1.Clinical and Obstetric Outcomes of the Teenage Pregnancy.
Yoon Hyuk LEE ; Woo Chuel JUNG ; Eu Sun RO
Korean Journal of Perinatology 2001;12(2):114-121
No abstract available.
Pregnancy in Adolescence*
2.A case of leiomyosarcoma of the broad ligament.
Young Ho JEONG ; Dong Ho JEON ; Eu Sun RO ; Yong Pil KIM ; Sun Uk KWON
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1991;34(8):1166-1172
No abstract available.
Broad Ligament*
3.Clinical analysis of bladder dysfunction after vaginal delivery.
Jin Shouk HUH ; Yong CHO ; Sung Won LEE ; You Dong CHO ; Eu Sun RO ; Yong Pil KIM ; Sun Uk KWON
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1993;36(7):1496-1501
No abstract available.
Urinary Bladder*
4.Statistical Analysis of Twin Pregnancy.
Suk Hee JUNG ; Sung Tae HAN ; Woo Chul JUNG ; Young Suk KIM ; Sung Won LEE ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1998;9(4):381-388
Twin pregnancies represent a high risk obstetric population with perinatal morbidity and mortality much greater than that of singleton pregnancies. A retrospective dinical evaluation was attempted to analyse 211 cases of twin pregnancies in Chunchon Sacred Heart Hospital of Hallym University from Jan. l. 1988 to Dec. 31. 1997. The results were as follows. 1) The incidence of twin pregnancy was 1 in 93.9 deliveries. 2) The age of mother ranged from 19 to 42 years and predominant age group was 26-30 which covers 43.1% of all. 3) Nullipara was 61.1% and multipara was 38.9%. 4) The predominant gestational age group at delivery was 36-37 weeks, 33.2%. 5) In presentation, both cephalic combination was 46.4%, cephalic-breech was 26.1%. 6) The birth weight was less than 2500gm in 64.9% of the 1st babies and 70.6% of the 2nd babies, respectively. 7) The rate of cesarean section was 89.0%. The indications of cesarean section were malpresention (48.9%), elective cesarean section(38.8%), and toxemia(9.0%). 8) In 23 cases of vaginal delivery, the average duration of labor was 7.0 hours and 43.5% of 2nd baby was delivered within 5 min after 1st baby delivery, 9) The most frequent maternal complications during pregnancy were anemia(36.0%), preterm labor(34.6%) and preeclamsia(17.5%). 10) The perinatal mortality rate of the first and second twins was 10.4% and 12.3%, respectively. The main causes of perinatal death were prematurity(52.1%) and stillborn(22.9%). 11) Both female was 43.6%, both male was 39.3%, and opposite sex was 17.1% in infant.
Birth Weight
Cesarean Section
Gestational Age
Perinatal Mortality
Pregnancy, Twin*
Retrospective Studies
5.A Case of Twin Pregnancy with Ine Fetal Demise(Turner's Syndrome).
Bong Rim JANG ; Woo Chul JUNG ; Sung Won LEE ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO ; Kyung Chul CHO
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1999;10(2):212-216
Chromosomal abnormalities are higher in twin gestations than in the singleton population. Turner's syndrome(gonadal dysgenesis) variety may result from chromosome loss during gametogenesis in either parent or a mitotic error during one of the early cleavage divisions of the fertilized zygote. The vast majority of 45, XO conceptions result in first or second-trimester miscarriage. Fetuses with Tumer's syndrome commonly exhibit posterior nuchal cystic hygromas and generalized edema. Recently we experienced one fetal demise in twin pregnancy. The affected fetus was associated with Turner's syndrome which was diagnosed by amniocentesis and karyotyping. The fetus was associated with cystic hygroma which was antenatally diagnosed by ultrasonogram. The unaffected fetus had normal karyotype and was delivered through cesarean section without any abnormalities. we report this case with brief review of literatures.
Abortion, Spontaneous
Cesarean Section
Chromosome Aberrations
Lymphangioma, Cystic
Pregnancy, Twin*
Turner Syndrome
6.A clinical analysis of 10 cases of relaparotomy after emergency postpartum hysterectomy.
Chan Eun PARK ; Ji Eun SUNG ; Min Sun KYUNG ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010;53(4):313-323
OBJECTIVE: To analysis the 10 cases of relaparotomy for intractable hemorrhage after emergency postpartum hysterectomy with massive transfusion. METHODS: Between January 1995 and December 2008, relaparotomies for intractable hemorrhage and unstable vital sign after emergency postpartum hysterectomy with massive transfusion were performed on 10 patients. Medical records were reviewed and detailed to collect clinical data including patients' clinical status, causes of bleeding, duration from hysterectomy to relaparotomy, bleeding sites, procedures for bleeding control, amount of transfusions, complications and prognosis. RESULTS: In relaparotomies, the points of bleeding were identified in all cases and multiple bleeding foci than one bleeding focus were found, and procedures for bleeding control were performed. In 8 cases, the bleeding were controlled successfully and these patients recovered without long term sequales. But in the other 2 cases, although the bleeding controls were successful during relaparotomy and bleeding amount decreased after relaparotomy, but bleeding amount increased the next day and angiographic embolizations were performed. These patients died due to multi-organ failure and continued bleeding. In one of these cases, the endotracheal intubation had been done on arrival at our hospital with postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery at private clinic. In another case, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed on arriving at our hospital with intractable bleeding after postpartum subtotal hysterectomy in other hospital. CONCLUSION: In most cases, bleeding controls for intractable bleeding after postpartum hysterectomy were successful during and after relaparotomy in spite of development of dilutional coagulopthy due to massive transfusion, and resulted in rapid recovery and good prognosis. Even though dilutional coagulopthy was developed because of massive transfusion, relaparotomy was safe and effective procedure for management of intractable hemorrhage after emergency postpartum hysterectomy with clotting factor replacement. If personnel and adequate clotting factor replacement are available, relaparotomy should not be delayed for management of intractable hemorrhage and unstable vital sign after emergency postpartum hysterectomy.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Intubation, Intratracheal
Medical Records
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Postpartum Period
Vital Signs
7.A Case of Fetal Supraventricular Tachycardia with Fetal Ascites Treated by Antiarrhythmic Agent.
Byoung Shick SHIN ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO ; Dong Ook LEE ; Ki Suk MUN
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;47(9):1794-1799
We experienced a case of fetal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) with fetal ascites diagnosed at 29 weeks of gestation in 29 year-old primigravida woman. Transplacental fetal therapy with maternal oral antiarrhythmic agent (verapamil, diltiazem) resulted in restoration of normal fetal sinus rhythm and disappearance of fetal ascites. At birth, the infant did not show any cardiac arrhythmia and hydropic appearance.
Arrhythmias, Cardiac
Fetal Therapies
Hydrops Fetalis
Tachycardia, Supraventricular*
8.A Case of Congenital Unilateral Renal Agenesis.
Kyung Chuel CHO ; Dong Ook LEE ; Yoon Hyuk LEE ; Yeon Hwa LA ; Woo Chuel JUNG ; Sung Won LEE ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO
Korean Journal of Perinatology 2000;11(4):513-516
No abstract available.
9.Clinical Study of Total Vaginal Hysterectomy for the Indications other than Uterine Prolapse.
Yeon Hwa LA ; Kyung Chuel CHO ; Seong Tae HAN ; Seok Hee JUNG ; Jung Lae SEO ; Woo Chuel JUNG ; Sung Won LEE ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000;43(8):1459-1463
No abstract available.
Hysterectomy, Vaginal*
Uterine Prolapse*
10.Control of Postpartum Bleeding by Rectal Misoprostols: A Report of 2 Cases.
Seong Tae HAN ; Seok Hee JUNG ; Yeon Hwa LA ; La Lae SEO ; Woo Chuel JUNG ; Sung Won LEE ; Yong CHO ; Eu Sun RO
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000;43(4):747-750
Obstetrical hemorrhage is one of the deadly triad, along with hypertensive disorder in pregnancy and infection. Postpartum hemorrhage is the major cause of obstetrical hemorrhage. Uterine atony is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage, and resulted from poor uterine contraction after delivery of the fetus and placenta. Initial management to control postpartum uterine atonic bleeding is based on the use of uterotonics such as well known oxytocin and ergot preparations together with uterine massage. Prostaglandin E2 analogue, sulprostone can be used next when these agents are failed to produce uterine contraction. The woman unresponsive to non-surgical managements requires surgical interventions including emergency hysterectomy. Recently prostaglandin E1 analogue, misoprostol, has been known to elicit potent uterine contraction and cervical ripening after oral, vaginal or rectal administration. We have experienced two cases of postpartum uterine atonic bleedings which were unresponsive to oxytocin, ergot, or prostaglandin E2, but were successfully controlled by rectal administration of misoprostols.
Administration, Rectal
Cervical Ripening
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Postpartum Period*
Uterine Contraction
Uterine Inertia