1.Anesthesia and Sedation.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2007;50(12):1065-1071
Anesthetic care is usually provided for patients undergoing surgical procedures to make them unconscious and painless during surgery. Nowadays there are increasing therapeutic or diagnostic procedures performed outside operating room. Sedation is more frequently provided as healthcare during procedures for patient's comfort and safety by non-anesthesiologist or anesthesiologist. Early in 1999, ASA (the American Society of Anesthesiologists defined sedation and analgesia and established 4 states: minimal sedation, moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia. Monitored anesthetic care implies the potential for a deep sedation and is always administered by an anesthesiologist. It is not always possible to predict how an individual patient will respond by nature of being a continuum of sedation. Hence, practitioners intending to induce a given level of sedation should be able to rescue patients whose level of sedation becomes deeper than initially intended. The standards for preoperative evaluation, intraoperative monitoring, anesthetic care, etc. are not different from those for general anesthesia.
Anesthesia, General
Conscious Sedation
Deep Sedation
Delivery of Health Care
Monitoring, Intraoperative
Operating Rooms
2.Effects of Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia on Systemic and Myocardial Oxygen Supply/Demand Balance during Coronary Occlusion in Dogs.
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2000;39(5):730-738
BACKGROUND: A thoracic epidural combined with general anesthesia may reduce the oxygen demand of the heart by cardiac sympathetic blockade, but it may also reduce the systemic and cardiac oxygen delivery due to hypoperfusion which is critical to patients with significant coronary lesions. This study was done to investigate the effects of thoracic epidural anesthesia on the systemic and cardiac oxygen supply/demand balance during coronary occlusion in dogs. METHODS: In 10 dogs, the left circumflex coronary artery was occluded, and then thoracic epidural anesthesia was given at the T5-6 or T6-7 level with 5 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine to block T1-T12 through the surgically introduced epidural catheter. Hemodynamic parameters and arterial, mixed venous and coronary sinus blood samples were obtained at baseline and 30 minutes after coronary occlusion. The same parameters were also measured at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes after the epidural blockade. An epicardial 2D-echocardiogram was done by a cardiologist at baseline, 30 minutes after occlusion and 1 hour after the epidural blockade. RESULTS: Systemic oxygen delivery (O2 flux) was decreased after epidural anesthesia (p < 0.05), but oxygen consumption (VO2) was maintained throughout the experimental periods. Although the systemic oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER) was not changed, cardiac O2ER was increased at 90, 120 and 150 minutes after epidural anesthesia (p < 0.05). The end-diastolic noncontractile area of the left ventricle was increased, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was increased 90 minutes after epidural anesthesia and cardiac output was decreased 120 minutes after epidural anesthesia (p < 0.05). CONCLSIONS: In the experimental canine model of coronary occlusion, thoracic epidural anesthesia induces diminished systemic oxygen delivery without deteriorating oxygen supply/demand balance. However, as PsO2 and SsO2 diminished and the noncontractile left ventricular area increased after epidural anesthesia in the setting of acute coronary occlusion, perioperative use of thoracic epidural anesthesia in patients of coronary disease should be done carefully in order not to aggravate myocardial ischemia.
Anesthesia, Epidural*
Anesthesia, General
Cardiac Output
Coronary Disease
Coronary Occlusion*
Coronary Sinus
Coronary Vessels
Heart Ventricles
Myocardial Ischemia
Oxygen Consumption
Pulmonary Wedge Pressure
3.A Clinical Study on Fatal Cases within 30 Days Following Surgery.
Choon Hak LIM ; Hye Ja LIM ; Hae Weon LEE ; Byung Kook CHAE ; Nan Sook KIM ; Sung Ho CHANG
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1997;33(1):147-153
BACKGROUND: A retrospective study was performed to evaluate postoperative mortality within 30 days following surgery. METHODS: The records of 31,806 patients who received operation under general anesthesia were reviewed. RESULTS: 1) Postoperative deaths were 184 cases, the ratio of which was comprising 0.57% of all surgical operative cases. 2) The highest ratio of the mortality in age group was 51~60 years group which was 24.5%, and in physical status it was ASA class III which was 36.4%. The highest ratio to the mortality rate in postoperative days was 8~30 days which was 45.1%. 3) The most common causes of death was low cardiac output due to heart failure on operating theater, and hypovolemic shock within postoperative 2 days, and intracranial problem within postoperative 7 days, and pulmonary complication within postoperative 30 days. CONCLUSION: We conclude that fatality rate could be decreased by intensive and multidisciplinary care for postoperaive complications as respiratory and renal failure.
Anesthesia, General
Cardiac Output, Low
Cause of Death
Heart Failure
Renal Insufficiency
Retrospective Studies
4.Acute Postoperative Unilateral Pulmonary Edema.
Hye Won LEE ; Hae Ja LIM ; Seong Ho CHANG ; Jung Soon SHIN
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1990;23(5):811-815
There are many predisposing factors for acute pulmonary edema, namely, left ventricular failure due to cardiac disease or fluid overloading, hypoalbuminemia, pulmonary capillary endothelial damage from bacterial toxins or irritant gases, rare central nervous system injuries pulmonary hyersensitivity reactions, etc. Acute pulmonary edema following operations is a rare complication especially in a patient whose preoperative cardiopulmonary status was within normal limits. We present a case of unilateral pulmonary edema immediately following operation in a 46 year old male patient who had a modified pull-through operation due to tongue cancer and who had no evidence of preoperative cardiopulmonary disorders. The edema was relieved after 9 hours with intensive care of pulmonary edema such as IPPB with Omorphine, diuretics, corticosteroid, asemi-sitting position and frequent tracheal suction.
Bacterial Toxins
Central Nervous System
Heart Diseases
Critical Care
Intermittent Positive-Pressure Breathing
Middle Aged
Noble Gases
Pulmonary Edema*
Tongue Neoplasms
5.Autommune Hemolytic Anemia Associated with Extracorporeal Circulation.
Suk Min YOON ; Hae Ja LIM ; Byung Te SUH
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1985;18(1):107-112
We noted hemoglobinuris during and after extracorporeal circulation for one case of mitral valve replacement. Laboratory results revealed autoimmune hemolytic anemia(AIHA) including a positive direct Coombs test. A patient with AIHA is serologically incompatible with his own red cells and with the red cells of most blood donors. Red cell transfusion is essential for the management of life threatenting anemia especially in this case. So it is essential, therefore, to have efficient clinician blood bank communication in order to arrive at a rational transfusion therapy for these patients.
Anemia, Hemolytic*
Blood Banks
Blood Donors
Coombs Test
Extracorporeal Circulation*
Mitral Valve
6.Spinal Anesthesia and Postoperative Epidural Analgesia for Cesarean Section.
Hae Ja LIM ; Hye Won LEE ; Nan Sook KIM ; Seong Ho CHANG
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1995;29(1):101-105
To evaluate the technique to provide rapid onset of anesthesia and postoperative pain control for cesarean section, we have used spinal anesthesia and epidural analgesia with a 26-gauge, long spinal needle through a 18-gauge Tuohy needle(Espocan) for elective cesarean section in twenty cases, 0.5% heavy bupivacaine 8-12mg was injected through spinal needle for anesthesia during operation, and then spinal needle was removed and epidural catheter was inserted into the epidural space for postoperative pain control. Ten milliliters of bupivacaine 0.125% with 0.45 mg buprenorphine was injected into epidural space through epidural catheter at the time of pain recognition in postoperative period. The results were as follows; 1) There were 5 cases(25%) of hypotension after spinal anesthesia. 2) There were 4 cases(20%) of complaint of pain during operation. 3) The time from injection of 0.5% heavy bupivacaine to onset of anethesia to T4 level is 3.8+/-1.5 minutes and the time from induction of spinal anesthesia to deliverly of infant is 10.1+/-2.9 minutes. 4) Two cases of postoperative headache were noted, but they were mild and relieved spontaneously. 5) Other analgesics were needed in two cases at postoperative periods. The technique is recommended for the anesthesia of cesarean section because it allows rapid onset of anesthesia with spinal anesthesia and gives advantages of postoperative pain control with epidural catheter.
Analgesia, Epidural*
Anesthesia, Spinal*
Cesarean Section*
Epidural Space
Pain, Postoperative
Postoperative Period
7.The Effect of Continuous Intravenous Infusion of Esmolol on the Hemodynamic Changes Following Endotracheal Intubation.
Myoung Hoon KONG ; Hae Ja LIM ; Byung Kook CHAE ; Seong Ho CHANG
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1994;27(2):136-142
The changes in heart rate, systolic, mean and diastolic arterial blood pressure, and the plasma concentration of epinephrine and norepinephrine were measured before and thmughout the induction periods of anesthesia in 60 elective surgical patients in a randomized, double-blind manner to evaluate the effects of continuous intravenous infusion of esmolol for 1 minute at 500 ug/kg/min as a loading dose and for 4 minutes at 100 ug/kg/min as a maintenance dose. The control group (n=30) was given the continuous infusion of normal saline at the same volume-rate. During the study, anesthesia was maintained with N2O-O2-enflurane-vecuronium and controlled ventilation. In the esmolol group, statisticaUy, the heart rate at 1 minute after the intubation was less increased and systolic and diastolic pressure after 11 minutes were more decreased than the control group. And plasma norepinephrine concentration was elevated more than the control group at 3 minutes after the intubation. We concluded that the used infusion rate of esmolol blunted the hemodynamic changes following the laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation but it is still needed to find the dosage for complete blocking the adrenergic response.
Arterial Pressure
Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
Infusions, Intravenous*
Intubation, Intratracheal*
8.Peritonitis during CAPD in children.
Ja Wook KOO ; Tae Sun HA ; In Seok LIM ; Il Soo HA ; Hae Il CHEONG ; Yong CHOI ; Kwang Wook KO
Korean Journal of Nephrology 1991;10(3):379-386
No abstract available.
Peritoneal Dialysis, Continuous Ambulatory*
9.The Effects of Combination of Fentanyl with Morphine in Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia.
Hee Dong YOON ; Tae Il KIM ; Hun CHO ; Hye Won LEE ; Hae Ja LIM ; Suk Min YOON ; Seong Ho CHANG
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1998;35(5):975-982
Background: The highly lipid soluble opioid, fentanyl, has a rapid onset and short duration of action. The present study was designed to examine the analgesic efficacy and side effects of the combination of fentanyl with morphine in patients using intravenous PCA. Methods: Patients were randomly assigned to receive one of three PCA regimens: M4 group (40 mg morphine+90 mg ketorolac+1.5 mg dorperidol), M2F2 group (20 mg morphine+200 ug fentanyl+90 mg ketorolac+1.5 mg dorperidol), or M2F4 group (20 mg morphine+400 ug fentanyl+90 mg ketorolac+1.5 mg dorperidol). All patients were given initial loading dose of 0.1 mg/kg morphine plus 1 mg droperidol at the end of surgery. Pain score, side effects, and overall satisfaction were assessed at 30 min, 1 hr, 8 hr, 24 hr, and 48 hr postoperatively. Results: The pain score was significantly higher in the M2F2 group than in the M4 group and M2F4 group during 1 hr and 8 hr postoperatively. The total opioid consumption was significantly greater in the M2F4 group than in the M4 group. Patient satisfaction was better in the M2F4 than other two groups. There were no differences in the overall incidence of side effects among three groups. Conclusions: The present results suggest that the combination of fentanyl with morphine for intravenous patient-controlled analgesia is a useful method, and the double dose of fentanyl in comparison with the equipotent morphine dose is recommended in the early postoperative period.
Analgesia, Patient-Controlled*
Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis
Patient Satisfaction
Postoperative Period
10.Does Lidocaine Mixture for Preventing The Pain on Propofol Injection Affect Anesthetic Induction and Hemodynamic Responses to Tracheal Intubation.
Tae Hyun HAN ; Hye Won LEE ; Hun CHO ; Hae Ja LIM ; Seong Ho CHANG ; Suk Min YOON
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1998;35(5):883-889
Background: We hypothesized that intravenous lidocaine mixed with propofol may have an influence on anesthesia induction and hemodynamic responses to propofol induction and endotracheal intubation as well as propofol-induced pain on injection. Methods: Seventy-five patients were allocated to group L1 (2% lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg, n=25), group L2 (2% lidocaine 2 mg/kg, n=25) or group C (normal saline 0.05 mL/kg, n=25) according to the lidocaine dosage mixed with propofol 2 mg/kg. The pain on injection was scored as none, mild, moderate, and severe. The site of pain and recall of pain were also recorded. Loss of verbal response was observed during induction. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded before anesthetic induction (baseline value), immediately before and after endotracheal intubation, and every min until 5 min thereafter. Results: Ninety-two percent of patients reported pain upon injection in group C, whereas 8% of the patients in group L1 and no patient in group L2. Loss of verbal response before injection of total dose of propofol was observed in 44% in group L2, 36% in group L1 and 28% in group C. Lowered MAP caused by propofol increased significantly after endotracheal intubation in all three groups (p<0.05). HR increased immediately and 1 min after endotracheal intubation in all three groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: Our results indicate that intravenous lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg or 2 mg/kg mixed with propofol 2 mg/kg significantly reduces the incidence and the degree of pain, but does not affect anesthesia induction and hemodynamic responses to propofol and tracheal intubation.
Arterial Pressure
Heart Rate
Intubation, Intratracheal