1.Homepage to distribute the anatomy learning contents including Visible Korean products, comics, and books.
Beom Sun CHUNG ; Min Suk CHUNG
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2018;51(1):7-13
The authors have operated the homepage (http://anatomy.co.kr) to provide the learning contents of anatomy. From the homepage, sectioned images, volume models, and surface models—all Visible Korean products—can be downloaded. The realistic images can be interactively manipulated, which will give rise to the interest in anatomy. The various anatomy comics (learning comics, comic strips, plastination comics, etc.) are approachable. Visitors can obtain the regional anatomy book with concise contents, mnemonics, and schematics as well as the simplified dissection manual and the pleasant anatomy essay. Medical students, health allied professional students, and even laypeople are expected to utilize the easy and comforting anatomy contents. It is hoped that other anatomists successively produce and distribute their own informative contents.
Anatomy, Regional
Students, Medical
Visible Human Projects
2.Sebaceous Trichofolliculoma: A case report.
Jeana KIM ; Seong Beom LEE ; Seok Jin KANG ; Soo Il CHUNG ; Sun Moo KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1995;29(6):794-796
Sebaceous trichofolliculoma is a variant of trichofolliculoma which occurs in the sebaceous areas rich in follicles and is a relatively rare skin tumor. This tumor is a clinically and histologically easy tumor to recognize that is well differentiated. We examined a case of a consists of a 21-year-old female who had a pedunculated nodule on her scalp. Microscopically, the tumor was large, had a centrally located cavity lined by squamous epithelium and radially arranged sebaceous follicles connected to the cavity. No cytological atypia or recurrence after excision was found.
3.Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Conjunctiva.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1991;32(4):300-305
Most squamous cell carcinomas arise in the interpalpebral area of the perilimbal conjunctiva and grow in an exophytic, sometimes papillary, fashion. These tend to be only superficially invasive and to have a relatively benign clinical course. We experienced two cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva. A 32 year old man had a hard, nontender, round mass at the temporal portion of the limbus and a 63 year old man showed an irreqular surfaced, large mass of the inferior-temporal portion of the bulbar conjunctiva with extension to the cornea. Complete excision of the mass, cryotherapy and 95% alcohol cauterization were performed. After the follow up period of 9 to 22 months, the two patients revealed no recurrence of the tumor.
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell*
Follow-Up Studies
Middle Aged
4.Clinical Evaluation of Treatment of the Optic Nerve Damage.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1989;30(4):631-640
Clinical signs of the optic nerve injury are characterized by absent or diminished light reaction of the pupil on the affected side, a wound in the lateral part of the eyebrow and bleeding from the nose. On X-ray studies, the optic canal fracture can be noticed occasionally. In this study, eleven cases of the optic nerve damage due to a blunt head trauma were studied for 6 to 30 months(average 9 months). Of these, the optic canal fracture was revealed in 5 cases. Among the 5 cases, three cases received surgical decompression of the optic canal through frontotemporal approach with visual improvement in 2 cases(66%). Eight cases were treated by medical therapy with visual improvement in 5 cases(63%). Visual recovery of the optic nerve injury with optic canal fracture(60%, 3/5) was similar to those with no optic canal fracture(66%, 4/6). On the bases of our study, the optic nerve damage should be treated by intensive medical treatment and if the optic canal fracture exists, early surgical intervention should be performed.
Craniocerebral Trauma
Decompression, Surgical
Optic Nerve Injuries
Optic Nerve*
Wounds and Injuries
5.Medical Record Rather Than Myth
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(37):e244-
No abstract available.
Medical Records
6.Correlation Differs from Causation
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(41):e280-
No abstract available.
7.Illiteracy of Brain-Computer Interface
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(43):e281-
No abstract available.
Brain-Computer Interfaces
8.Finding Potential Links
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(46):e321-
No abstract available.
9.Three-dimensional (3D) Models of Monkey and Human
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(8):e71-
No abstract available.
10.Vicious Cycle between Brain and Muscle
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(9):e72-
No abstract available.