1.A Study on Citculating Eosinophils and Basophils in Varous Allergic Dermatoses.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(2):141-153
With recent progres ion in knowledge of immunology, the roles of eosinophils and basophils in immediate and delaye3 hypersnsitivity reatioons have been partly elucidated and generally they are known as marker cells in various allergic disorders. Changes in number of eosinophils and basophils in the infiltrates of the involved tissue or in circulating blood. in various allergic disordcrs have been reported by several investigators, however, there are only a fever ports about skin disorders, especially for basophils because staining and conting method of the basophils devcloped only recently by James and Moore. The present study has been performed to detect the alteration in absolute number of circulating eosinophils and basophils and to find out any correation between the changes of hoth cell numbers in various allergic dermatoses. A total of 84 pati,.nts with various allergic dermatoses and 50 healthy adults as control group were selected for this study at National Medical Center during the period of July to September 1976. The method of staining and counting of circulating eosinophils and basophils was essentially same with the originaI method of Randolph for eosinophils and James and Moore for basophils with only a minor modifications of both. All the blood specimens were taken between 9:00 and l2:00 a.m. and all the experiments were done within 6 hours after sampling. The results were as follows. 1. The mean value+1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil and total leukocyte number in 50 normal control was 126.5+80.4, 31. 413.6, and 5,928.3+1,536.9, respectively. 2. In 20 cases of acute urticaria (duration of illness, less than 2 days), the mean value+1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil, and total leukocyte number was 107.4+95.4, 9.3+7.3 and 9,620+3,240.5, respectively and the result showed a significant decrease of basophils(p<0.001). In 20 cases af chronic urticaria (duration of illness, more than 4 weeks and dermographism included), the mean value 1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil and total leukocyte number was 237.3+202.9, 31.1+12.3 and 7,748.5+1,989,7, respect!vely and the result showed a significant increase of eosinophils(p<0.01). 4. In 15 cases of atopic dermatitis, the mean value+1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil and total leukocyte number was 309.7+402.8, 28.8+16.5 and 7,694.5+3,221.9, respectively and the result showed a significant increase of eosinophils (p<0.01). 5. !n 10 cases of acute allergic contact dermatitis, the mean value+1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil and total leukocyte number was 381.5+269.5, 53.6+34.0 and 7,979.4+1,126.0 respectively and the result showed a significant increase of eosinophils and basophils, respectively(p<0.001, p<0.0.1) 6. In 5 ceases of allergic drug eruption, the mcan value 1 S. D. for eosinophil, basophil and total leukocyte number was 520.0+367.5, 19.6+17.6 and 12,390+2,783.3, respectively and the result showed a significant in.rease of eosinophils (p<0. 001) and decrease of basophils. 7. In 10 cases of scabies, the mean value+1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil and totai leukocyte number was 299.3+216.6, 30.4+11.5 and 8,081.6+3,304.4, respectively and the result showed a significant increase of eosinophils (p<0.01). 8. In 3 cases of tinea pedis with id eruption, the mean value+1 S.D. for eosinophil, basophil and total leukocyte number was 288.9+79.7, 29.6+5.2 and 8,916.7+2,739.2, respectively and the result shovred slight increase of eosinophils. 9. In order to observe the sequential changes in the number of circulating eosinophils and basophils, a patient with wart was sensitized and challenged with DNCB, and serial determinations were performed. During sensitization period the number of circulating eosinophils was not changed, but the basophils increased gradually, After spontaneous flare-up the number of eosinophils increased with the decrease toward normal of basophils. In the present study, we confirmed that the circulating eosinophils and basophils are definitely related to allergic dermatoses and found out the possibility that the difference in absolute number might be related to the causal agents and duration of disease.
Allergy and Immunology
Cell Count
Dermatitis, Allergic Contact
Dermatitis, Atopic
Drug Eruptions
Leukocyte Count
Research Personnel
Skin Diseases*
Tinea Pedis
2.The Mite Fauna of Korean House Dust (I).
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(2):133-140
The mite fauna of the house-dust, collected from 39 houses of Seoul, were examined and the results are as follows. 1) Mites were present in 29 samples (74.3%) and the number of mites collected was 993 in total. 2) The families of the mites distinguished were Pyroglyphidae, Acaridae, Cheyletidae, Phytoseiidae and Smariidae, and the identified species were Dermatophagoides farinae, Deromatophagoides pteroassinus, Tyrophagus purtrecentiae, Landoglyphus konoi and Cheyletus malacensis. 3) D. farinae (53.6%) showed higher frequency rate of occurance than any other mites; C. malacensis (12.8%), T. putrecentiae (7.7%), D. pteronyssinus (5.0%) and I. konoi (2.7%).
Dermatophagoides farinae
3.A Case of Glomus Tumor.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1973;11(1):57-59
A case of solitary glomuys tumor affection 43 year-old woman, who has been suffered from bluish purple colored, smail, tener nodule on the left scapular area, was presented. Surgical excision of lesion was enough for relieving the whole subjective symptoms.
Glomus Tumor*
4.A Case of progressive Lipodystrophy.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1973;11(2):101-104
A case of progressive lipodystrophy affecting 19-year-old female, is reported. Two years ago, she accidentally discovered brownish pigmented, and depressed lesion on the periumbilical area. For one year after that, lipodystrophic process spread to the left lateral abdomen and chest wall in linear fashion and ceased spontaneously. Physically, she had no abnormalities on general conitions and fat distribution on whole body was also normal except the above mentioned area. Laboratory findings are with normal limits except incread ESR. Histopathologic findings showed abscence of subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Subcutaneous Fat
Thoracic Wall
Young Adult
5.Neurilemmoma of the Lip.
Annals of Dermatology 1996;8(3):240-242
Neurilemmoma is usually a solitary nerve sheath tumor, most often seen in adults. Tl: neurilemmomas of the oral cavity have been reported to develop on the tongue, buccal m7; Cosa, palate, gingiva, floor of the mouth, and lower lip, in order of frequency. We describe 7-year-old boy witlf an asymptomatic, solitary neurilemmoma on his upper lip with a brit: review of the literature. Neurilemmoma should be considered as one of the tumors that ca develop on children's lips.
6.A Clinical Study of Oral Itraconazole Therapy in Dermatophytoses.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1989;27(3):287-295
Itraconazole is the first orally active triazole antifungal agent. Authors performed multicenter trials to evaluate the therapeutic effect of itraconazole in dermatophytoses. During 6 months from September, 1988 to February, 1989, 246 patients with dermatophytoses were included in this study. 74 of these cases lost to follow-up and 3 cases developed drug eruption were excluded from analysis of therapeutic efficacy. Duration of therapy were 4 weeks in tinea pedis and tinea manus, and 2 weeks in tinea cruris and tinea corporis. The obtained results were as follows : 1. The everall cure rate of itraconazole in dermatophytoses were 81.3%, and the cure rate in each dermatophytosis were 80.3% in tinea pedis, 100.0% in tines manus, 85.3% in tinea cruris and 68.6% in tinea corporis. 2. The cure rate at two weeks after completion of the therapy(81.3%) was higher than that at the end of the therapy(74.3%). 3. Trichophyton rubrum(70.0%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes(81.3%), Microsporum canis(7.3%) and Epidermophyton floccosum(0.9%) were isolated from 110 cases among the enrolled patients. 4. Seven of the 190 patients experienced adverse effects of the treatment: abdominal discomfort(one); nusea(one); constipation(two); and drug eruption(three). Therefore we impressed that itraconazole is an effective and safe new oral therapeutic: agent for dermatophytoses.
Drug Eruptions
Lost to Follow-Up
Tinea Pedis
7.Trends of Ambulatory Leprosy Patientis Treated at the Chronic Disease Laboratory in the Past 10 Years ( 1965 - 1974 ).
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1975;13(2):75-83
This study is an epidemiological investigation of the trends of leprosy of the last 10 years by age, sex, place of birth, present address, type of disease, onset age and duration of disease hetween the onset and the treatment. The study was conducted on 766(550males, 216females) out-patients who visited the Chronic Disease Laboratory from January, l965 to December, 1974. The importance of leprosy control in the urban area has been discussed. The conclusions are as follows; 1. Average monthly registered numbers of new patients are 5. 2 in A group of patients and 7. 6 in B group of patient. The ratio of male to female is 2. 7 and 2.4 respectively. By age groups, both male and female, the highest age group is 25~34 years. This age group comprised 41. 3% of the 1965~1969 group (A group) of patients, and 34. 7% of the 1970~1974 group (B group) of patients. In the former group of patients, a significantly higher number of patient were under 35 years and in the latter group of patients, the patients of 35 years or more showed a significant increase. It can be concluded that rate of patients of 35 years of age or more is on the increase. 2. By geographical locations of birth, the number of patients from the southern part of korea where leprosy is widely prevalent was the largest. These comprised 59. 3% in the A group of patients and 16. 0% in the B group of patients, followed by 23. 9% and 23. 7% from the middle part of Korea for those periods. The northern part of Korea showed only 10. 6% and 11. 7% respectively. Meanwhile, by present addresses, the number of patients residing in the northern part was dominantly large, and 80.3% of the A group of patients and 79.8% of the B group of patients were found to be living in the vicinity of Seoul. 3. Among the patients from the northern part, the increase of patients of L-type and B-group was remarkable. From this point of view, leprosy control policy for the neighbouring areas of large cities ia urgent. 4. The onset age shows highest in the age braeket of 15-19years with 24.5% in the A group of patients, 20.0% in the B group of patients. This is folIowed by the age bracket of 20~21 years of age comprising 16.8% in the A group of patients, 18. 4% in the B group of patients. A Comparative study of the peroid from the onset of the disease to the beginning of the treatment, showed that patients of less than 5 years amounted 69. 3% in the A group of patients and 64. 0% in the B group of patients. Those of more than 10 years were 9. 4% in the A group of patients and 14. 7%, in the B group of patients. 5. The results of bacteriological examination showed a tendency to increase in the positive rate with 14.2% in the A group of patients and 28.7% in the B group of patients. This is attributable to the increase of patients of L-type and B-group.
Age of Onset
Chronic Disease*
Residence Characteristics
8.An Ecological Study on the House Dust Mite.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1984;22(3):286-294
In this study, the authors attempted to investigate distribution of the house dust mites in Korea on a nationwide scale. Mites were isolated and classified from 211 house dust samples which were collected from 7 urban areas and 3 rural areas. The result were as follows: 1) Nineteen species of mites were identified in this study including 4 new species which were not recorded in Korea. 2) The most frequent house dust mites were Pyroglyphid mites. Among then, Derntatophagoides farinae was found to be dominant species in Korea since this species was more widely distributed and more frequently found than D. pteronyssinus, 3) The occurence rates of Dermatophagoides sp. in the urban areas were higher than that in the rural areas, but vice versa in the occurence rates of other mites accidently found in the dust samples.
9.Significance of Hair Follicle Mite Examination by Skin Surface Biopsy in Disease Associated with Hair Follicle Mite.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(6):1066-1074
BACKGROUND: The pathogenic role of the hair follicle mite in rosacea is still a matter of debate. Although the hair follicle mite may induce a pathologic condition by dermal invasion or excessive number of mites, the number of mites necessary to induce a pathologic condition has not been established in Korea. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to know the causative role of the hair follicle mite in rosacea and the threshold value between 'normal' and 'abnormal' density of the hair follicle mite on Korean facial skin. METHODS: We applied skin surface biopsy to investigate the population density and distribution of hair follicle mites in the facial skin of 50 patients with rosacea (9 with episodic erythema, 29 with stage I, 12 with stage II), 7 patients with demodicidosis and 54 control subjects. The mites were counted in measured skin surface biopsy specimens obtained from three standard facial sites(2cm on cheek and chin, 1cm on nose) with cyanoacrylate glue. RESULTS: 1. The mean mite count per 5cm was 3.4+/-0.7 in control subjects and 10.7+/-1.9 in patients with rosacea(p<0.05) The density of Demodex(mite count/ 5cm) was significantly higher in patients with demodicidosis (115+/-14.2) than in the control (p<0.001) and rosacea patients(p<0.05). 2. The highest density of mites was found on the cheek in the control and diseased subjects. The incidence of hair follicle mites was higher on the nose than on the cheek in the control subjects and rosacea patients. In demodicidosis, the incidence of the hair follicle mites was higher on the cheek than on the nose. 3. The distribution of hair follicle mite was not significantly different among the three clinical stages of rosacea. The mite counts in stage II rosacea were higher than those of control subjects (p<0.05). 4. The distribution of the hair follicle mite in the control subjects was related to a increase of age but not related to sex. The distribution of the hair flooicle mites in rosacea patients was not related to age or sex. 5. Hair follicle mites were found in 33 out of 54 control subjects(61%) and in 40 out of 50 rosacea patients (80%). The mite counts of all control subjects and all rosacea patients were less than 5/cm and 10/cm, respectively. The mite counts of all demodicidosis patients were more than 10/cm. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the increased nomber of mites play a part in the pathogenesis of rosacea and demodicidosis is a specifio disease entity differentiated from rosacea. When the density of the hair follicle mites is above 5 /cm2, a pathologic condition of the skin, such as rosacea and demodicidosis, would have to be considered. Demodicidosis should be suspected when the density of the hair follicle mites is above 10 /cm. In addition, skin surface biopsy is recommended as the most simple and useful clinical method in search of the distribution of the distrbution of the hair follicle mites.
Hair Follicle*
Population Density
10.Clinical study of pigmemted Nevi on the palms,soles,and genitalia in Korean.
Seung Churl BAIK ; Baik Kee CHO ; Chung Won KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(6):896-903
BACKGROUND: There are reviews with regard to the treatment of pigmented nevi present on the palms, soles, and genitalia. One advocated that pigmented nevi on thesa locations should be prophylactically removed to avoid their tuture development into malignant melanoma, while the other believes that this is not practicable. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to determine the incidence rates and clinical characteristics and to discuss the management of pigrnented nevi, developed on these areas of the Korean men. METHOD: We examined 1,537 Korean men, between 19 and 21 rears old, to evaluate the pigmented nevi on their palms, soles, and genitalia. RESULTS: Atleast 1 pigmented nevus appeared in 314(20.4%) men on the palms, 189(12.3%) on the soles, and 117(7.6%) on the genitalia. The sizes(mean diameter) of nevi on genitalia, soles, and palms were 4.5mm, 3.1mm, and 2.3mm respectively. The color of the nevi was darkest on the penile shaft(4.3 point) and then glans penis(3.9 points), soles(3.2 points), palms(2.5 points) in decreasing orders of the points. Most of the nevi was consistent with type 1 by Levers clinical classification and their incidence were 357 on palms, 211 on soles, and 128 on genitalia. Among the 21 nevi of type 2, 13 nevi appeared on the soles, and noine of type 3 and type 5 were found. The distribution of the nevi on the palms was of a rather uniform and scattered pattern, whereas, on the soles, they were distinctly concentrated in the midfoot. Tkie nevi on the glans penis appeared larger and more irregular in outline than those on the penile shaft. CONCLUSION: The plantar nevi were larger, darker, and had greater incidence of elevated type compared with the palmar nevi. From this observation, particular attenticn should be paid to the presence of pigmented nevi on the soles.
Nevus, Pigmented