1.The Imfacts of School Life and Home Surroundings on Adolescent's Smoking.
Kyu Sik LEE ; Ju Kyeong KIM ; Dong Hyun LEE
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2006;17(2):263-272
No abstract available.
Personal Satisfaction
2.Protective Effect of Probucol against Adriamycin-Induced Apoptosis in Cultured Rat Cardiac Myocytes.
Sun Ju LEE ; Dong Seok LEE ; Yong Wook JUNG
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(6):746-754
PURPOSE: In adriamycin(ADR)-induced cardiomyopathy, several different mechanisms are suggested. However, little information is available regarding the role of apoptosis. In the present study, we examined the induction of apoptosis on ADR treatment and anti-apoptotic effects of probucol, a lipid-lowering drug, and we also studied the changes of bcl-2 expression in order to see the molecular mechanisms underlying the effect of probucol. METHODS: Cardiac myocytes were isolated from 3-day-old rats, and cultured in low(1 pM) or high doses(10pM) of ADR for 24 hours. Probucol(50 pM) was added 30 minutes before ADR administration. Apoptosis was determined by TUNEL staining, and bcl-2 expression was estimated by immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: The number of TUNEL-positive cells significantly increased in both groups treated with ADR. However, anti-apoptotic effect of probucol was evident only in low dose. In addition, the expression of bcl-2 was significantly increased only in the low-dose ADR treatment group and its expression was inhibited by pretreatment of probucol. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that apoptosis might play an important role in ADR-induced cardiotoxicity, and ADR-induced apoptosis was partially prevented by pretreatment of probucol. And ADR-induced apoptosis was not related with depression of bcl-2. Additionally, inhibition of bcl-2 gene expression of low-dose ADR treatment group by probucol suggests that another cell survival mechanism could be implicated in the action of probucol. (J Korean Pediatr Soc 2000;43:746-754)
Cell Survival
Genes, bcl-2
In Situ Nick-End Labeling
Myocytes, Cardiac*
3.A Case of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria.
Chung Sook KIM ; Kyung Dong KIM ; Heon Ju LEE
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1989;6(1):185-195
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an uncommon hematologic disease characterized by an abnormal sensitivity of blood cells to the lytic action of serum complement. We experienced one case of PNH in Yeungnam University Hospital from May 1983 to May 1989. The patients was followed up without severe complications of 4 years since diagnosis with the only conservative treatments such as washed blood transfusion, adrenal corticosteroids, androgens, folate and iron preparation, intermittently.
Adrenal Cortex Hormones
Blood Cells
Blood Transfusion
Complement System Proteins
Folic Acid
Hematologic Diseases
Hemoglobinuria, Paroxysmal*
4.The role of G protein in the activation of phospholipase C from bovine brain.
Jung Hye KIM ; Dong Jin LEE ; Yeung Ju BYUN
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1992;9(2):288-301
The objective of the present study was to identify the characteristics of phospholipase C (PLC) isozymes purified from bovine brain and to investigate their interrelationship with G protein. The purified PLC isozymes β, γ and δ were obtained and the characteristics of PLC activity on various concentrations of free Ca²⁺ were observed. The activity of PLC was increased with increasing Ca²⁺ concentration and the activity PLC δ was increased higher in the presence of phosphatidyl choline (PC) than in the absence of PC. For vesicle formation as the structure of cell membrane, cholic acid and deoxycholic acid as detergent on phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP₂) substrate containing PC were used, and then the activity of PLC isozymes were increased with increasing concentration of cholate, from 0.2% to 1% and were increased slightly in deoxycholate. In the PIP₂ containing phospholipid and glycolipid as brain extract, the activity of PLC isozymes were checked in 0.2-1% cholic acid. The activities of PLC isozymes were continuously increased up to 1% cholic acid. The quantitation of PLC isozymes from several bovine organs by radioimmunoassay was made. Brain was the most sufficient organ in terms of amount of PLC β and δ. A large amount of PLC δ was existed in adrenal gland. The binding capacity of GTPrS and G protein was observed and other observations of the binding effect of GTPrS-G protein and PLC monoclonal Ab-Protein A from tissue homogenate with PLC were made. From the observation the binding capacity was revealed the range of 0.11-1.49%. The effects of each type of G protein on the percent activity of purified PLC isozymes were observed. From the observation, activities of isozymes were increased in Goa & Gmix, and the activities of PLC β and δ were increased in Gβγ and Gia. Activities of PLC β and γ were decreased in Gta but PLC δ increased.
Adrenal Glands
Cell Membrane
Cholic Acid
Deoxycholic Acid
GTP-Binding Proteins*
Type C Phospholipases*
5.Crohn's Disease of the Vulva Occurring in Siblings.
Dong Ju HA ; Mu Hyoung LEE ; Hyo Jong KIM
Annals of Dermatology 2001;13(2):129-131
Occasionally, patients with gastrointestinal Crohn's disease (CD) develop granulomatous skin lesions at sites remote from the gastrointestinal tract, separated from other ulcerations by normal skin, a phenomenon that has been referred to as metastatic cutaneous CD. Although metastatic CD of the vulval region has been often reported in English literature, we could not find such cases with family history. We report a case of vulval CD occurring in siblings.
Crohn Disease*
Gastrointestinal Tract
6.Two Cases of Generalized Granuloma Annulare in Early Childhood.
Ju Hee LEE ; You Chan KIM ; Dong Kun KIM
Annals of Dermatology 2002;14(4):226-229
Generalized granuloma annulare is a rare skin disease presenting generalized eruption with a distinctive histologic picture. The age of onset of generalized granuloma annulare differs from that of localized granuloma annulare. Most of the patients with generalized granuloma annulare were in the fifth to seventh decades and cases of generalized granuloma annulare in infancy or in early childhood have been rarely reported. We herein report two cases of generalized granuloma annulare in 45- and 18-month-old boys, who is the youngest patient yet reported in the Korean literature. The histopathologic findings were compatible with granuloma annulare and all lesions completely involuted in two months after administration of topical or systemic corticosteroids.
Adrenal Cortex Hormones
Age of Onset
Granuloma Annulare*
Skin Diseases
7.Isolated Dorsal Dislocation of the Trapezoid.
Dong Ju CHAE ; Kyu Hwang UM ; Jong Moon LEE
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(3):929-933
Isolated dorsal dislocation of the trapezoid is an unusual injury. In 1990 Ostroski found only 15 cases of dorsal dislocation of the trapezoid in the world literature. The trapezoid is a wedge-shaped bone with the larger dorsal and smaller volar surface area, and stabilized by strong palmar ligaments. Therefore the dislocation of the trapezoid is produced hy a violent force against the dorsum of the hand on a rigid object and often associated with other injuries of the hand. The diagnosis is often missed or delayed perhaps secondary to the difficulty in interpreting the X-ray if you have not kept in mind. Several therapeutic modalities are performed from the collected experience of the authors reporting this injury. A rare example of an isolated dorsal dislocation of the trapezoid bone is described.
Trapezoid Bone
8.Clinical Observation of the Neurovascular Island Pedicle Flap in the Hand
Sang Soo KIM ; Dong Sun LEE ; Eung Ju MOON
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1984;19(5):941-945
The skin defects or sensory impairment of the fingers, especially at the critical area for prehension(tips of thumb, index and middle fingers) should be reconstructed for the better function of hand. In our department, we performed neurovascular island pedicle flap transfer for the purpose of reconstruction of sensibility and skin defect simultaneousely to the critical area. 1. Since 1978, we had performed neurovascular island pedicle flap transfer in 14cases, among which 9 cases were followed for more than one year. 2. The operation was performed for the reconstruction of thumb in 8 cases, and index in 4 cases. The most common cause of injury was crushing by machine(8 cases). 3. The island flap was transferred from middle finger(9 cases) and from ring finger(4 cases). 4. Recovery of the protective sensation at the recipient sites was good or fair after one year, but reorientation and two point discrimination were poor. 5. Cold intolerance was developed in 3 cases and callosity was formed in 2 cases. 6. In all cases, the transferred flaps were good in circulation status and durability. 7. It is considered that the neurovascular island pedicle flap is an accepted method of restoring skin coverage as well as sensation to a localized tactile area in the hand.
Discrimination (Psychology)
9.Bullous Prurigo Pigmentosa with Eosinophilia.
Dong Ju HYUN ; Hee Jung LEE ; Dong Hyun KIM ; Moon Soo YOON
Korean Journal of Dermatology 2017;55(3):217-218
No abstract available.
10.Extramammary Paget's Disease on the Face.
Jae Yang PARK ; Dong Ju HYUN ; Hee Jung LEE ; Dong Hyun KIM ; Moon Soo YOON
Korean Journal of Dermatology 2015;53(2):171-173
No abstract available.
Paget Disease, Extramammary*