1.Postherpetic Neuralgia.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2001;44(3):315-324
No abstract available.
Neuralgia, Postherpetic*
2.Predictive Capacity of Cord Serum IgE for Developement of Atopy.
Hye Ran BYUN ; Hye Won LEE ; Keun LEE
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(3):390-395
No abstract available.
Immunoglobulin E*
3.Erratum: Figure Correction.
Obstetrics & Gynecology Science 2014;57(4):342-342
The Fig. 5A was given incorrectly.
4.Analysis of the Transmission Route of Human Papillomavirus in Heterosexual Couples.
Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy 1999;10(1):47-57
Carcinoma of the uterine cervix has been considered to be a sexually transmitted disease(STD) and at present time, particullary human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered as the most likely infectious causative agents of uterine cervical cancer. But less is known about the sexual transmission of HPV and the status of HPV infection of male partner. Therefore, screenng of couples for HPV is very important for understanding HPV infection as a sexually transmitted disease and prevention of cervical carcinoma. The polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was employed to detect HPV 16 and 18 in cytological samples from the uterine cervix of the patients with cervical carcinoma(4 CIS and 34 invasive cervical carcinoma) and from urethral metatus and glans sulcus of their male consorts. The results are as follows; 1. HPV 16 or 18 were detected in 31(81.6%) of 38 patients with cervical cancer(HPV 16; 78.9%(30/38), HPV 1S; 28.9%(11/38), HPV 16 and 18; 26.3%(10/38)), 2. HPV 16 was detected in 27(90,0%) of 30 males whose wives were positive for HPV 16. But HPV 18 was detected in only 3(27.3%) of 11 male consorts whose wives were positive for HPV 18. And HPV 1S was detected in all male consorts whose wives were positive for HPV 16. In addition, HPV 16 or 18 were positive in 3 of 7(42.9%) male consorts whose wives were negative for HPV 16 and 18. Conclusively, these results suggest that HPV might be transmitted by sexual contacts in heterosexual couples.
Cervix Uteri
Family Characteristics*
Human papillomavirus 16
Human papillomavirus 18
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
5.A Clinical Application of Plasmapheresis in Bullous Pemphigoid.
Hye Won CHEON ; Seung Hun LEE ; Sung Nack LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1981;19(4):553-557
The technique of plssma exchange has been applied to a number of immune disorders in which c4eulating antibodies are present. We observed a patient with bullous pemphigoid and serious side effects of longterm use of steroid therspy. We applied ten times of plasmapheresis to him over six months period. After the plasmapheresis, clinical symptoms have greatly improved and steroid maintenance doses have been decreased. We have not observed any side effect of plasmapheresis such as thrambotopenia or hypogarnrnaglobulinemia during the whole therapeutic period.
Immune System Diseases
Pemphigoid, Bullous*
6.Carcinoma Erysipelatoides: inflammatory metastatic carcinoma in the skin.
Hye Won CHEON ; Jung Bock LEE ; Sung Nack LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1981;19(6):905-911
Rasch was the first to use the term carcinoma erysipelatoides in the dermatologic literature, and it is most frequently associated with breast carcinoma. This inflammatory type of rnetastatic carcinoma of the breast is an uncommon but well known entity. It occurrs almost exclusively in women, tends to appear in the anterior chest wall, and is usually found after recognition of the primary tumor which is usually adenocarcinoma or undifferentiated carcinoma. It has an acute inflammatory process with rapid progress, with many fatalities resulting in a short time. We report a case of carcinoma erysipela,toides originating from a breast carcinoma with characteristic clinical and histopathologic findings.
Breast Neoplasms
Thoracic Wall
7.Multiple Myxoid Neurofibromas on the Trunk of a Man of Neurofibromatosis Type 1.
Hye Min LEE ; Joong Sun LEE ; Dae Won KOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 2012;50(9):839-841
No abstract available.
Neurofibromatosis 1
8.mRNA Expression Differences of uPA, uPAR in Eutopic Endometrium of Advanced Stage Endometriosis Patients.
Sung Eun HUR ; Ji Young LEE ; Woon Jung LEE ; Hye Sung MOON ; Hye Won CHUNG
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2006;33(4):229-236
OBJECTIVE: We investigated the expression of uPA and uPAR in eutopic endometrium of advanced stage endometriosis and control patients. METHODS: The 33 endometriosis patients and 32 controls were enrolled. Endometrial samples were obtained from 65 premenopausal women aged 29~44 years, undergoing laparoscopic surgery or hysterectomy for non-malignant lesions. Sufficient samples were collected from 33 patients with endometriosis stage III and IV and 32 controls without endometriosis confirmed by laparoscopic surgery. The mRNA expression of uPA and uPAR from eutopic endometrium were analyzed by RT-QC PCR. RESULTS: The mRNAs of uPA and uPAR were expressed in eutopic endometrium from endometriosis and normal controls throughout the menstrual cycle. Uterine endometrium from women with endometriosis expresses significantly (p<0.05) higher levels of u-PA mRNA than endometrium from normal women without endometriosis in the proliferative phase. There were no significant differences in expression of uPAR in eutopic endometrium between controls and endometriosis patients. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that eutopic endometrium from endometriosis patients may be more invasive and prone to peritoneal implantation because of greater u-PA mRNA expression than endometrium from women without endometriosis. Thus, increased proteolytic activity may be one etiology for the invasive properties of the endometrium resulting in the development of endometriosis.
Menstrual Cycle
Polymerase Chain Reaction
RNA, Messenger*
Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator
9.A Case of Werniche's Encephalopathy in Hyperemesis Grevidarum.
Hye Sung WON ; Pyl Ryang LEE ; In Sik LEE ; Ahm KIM ; Jung Eun MOK ; Hye Jin SHIN ; Hye Kyung YOO
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1998;9(1):31-34
Werniche's encephalopathy is clinically characterized by the acute onset of global confusion, ataxia, gaze paresis, and nystagmus. It result from a deficiency in thiamine, an essential coenzyme in intermediate carbohydrate metabolism. The prompt use of thiamine prevents progression of the disease and reverses those lesions that have not yet progressed to the point of fixed structural change. We experienced a case of Wemiches encephalopathy associated with hyperemesis gravidarum, which happens to the patient who are injected only dextrose without thiamine. Therefore, we emphasize the need of thiamine replacement in hyperemesis gravidarum.
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
10.Variations of the Straight Sinus in Korean Adults.
In Hyuk CHUNG ; Hye Yeon LEE ; Won Bong KANG
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 1989;2(2):153-158
The complexily in development of the dural sinus may result in many variations. Studies are being done on the variation of the straight sinus for clinical application of neurological diagnosis and operation. However, no data is available on Koreans, which made this study necessary. The present study was made on 50 Korean adult cadavers (average age of 67). The results were as followlng. 1. A bulbous formation of the rostral aspects of the straight sinus was present in 22 cases(44%). 2. Complete double straight sinus was present in 3 cases(6%). 3. Partial septum was observed in 8 cases (16%) with varied position and length. 4. The straight sinus terminated into both transverse sinuses(52%), the left transverse sinus(24%), the confluence of sinuses (18%), and the right transverse sinus(6%). 5. Average length and width of the straight sinus were 48.5mm and 5.9mm, respectively. 6. Nineteen cases(38%) showed no tentorial sinus drainage into the straight sinus on both sides. Number, size and terminationes.