1.Clinical Verification of the Calculation of Tibial Tunnel Length in Endoscopic ACL Reconstruction.
Chung Nam KANG ; Dong Wook KIM
Journal of the Korean Knee Society 1997;9(1):13-18
Tibial tunnel placement during endoscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction has received increased emphasis in the recent literature. Tibial tunnel length is a factor that affect graft fixation, potential impingement, and graft abrasion. Appropriate tunnel length is a critical tecpnical consideration. A tunnel that is too long may make distal fixation and femoral tunnel placement difficult... A tunnel that is too short results in graft extrusion, necessitating supplemental fixation techniques. This grafl-tunnel mismatch can be avoided if fhe sum of the tibial tunnel length plus the intraarticular distance of ACL is equal to or greater than the graft tendon length plus 20mm (the minimum interference fixation possible when using the smallest available 20 mm long interference screw). Authors published an article to determine the reiationship between the length of patellar tendon and that of anterior cruciate ligament, to calculate the tibial tunnel length through the dissection of 19 cadaveric knees (ACL length (mm)=0.73 X Patellar tendon length-2.69 (p
2.Diabetes Mellitus in Orthopaedic
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1977;12(2):225-229
Diabetes mellitus is one of troublesome disorder for the orthopaedic patient who should be operated on some other problems. Internist will advice and take care of them as far as diabetic problem is concern. However, orthopaedic surgeon should fully understand and follow every details about the condition of his own patient. Gamerin-Davalos hadclassified the diabetes mellitus into four types of potentiate, chemical and clinical diabetes. Potentiate form is not detectable at present method. The chemical and latent chemical forms are subclinical types and will be detected by the special examinations. In the orthopaedic practice, surgeon should keep in mind and perform proper tests for any suspecious symptomes or histories related to diabetes mellitus. Administration of insulin for the diabetes should be full doses but nerve be over-dosed. Neuropathy, vascular changes and infections are the common complications to diabetic patient and closely influence to the prognosis of major surgery. Ellenbery et al. had emphasized that the neuropathy is not a complication but rather a concomitant feature of diabetes mellitus. It may appear nerve root symptome to confuse with the herniated intervertebral disc. Vascualr change of the thickening of capillary basement membrane will causes gangrene of extremities and unexpected massive bleeding during surgery. Susceptibility of infection on diabetic patient is well known fact and in case of chronic osteomyelitis or tuberculosis of bone persist for long time without specific reason, surgeon should check once for the posibility of diabetes mellitus. Administration of any general anesthetic agents will elevate blood sugar level especially the ether, however, fluothane is a selective one at present. In case of surgery on diabetic patient, aceton uria and CO2 combining power should be checked closely for four to five days post-operatively. Blood sugar level should be kept slightly elevated during and post-operative period for diabetic patient. Surgeon should check his patient for any complications in case of increased dose of insulin is required post-operatively.
Basement Membrane
Blood Glucose
Diabetes Mellitus
Intervertebral Disc
3.Clinical Application of Bone Hook in the Reduction of Long Bone Fracture
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1983;18(5):971-974
No abstract available in English.
Fractures, Bone
4.Divergence in Femoral Tunnel during Arthroscopic Single Incision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using by Bone - Patellar Tendon - Bone.
Chung Nam KANG ; Dong Wook KIM ; Jae Doo YOO
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1998;33(4):1009-1015
Divergent placement of the femoral interference screw has been described as a major pitfall in single incision endoscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. This study reviews the radiographic results in 30 consecutive endoscopic single-incision ACL reconstructions using interference screw fixation to find a method to reduce the divergent femoral screw fixation. We measured the angles which were determined by a line through axis of femoral bone block and axis of interference screw in anteroposterior and lateral view of knee(APD/LD),through axis of femoral tunnel and axis of tibial tunnel in the full extension-anteroposterior view(AFT),through the longitudinal axis of distal femoral shaft and axis of femoral tunnel in the anteroposterior and lateral view(APFT/LFT). Average LD(4.96+/-62degrees) was significantly larger than average APD(1.303+/-13degrees) (P=0.008). Significant correlation was present between APD and APFT(g=-0.3882, P=0.034), between LD and LFT(gamma=0.6933, P=0.000) and other variables had no significant correlation. The femoral divergence in the anteroposterior plane occurred in the case with small angle between longitudinal axis of femoral shaft and that of femoral tunnel, and vice versa in lateral plane. During drilling of femoral tunnel, more than 90 flexion causes LFT to increase and the risk of femoral divergence increases. Therefore, in the anteroposterior plane, angle between femoral tunnel and longitudinal axis of femoral shaft shoud be made as large as possible and flexion of knee should not be more than 90 during drilling of femoral tunnel.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction*
Anterior Cruciate Ligament*
Axis, Cervical Vertebra
Patellar Ligament*
5.Remodelling of Angular Deformity in Split Russel Traction for Femoral Shaft Fractures in Children.
Chung Nam KANG ; Jong Ho KIM ; Sang Hoon GO
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1997;32(4):812-818
We reviewed 40 cases of femoral shaft fractures in children treated with split Russel traction and initial fracture angulation above 10 degree. The treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children is various according to age. Satisfactory results have been reported with split-Russel traction. At an average follow-up of 33 months, we obtained following results about remodelling of fracture site & physeal site, possible acceptable angulation of fracture. 1. The average time of traction was 18 days, and hip spica cast was applied for 28 days. 2. Malunion within 25degrees in flexion & 23degrees in valgus & 24degrees in varus was well corrected spontaneously. 3. Average correction of initial angular deformity was 86% at last follow up. 4. Anterior angulation was corrected at 83%, varus 87%, valgus 88%. 5. Remodelling according to direction of deformity was no statistical correlation (P>0.05), and then spontaneous correction of angular deformity was same without relation to direction of deformity. 6. Remodelling according to site was statistical correlation (P<0.05), fracture site 26%, physes 74%. And proximal physes 36%, distal physes 38%.
Congenital Abnormalities*
Follow-Up Studies
6.A Study on Misclassification Arising from Random Error in Exposure Measurement.
Il SUH ; Chung Mo NAM ; Hyung Gon KANG
Korean Journal of Epidemiology 1996;18(1):108-118
There are many epidemiologic studies to find the relationship between disease occurrence and categorized exposure variables which are measured in continuous scales. Recently, it has been found that the differential misclassification can arise when exposure variables are observed with measurement errors and categorized for the analysis. Even though the differential misclassification leads to serious misclassification bias, there is no theoretical attempt to correct the misclassification bias occuring in these circumstances. In this paper, we propose a new statistical method to reduce the misclassification bias due to dichotomizing continuous exposure variables. Since the exposure values are more likely to be misclassified when the true exposure values are close to the cutoff point, the method proposed here gives smaller weights in these case and more weights when these values are far from cutoff point. Simulation studies are performed to compare the bias and the power of the proposed method compared to other methods. Main results are as follows: 1. The proposed method produces the smaller bias and the higher power than the simple method which modifies misclassified data using sensitivity and specificity of exposure misclassification. 2. When the standard deviation of the measurement error are moderately large, the bias and the power of the proposed estimate are somewhat better than those of the modified estimate which excluding the misclassified observations in the analysis. In conclusion, the method proposed here is found to be useful in epidemiologic studies when continuous exposure variables are obtained with measurement error and categorized in the analysis.
Bias (Epidemiology)
Sensitivity and Specificity
Weights and Measures
7.Primary subacute Osteomyelitis in Children: A Retrospective Review
Chung Nam KANG ; Kwon Jae ROH ; Yeo Hon YUN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1994;29(6):1509-1517
In our review of 36 hematogenous osteomyelitis nine cases were subacute form. Distal tibia was the most commonly involved location(four of nine patients). According to the modified Robert's classification cross-physeal lesions were the most common type(four of nine patients). In most of the cases the clinical findings and laboratory data were not much helpful for current diagnosis. Four patients had radiographic findings similar to those of tumors such as Ewing' s sarcoma, osteoid osteoma or bone cyst. Magnetic resonance imaging was useful in the identification of early lesions. In three patients Staphylococcus aureus was isolated by bacterial culture of biopsy specimen. In the remaining six patients diagnosis was made by histological evaluation. All patients except one were treated by curettage and antibiotics. In the other patient the disease showed a tendency of spontaneous healing without operative intervention and antibiotics. Cross-physeal lesion seemed to be a typical finding of the subacute osteomyelitis.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Bone Cysts
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Osteoma, Osteoid
Retrospective Studies
Staphylococcus aureus
8.Correlation between Saville's index and Bone Mineral Density Measured by the Lateral Dual x-ray Absorptiometry & Clinical Usefulness of Saville's index
Chung Nam KANG ; Jong Ho KIM ; Yong Whan YOO
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1995;30(6):1604-1609
For measurement of the degree of osteoporosis, various methods have been used. The Saville's index of the lumbar spine is very simple method. With the object of studying the reliability and clinical usefulness of Saville's index, authors compared the Saville's index with anteroposterior(A.P.) and lateral Dual x-ray absorptiometry, and the Singh's index with the anteroposterior D.X.A. We took the D.X.A. and simple lumbar spine lateral view in 124 patients in same time and also performed D.X.A. and both hips anteroposterior views in 112 patients, then analyzed the correlation between the A.P. and lateral D.X.A., Saville's index and D.X.A., Singh's index and D.X.A. The results were as follows. 1. The correlation coefficient of the A.P. and lateral D.X.A. was 0.46 and appeared the low degree of correlation. 2. The correlation coefficient of the A.P. and lateral D.X.A. compared with Saville's index were 0.68 and 0.83, respectively. Saville's index appeared the higher correlation in lateral D.X.A. than A.P. D.X.A. 3. The correlation coefficient of Singh's index and D.X.A. was 0.84, appeared nearly the same results of Saville's index with lateral D.X.A. 4. Intrapersonal differences were 36% in Saville's index, 28% in Singh's index. Saville's index appeared higher intrapersonal error than Singh's index. The lateral D.X.A. is more accurate and precise method than A.P. D.X.A. because lateral D.X.A. reduces the influence of soft tissue calcification and degenerative changes of spine. As Saville's index is a grading method based on lateral view of lumbar spine, we think that it should be compared with the lateral D.X.A. Regarding this results, authors suggest that Saville's index is not any accurate measurement of bone quantity, but has clinical usefulness for evaluation of osteroporosis.
Absorptiometry, Photon
Bone Density
9.Intraoperative Complications of Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction Using Patellar Tendon Graft
Chung Nam KANG ; Kwon Jae ROH ; Dong Wook KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1996;31(5):1025-1029
Arthroscopically assisted anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) reconsturction provide a technique with less morbidity, less pin, less sacr, lower ris k of sepsis. The magnification offered by arthroscopic visualization also provide a clearer view, more precise location of anatomical landmarks, and the ability to place the graft in the exact anatomic sites. However, in order to accomplish all these goals, the surgeon must possess a high level of psychomotor skills, which take time and practice to develop. Wile this learning curve is being completed, there are occasion when complications will occur, and, realistically these may be difficult to avoid. The purpose of this study is to evaluate author's cases in which complication occurred during the endoscopic one-incision ACL reconstruction using the patellar tendon and to offer some tips on how to avoid them and how to salvage the situation if they do occur. We reviewed 22 complications (11 patients) out of 40 ACL reconstructions performed between May 1994 and December 1995. The complications were divergence(6), graft-tunnel mismatch(5), too anterior tibial tunnel(3), too anterior femoral tunnel(2), too posterior femoral tunnel(2), rotation of screw around the graft(2), guide pin breakage(1), bone plug retraction into the joint(1). It is suggested that arthroscopist should constantly try to avoid the intraoperative complications of arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction and follow the precautions and preventive measures recommended.
Intraoperative Complications
Learning Curve
Patellar Ligament
10.Double-Layered Lateral Meniscus: A Case Report
Chung Nam KANG ; Dong Wook KIM ; Seung Hyun HWANG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1996;31(6):1307-1310
Many types of meniscal anomalies were reported. Authors found a double-layered lateral meniscus, with one meniscus overlying another. The 39-year old male patient had torn medial and lateral menisci. We performed partial medial and lateral meniscectomy, and incidentally found that lateral meniscus was double-layered. It was characteristic that the upper small accessory meniscus was firmly connected from the posterior horn to middle segments of the lower main meniscus along its peripheral edge. We left it alone. The symptoms were gone, So, it was thought that this anomaly was not related to the patient's symptoms.
Menisci, Tibial