1.Effect of UVA Radiation upon Sunburn Cell Formation by UVB.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1987;25(1):25-30
This study was done to study the effect of UVA radiation upon sunburn cell formation by UVB. In this study a total of 67 ICR male albino haired mice were used. The results were as follows: 1. UVA radiation produce a little or no sunburn cell in doses 5 J/cm(2), 10 J/cm(2), and 15 J/cm(2). 2. Preirradiation of UVA 5 J/cm, 10 J/cm(2), 15 J/cm(2) had no effect on the sunburn cell formation by UVB 20 mJ/cm(2), 80 mj/cm(2)
2.Two Cases of Reticulate Acropigmentation of Kitamura.
Gwang Yeol JOH ; Jai Il YOUN ; Yoo Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(1):164-168
We report two familial cases of reticulate acropigmentation of kitamura in 20-year-old male and 29-year-old female patients in which reticualte, brownish, slightly depressed pigmentation developed on acral parts of extremities and subsequently extended proximally. Characteristic pits and breaks on palms and soles were noted. Histologic findings revealed epidermal atrophy and enlongation of rete ridges with large amounts of melanin. Electron microscopic findings showed increased melanogenesis in melanocytes and numerous melanosomes and melanosome complex in keratinocytes.
Young Adult
3.Allergic Contact Dermatitis due to Befunolol Hydrochloride in 0 . 5 % BentosR Eyedrops.
Jong Taik NAM ; Ki Ho KIM ; Gwang Yeol JOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(6):1142-1146
Befunolol hydrochloride is a B-adrenergic receptor antagonist cornnory used topically in treatment of glaucoma because of a satisfactory intraocular pressure lowering apcity without relevant topical or systemic side effects. We repart herein a case of allergic contact dermatit.is due to befunc ol nydrochloride in 0.5% Bentos eyedrops, A 52-year-old Korean woman had suffered from erythemanedema with itching sensation on her left eye since Novembeir 18, 1992. She had used various ophtalrnic preparations including Bentos eyedrops containing befinolol hydrochloride 0,5% as its activ cinstituent since October, 1992 for treatment of glaucoma of her left eye. Patch test with the European standard series, rubber series, the patiants eyedrops and their individual constituents showed positive. reactions only to 0.5% Bentos eyedrops(as is) and to befunolol hydrochloride. We noted rapid improvement of skin lesions and syipsms after the withdrawal of Bentos eyedrops and applicatior of another B-blocker(carteolol hydrocilcide).
Dermatitis, Allergic Contact*
Intraocular Pressure
Middle Aged
Ophthalmic Solutions*
Patch Tests
4.Ichthyosis Linearis Circumflexa.
Ki Hoon SONG ; Ki Ho KIM ; Gwang Yeol JOH
Annals of Dermatology 1996;8(1):51-56
The authors present a 3-year-old boy showing generalized migratory erythema with doubleedged scaling broders since 3 month after birth, Histologic examination revealed an acanthotic epidermis with hyperkeratosis, focal parakeratosis and papillomatosis. The PAS-positive, diastase-resistant amorphous materials were found in th space of parakeratoric scales and cytoplasms of spinous cells just below the parakeraroric lesion. On clectron microscopy, we could observe the round dense bodise in the upper spinous cells and a number of lipoid granules in the horny layer. Our patient showed characteristic clinical, clinical, microscopic and ultrastructural gearures of ichthyosis linearis citcumflexa(ILC). However, he showed no hair shaft abnormalities, which is the common finding of Metherthon/sysdrome(NS) along with ILC and atopic deathesis.
Child, Preschool
Weights and Measures
5.Successful Treatment of an Infant with Kasabach - Merritt Syndrome with Interferon Alfa - 2a.
Jung Ho YOON ; Ki Ho KIM ; Gwang Yeol JOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(2):363-368
Kasabach- Merritt syndrame consists of thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and an acute or chronic censumptive coagulopathy in associati an with a rapidly enlarging hemangioma. Most vascular turrnrs causing Kasabach-Merritt syndon e are benign but the associated coagulopathy may be lifethreatening. Our patient, a 30-day-old female infant, was admitted after an increase in the size of a hemangioma present since birth on the right leg with extension to the lower abdomen and left inguinal area. Her herrnglobin count fell to 7.1g/dl, platelet count was 26,000/ul, prothrombin time was 26 seconds, and hypofibrinogenemia developed. The patient was treated with transfusions of platelets, fresh frozen plasma and red cells and prednisolone. for 2 weeks without improvement. We started interferon alfa-2a therapy. Over the past 6 months, he hemangioma progressively diminished in size withcut any serious complication.
Anemia, Hemolytic
Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome
Platelet Count
Prothrombin Time
6.A Case of Solar Urticaria : Treatment with Sunlight and UVA Radiation.
Gwang Yeol JOH ; Jai Il YOUN ; Yoo Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1987;25(3):379-382
We report a case of solar urticaria being activated by both UVA and visible radiation and positive in passive transfer test by visible light, which was treated with sunlight and UVA radiation. A short course of treatment with sunlight produced no benificial effect. UVA phototherpy produced a rnarked increase in the minirnal urtication dose by UVA but there was no increased tolerance to sun exposure.
Intradermal Tests
Solar System
7.Two Cases of Type III Solar Urticaria.
Gwang Yeol JOH ; Jai Il YOUN ; Yoo Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(3):361-364
Solar urticaria is an uncommon disorder characterized by rapid development of urticarial reaction in areas of skin exposed to nonizing electromagnetic radiation. Herber and Baer classified solar urticaria into eight types on the basis of action spectrum and passive or reverse passive transfer ability. We report two cases of type ]g solar urticaria which were activated by visible light and negative in both passive and reverse passive transfer test.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Intradermal Tests
Transfer (Psychology)
8.Expression of Metallothionein in the Neoplasms of Ectodermal Origin.
Ki Ho KIM ; Min Soo LEE ; Gwang Yeol JOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1997;35(1):107-113
BACKGROUND: Metallothioneins(MTs) are ubiquitous low molecular weight cytosolic proteins with high contents of cystein that xhibit a selective binding affinity for zinc, copper and other group II heavy metal ions. In additi~on to the sequestration function and detoxification action, MTs probably participate in the cellirlar protection against. ionizing radiation and alkylating agent cytotoxicity and in cellular pn:liferation. OBJECT: The objective of this study was to evaIuate the expression of MTs and to clarify t.heir role in carcinogenesis and/or biological behaviour in the neoplasms of ectoderrnal origin. METHODS: We performed immunohistochemical studies on the surgical specimens of rnalignant rnelanoma and squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The results were compared with the normal skin and mu osa and hair t,issues and raf't-on culture tissues of skin and mucosal keratinocytes. RESULTS: 1) MTs were strongly expressed in epidermal basal cells of the normal skin and raft-on cultured artificial skin They were also rnore weakly expressed in epithelial basal cells of the normal mucosa and raft on cultured artificial mucosa and in matrix cells of the normal hair. 2) In rnalignant melanoma, MTs were meaningfully expressed, i.e., a strong expression was seen in the lesions showing a rapid vertical growth phase with fatal out,comes, but a weak expression in the cases whose precursor lesions were thought as dysplastic nevi, compared to the negative finding of norrnal melanocyt,es. The strong expression in a case of congenit.al rnelanocyt.ic nevus is considered as the activation of nevoid melanocytes. 3) MTs were weakly expressed in squarnous cell carcinoma with a diffuse aattern within the tumor mass. St,rong expression of MTs was particularly apparent in the poorl. differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and at the growing border of well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. 4) In basal cell carcinoma, MTs were rather weakly expressed in solid cireumscribed types with a diffuse pattern and in cystic type with a patchy pattern. However they were not expressed in the solid infiltrative type. CONCLUSION: From these resuilts, we concluded that MTs were ubiquitously present in possible stem cells of various epithelial tissues except melanocytes irrespective of normal or artificial skin and/or mucosa including norrnal hair tissues. In the neoplasms of ectodermal origin, MTs might be involved in the invasive growth of tumor cells in the malignant melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma. It was implied that the role of MTs in basal cell carcinoma might be related to early events of hasal cell carcinogeresis and its down regulating tendency could be possible in its infil trative stage.
Carcinoma, Basal Cell
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome
Molecular Weight
Mucous Membrane
Radiation, Ionizing
Skin, Artificial
Stem Cells
9.Clinical Evaluation and Extracutaneous Hyperpigmentation in Nevus of Ota.
Gwang Yeol JOH ; Hee Chul EUN ; Yoo Shin LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(1):67-72
This study was undertaken to elucidate extracutaneous hyperpigmentation of nevus of Ota by analyzing the 70 patients who visited Cryosurgery Clinic in Seoul National University Hospital between January 1984 and March 1985 This results were as follows: 1. The age of onset showed two peaks: the first one was at birth or soon after birth; 27 cases(38. 6%) and the second une was between 11 and 17 years; 37 cases (45. 7%). 2 Seventy cases were classified by Taninos method: 15.7% was type I a, 27. l% type I b, 28. 6% type Il, 20. O% type g and 8. 6% type IV 3.Fifty two out of 70 cases who were examined at the department of ophtha1rnology: pigrnentation of sclera was observed in 29 cases(55. 8%.), of conjunctiva in 18 cases(34.6%), of uveal tract in 14 cases(26. 9A), of fundus in 14 cases (26. 9%) and of optic papilla in 2 cases(3. 8%). 4 Fifty two out of 70 cases who were examined at the department of Otorhinolaryngology. pigmentation of tympanum was observed in ]0 cases(23, 8%,), of nasal mucosa in 6 cases(14. 3p,), of oral mucosa in 5 cases(11, 9%), of external auditory canal in 4 cases(9 5%) and of pharynx in 1 case(2.4%,)
Age of Onset
Ear Canal
Ear, Middle
Mouth Mucosa
Nasal Mucosa
Nevus of Ota*
Optic Disk
United Nations
10.A Study of the Therapeutic Effect of Rosacea by the Flashlamp - Pumped Pulsed Dye Laser ( SPTL - 1 ).
Jong Taik NAM ; Ki Ho KIM ; Gwang Yeol JOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(4):649-654
BACKGROUND: Persistent facial elangiectssia, erythema, and flushing are the major cosmetic problems in patients with rosacea, However various therapeutic modalities for roacea papules and pustules, including topical antibiotics, systemic antibiotics, isotretinoin, and systernic and topical metronidazole, are not effective in reducing telangiectasia and flushing reactions present inrosacea patients. The flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser has been deacribed as a succqssful treatment for port wine stains with telangiectasia as part of their abnomalities. A clinical study was therefore undertaken in a group of rosacea patients, who recieves this laser to areas of facial taieous lesions. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser(SPTL-1) for osacea, especially telangiectasia and flusing reactions. METHODS: Forty-eight. patient with rosacea were studied to evaluatic the therapeutic effects of the SPTL-1 flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser (Candela corp.Wayland Mass.) at the Department of Dermatology in Dong-A University Hospital for 20 months from Januarg 1991 to August 1992. RESULTS: 1. Total therapeutic effects of this SPTL-1 laser showed excellent re:ults in 22.9%, good in 62.5%, fair in 8.3%, and poor in 6.3%. 2. Therapeutic effects of rosacea-associated lesions showed exeellerit or good results in 85.4% of patient,s with erythema and telangiectasia, 84% patients with papules, 100% patients with pustules, and 93.7% of patients with facial flushing. 3. Complications included trarsient hyperpigmentation (14.6%), section lary bacterial infection(6.3%), hypopigmentation(2.1%), and atropic scar(2.1%). 4. The recurrence rat.e was 2,9,%. CONCLUSION: The flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser (SPTL-1) is a dry effective mode of treatment for rosacea, including persistent telangiectasia and facial flushing ri.actions which were intractable to previous other therapeutic modalities.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Lasers, Dye*
Port-Wine Stain