman a review of the literature. The mass which was discovered in the third month of her pregnancy, began as a localized, nontender mass on the left breast and persisted during her entire pregnancy. It decreased slightly in size when she began taking post-partum bromocriptine. Clinically and mammographically, the mass was highly suspected as a carcinoma with axillary lymph node metastasis. Fine needle aspiration smears revealed numerous aggregates of granulomas composed of epithelioid histiocytes admixed with multinucleated giant cells of Langhans' and foreign body type, and collections of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Ziehl-Neelsen, silver methenamine and PAS stain were negative for acid-fast bacilli, fungus, and bacilli on the smear respectively. Histologically, granulomatous inflammation was centered on the breast lobules. Caseation necrosis was absent, instead, numerous microabscesses were formed in the center of the granulomas. Cultures of the fresh tissue for the AFB, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and fungus were all negative. Excision of the mass was performed without further treatment and there was no recurrence of the mass 6 months postoperatively. An autoimmune mechanism, infection, and some association with oral contraceptives have been suggested as etiologic factors in the literature.
8.Functions of Ich-1(L). and Ich-1(S) in Apoptotic Signaling Pathway of jurkat T Cells.
Sang Kyou LEE ; Jae Hyuck SHIM ; Hyun Jung KIM ; Jung Hee LIM
Korean Journal of Immunology 1998;20(2):91-99
Human caspase-2, Ich-1 (Ice and Ced-3 homolog), has two different forms of mRNA species derived from alternative splicing, which encodes Ich-1 and Ich-1s. Ich-1v which induces apoptosis is antagonist of Ich-1s which suppresses Rat-1 cell death by serum deprivation. To investigate functions of Ich-1 and Ich-1s in T celi apoptosis, the fusion DNA constructs were made with the ecto and transmembrane of CDB and Ich-lv or Ich-1s and CDS-Ich-1 or CD8-Ich-1s chimeric protein was transiently expressed on Jurkat T cells. Tyrosine phosphorylation of intracellular proteins was induced in these transfectans when activated shortly by anti-CDB Ab. CDB-Ich-li transfectant in serum-rich condition and CDB-Ich-ls transfectant in serum-deprived condition underwent apoptosis when treated with anti-CDS Ab or incubated with NIH3T3 cells expressing stably Fas-L on their surface. We also made six antisense DNA constructs which could specifically inhibit the expression of Ich-1v, Ich- 1s, and then they were transiently transfected into Jurkat T cell. The overexpression of both of the antisese- Ich-1 against N-terminal 42 bp and against C-terminal 366 bp inhibited apoptosis through Fas signalling. But, when three different forms of antisense-Ich-1s were overexpressed in their transfectants, antisense-DNA against N-terminal 197 bp increased knd the one against C-terminal 66 bp inhibited apoptosis, instead the full size of antisense-DNA did not give any effects on apoptosis through Fas pathway.
9.Amlodipine monotherapy in patients with essential hypertension.
Kyung Soo KIM ; Jung Hyun KIM ; Hun Kil LIM ; Bang Hun LEE ; Jung Kyoon LEE
The Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine 1993;8(1):59-63
No abstract available.
10.Clinical effects of doxazosin in the treatment of essential hypertension.
Kyung Soo KIM ; Jung Hyun KIM ; Hun Kil LIM ; Bang Hun LEE ; Jung Kyoon LEE
The Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine 1993;8(1):21-26
No abstract available.