1.Fornresic pathology study of 20 cases of road traffic accidents associated with high blood alcohol concentration
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;225(9, 10):111-113
We report a forensic pathology study of 20 cases of road traffic accidents associated with high blood alcohol concentration seen at Central Forensic Medicine Center in 1991. In this period, among 224 traffic accidents blood alcohol concentration examination was carried out only on 32 cases, Age, sex, blood alcohol concentration and organ injuries were presented and discussed.
Accidents, Traffic
2.Electroencephalogram in the trauma verification
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;392(12):62-64
A study on the electroencephalogram of 120 patients with traumas in the head has shown that the alpha wave accounted for highest rate, beta wave was 18,3% and delta wave was 4,7%. The very mild trauma, mild trauma, moderate trauma and severe trauma were 44, 33, 15 and 1, respectively. The accidents (7,5%) and fighting (92,5%).
Wounds and Injuries