1.Clinical Aspects among Platers.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1977;10(1):16-24
This is a result of clinical examination for workers working with Chromic acid and Chromium compounds in the plating room of their companies. I selected two companies that the plating process and the kinds of plating were similar. One (SW Co.) was more or less improved the operating environment with the ventilation machine so on and another (SR Co.) did not it so. The former was examined at March 29th 1977, the latter was at June 28th 1976. But the respiratory communicable diseases, flue or common cold so on were not spreaded there at that time. The clinical aspects were compared between the group of SW, and SR. The swelling and hyperemic signs of nasal mucous membrane and the experience of nasal bleeding were about 50%, generally, in all the groups. The following problem was dizziness or vertigo. The nasal signs in the group SW (improved ventilation of the room air) were relatively weak, but in another, it was come what severe;-there was necrotic sign with thick nasal clast. They were only used of gauze mask when the vapors of various solvents were deeply full in the room. And there was very high rate of bronchial signs, sputum or coughing in the group of SW improved ventilation so called, than another one. I suppose that it means chronic inflammatory change of the bronchial mucous membrane with deeper signs, due to the individual protectors were carelessly or not used according to the improving of the operating environment. Theses nasal signs mentioned the above were not nearly in the other groups had not been done the Chromium plating. The status of RBC, Hb and Ht, of urine protein and urobilinogen were mostly in normal range. But the number of WBC was more or less showed with a positive cor-relation to the working duration.
Chromium Compounds
Common Cold
Communicable Diseases
Mucous Membrane
Reference Values
2.Skin Diseases of Female Workers in Silk Reeling Industry.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1976;9(1):117-122
The occupational skin diseases in an industry of silk reeling located in Daegu city of Korea were analyzed by inspection through a mass survey for improving the workers' health, November, 1975. The subjects, 177 persons were all females, and were distributed at 18-38 years old. About two thirds were under 25 years old. The mean age was 23.6 years. The incidence of skin diseases was about 53%. It was generally divided into groups; -the epidermic changes of those were most frequent, 47.5%, the allergic reactions were 14.7%, and athlete's foot was only four cases, 2.3%. Most frequent signs of epidermic changes was the wornout nail, 32.3%; and the keratolysis, 28.8%; and the callus, 15.3% were followed in order. Theses were significant in five per cent level between the sections of the silk reeling and the manufacturing;-Allergic reactions and worn-out nail were more frequent in the manufacturing group than the silk reeling, and keratolysis and callus were inverted proportionally. Allergic reactions were occurred within a few months from first entrance time, and it was more frequent in the group exposed to same allergen in the past than the continuing group form first. Most of the appearing sites of theses were hands, and infrequently, it was occurred in the face, neck, trunk, knee and feet. These epidermic changes except allergic phenomena were appeared in the fingers, palmal and dorsal surface of hands frequently contacted. But these changes and allergic reactions were generally combined with two or more kinds.
Bony Callus
Skin Diseases*
Tinea Pedis
3.Bacteriological Mass Survey on Prostitutes for American Soldiers.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1975;8(1):83-88
This survey was carried out on about 240 prostitutes for American soldiers in Bong-Deok Venereal Diseases Clinic, Daegu Korea, through 2 times for two months from October and November 1974. The culture method was used identifing Neisseria and Mimeae species carbohidrate fermentation test was ferformed with phenol red broth base added human serum. Resistance test was informed with disc method in chocholete agar plate. The discs were made by Jong-Geon Dang Pham. Co.. Seoul, Korea. The carrierate of Neisseria genorrheae was 9.8% and there were relatively many carriers of Mimeae. If the direct smear is used only in microscopic diagnosis, it is easily confused to differentiate Gonococcus and Mima, a kind of coccobacilli. Gonococcus resistance to penicillin G was found in one out of 5 cases tested. The most of Mimeae was resist to penicillin G, but the broad spectrum antibiotics such as chloramphenico1 and gentamycin etc was moderatly sensitive.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Military Personnel*
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Penicillin G
Sex Workers*
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
4.Relationship of Low Blood Cadmium and Zinc to Blood Pressure.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1992;25(2):148-156
A case-control study was conducted to investigate the relationship between blood cadmium, blood zinc and cadmium/zinc ratio and hypertension. Eighty-three hypertensive and seventy-seven normotensive study subjects matched for age and sex were selected from the workers who had no history of job-related cadmium exposure, in Ulsan city and it's vincinity, Korea. The blood cadmium in hypertensive group was 2.90 etag/mL, which was significantly higher than that of control group, 1.99 etag/mL(P<0.01). After stratifing for smoking and age variables, the relationship was still remained. The blood cadmium/zinc ratio in hypertensive group was 2.46, which was significantly higher than that of control group, 1.65(P<0.01). After stratifing for smoking and age variables, the relationship was still remained. There was no significant difference in blood zinc between hypertensive and control group. On multiple logistic regression analysis, the blood cadmium/zinc ratio is highly significant than blood cadmium. In conclusion, there is the possible relationship between blood cadmium level which has been known to be within normal limits and hypertension. But, further cohort studies to define the effect of cadmium on human hypertension are required.
Blood Pressure*
Case-Control Studies
Cohort Studies
Logistic Models
5.A Study on Residual Hearing of Hearing Impaired Children.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1973;6(1):51-63
This paper illustrate residual hearing and socio-medical background on the hearing impaired children, 207 coming to Deaf School, attached to Hankuk Social Work College, Tague, Korea. The survey was performed through interview with their parents and testing by diagnostic audiometer (TRIO, AS 105 type) at soundproof room from March 10, to November 28, 1973. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The attendance rate of the compulsory primary school was markedly lower tendency in female than according to directly proprotinoal to prevalence rate of deafness amont them, If was showed the deeper gap in the more superior school (middle and high school). 2) Who entered at the suitable age to each school (six years old to primary school, 12 years to middle and 15 years to high) was 11.3%. And who were enrolled in school age to each school (6-11) years for primary. 12-14 years for middle and 15-17 years for high) was 45.9% (43.7% in male, 50.0% in female). 3)As causative disease, congenital case, were 23.6% include of 13.5% of heredity and 10.1% of troubles during pregnancy ; the total acquired cases were 47.9%, it was classified as 11.6% of convulsion from any other diseases, 7.7% of measles, 7.7% of other febrile diseases, 3.4% of drug (the most of streptomycin) intoxication, 2.4% of meningitls, 1.5% of epidemic encephalitis and 31.3% of other diseases ; and unknown cases were 28.5%. 4)31.4% of who included congenital cases lost their hearing within six months old, 11.6% in 6-11 months. 9.7% n 1-2 years old and 14.0% in 2-3years old. Consequently we obtained that the most cases 90.0% were lost their hearing within 3 years after birth.
Encephalitis, Arbovirus
Social Work
6.The Relationship of Low-Level Blood Lead to Plasma Renin Activity and Blood Pressure.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1991;24(4):516-530
A case-control study was conducted to investigate the effect of low-level blood lead on the blood pressure. The plasma renin activity (PRA) was measured also to investigate one of the possible mechanisms by which lead may play a role to influence on the blood pressure. Seventy-two hypertensive and sixty-nine control study subjects were selected from the workers who had no history of job-related lead exposure, in Ulsan city and it's vicinity, Korea. In addition to measuring blood lead levels and PRA, body mass index(BMI), hematocrit, serum sodium, potassium, creatinine, ionized calcium, and cholesterol were measured. Also, the habits of smoking, alcohol drinking and family history of hypertension were checked. The blood lead level of the hypertensive group was 19.8+/-5.5 microgram/dl, which was significantly higher than that of the control group, 12.5+/-4.7 microgram/dl (p<0.01). On multiple logistic regression analysis, the odds ratio of blood lead level on the occurrence of high blood pressure was 1.38, also statistically significant (p<0.01). There was no significant differences between the hypertensive and the control group in the PRA or In(PRA), but there was a marginally significant linear relationship between blood lead and PRA in the hypertensive group (p<0.1). In conclusion, blood lead level which has been known to be within normal limits may be one of the possible risk factors of hypertension and PRA alteration by lead may act as one of the mechanisms.
Alcohol Drinking
Blood Pressure*
Case-Control Studies
Logistic Models
Odds Ratio
Risk Factors
7.A Survey on the Hearing Disturbance of High School Students in Korea.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1972;5(1):115-123
As a link of chain study program of school health, a survey was made up by the screening test with audiometry for hearing disturbance on 18,675 high school students who are mainly aged in 15-19 years from November 5.1969 to October 30. 1970. The results obtained were summarized as follows. According to our criteria as table 3, the rates of the profound , the severe and the moderate who required the appropriate hearing aids were 0.02%, 0.03% and 0.14% respectively : the cumulative percentage was 0.197. When the marginal, 0.23% should be included the cumulative rate was 0.41%. But there was no significance by sex and school classes. If we will make the special classes for them one class would be estimated out of 10,000 persons when a class is formed with about 15 persons. Otherwise when we examined that according to each ear of persons, the rates of the profound, the severe and the moderate were 0.17%, 0.22% and 0.33% respectively and their cumulative perventage was 0.72. There was no significance also by sex and age. By the way, the rate of hearing disturbance in urban high school students tended to lower than rural. And the perceptive disturbance was higher than rural in rate. The conductive disturbance tended to oppose in comparison with the above.
Hearing Aids
Mass Screening
School Health Services
8.A Survey on the Hearing Disturbance of High School Students in Korea.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1972;5(1):115-123
As a link of chain study program of school health, a survey was made up by the screening test with audiometry for hearing disturbance on 18,675 high school students who are mainly aged in 15-19 years from November 5.1969 to October 30. 1970. The results obtained were summarized as follows. According to our criteria as table 3, the rates of the profound , the severe and the moderate who required the appropriate hearing aids were 0.02%, 0.03% and 0.14% respectively : the cumulative percentage was 0.197. When the marginal, 0.23% should be included the cumulative rate was 0.41%. But there was no significance by sex and school classes. If we will make the special classes for them one class would be estimated out of 10,000 persons when a class is formed with about 15 persons. Otherwise when we examined that according to each ear of persons, the rates of the profound, the severe and the moderate were 0.17%, 0.22% and 0.33% respectively and their cumulative perventage was 0.72. There was no significance also by sex and age. By the way, the rate of hearing disturbance in urban high school students tended to lower than rural. And the perceptive disturbance was higher than rural in rate. The conductive disturbance tended to oppose in comparison with the above.
Hearing Aids
Mass Screening
School Health Services
9.Concentrations of welding fume by local exhaust ventilation.
Sung Ki PARK ; Kyeong Dong CHUNG ; Doo Hie KIM
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1993;5(1):163-170
No abstract available.
10.Mercury contents in scalp hair of dentists and in their dental office.
Kyung Hee SONG ; Doo Hie KIM ; Jong Young LEE
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1991;3(1):21-31
No abstract available.
Dental Offices*